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J. S. Bach

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Everything posted by J. S. Bach

  1. And over here the norm is 1/48. Don't get me started on 00 running on HO track.
  2. Why? Because it might really have trains in it?
  3. That reminds me of a photo taken in Los Angeles of an F or E unit that had punched its way through a wall; although not far enough to drop on the street below.
  4. But they would be at least twice the cost of Bachmann's version! And probably not that much better.
  5. I think that it is, I enlarged the photo and even with the poor resolution it definitely to my eyes looks like points. I wonder what was the track plan before the electrification? What it here in the photo is way too short to serve any useful purpose.
  6. True, but the hang time was about four hours!
  7. There appears to be a yellowish line immediately to the right of the drainage gratings.
  8. And one's nose does too. I once visited a friend that lived in a paper mill town, I asked him how you could stand the smell. "What smell?". A couple of days later even I did not notice it.
  9. A friend liked dog biscuits, but with butter and jelly on them.
  10. Awww, the poor soul, my heart pumps purple panther p!$$ for him: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/man-who-moved-near-train-tracks-complains-to-train-companies-about-train-noises/ar-AA15KlN3?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=73eeda2995374757989f6f0acecb17c3 But, does he take the train to London daily where he works? 🙀
  11. Wouldn't that be the power control? 😺
  12. It just dawned on me what you really said! Oh, and I still want that hat! 🙀
  13. There was a total waste of a minute or so that is gone forever! 😾
  14. I gave that the "heart" rating because those munchies are in front of you, not me! 😺
  15. I have seen one (in the process of being built) and was not really impressed.
  16. Well, Christmas is a summertime holiday "down there"! 😺
  17. I'll take that hat, the tower would look great on my future layout! 🙀
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