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Everything posted by Kaput

  1. Done it on mine as well (theres even a post in here somewhere from me querying if it had lights). Theres no red lights fitted to them sadly, PCB has plugs for the red lights to go into and they'd work perfectly fine directionally if you get them but theres pretty much no space for the wiring and the bulb. Bit sad in a way that even after 3 retools or so they've not touched the lights and at least made them LED's
  2. Decoder the right way round? Its 8pin so wrong way can still work the motor but not lights.
  3. The default settings on the decoders aren't setup for how the lights are physically connected in the new Dapol releases. Normally the instruction sheet has a little box saying what each function output is connected to so you can try and match it up with the decoder manual (the Bachmann one is a Zimo MX618N18). Its 100 times easier to sort if you can connect the controller to a PC (or use a Sprog) and use JMRI/DecoderPro to program it.
  4. Ah crap. That means I'll have to man up and use the transfers that came with it if I want the nameplates on.
  5. Anyone know of any supplier for etched nameplates for Experiment?
  6. Took the plunge and ordered it with the double speaker.....
  7. Leader's fireman probably needed a swim in the water to cool down.
  8. Trying to decide what speaker to order with the Black 5 decoder, don't suppose anyone has any nice pictures of the tender with the decoder and the double sugarcube (40x22x09) speaker squeezed in?
  9. Kaput

    Bachmann 4TC

    4TC needs Aux 3 and 4 to be logic level functions on the decoder. ESU website/manual claims the 21pin FX4 can switch between full power and logic level but doesn't seem to actually say how to do it.
  10. Kaput

    Dapol Class 21/29

    Seems fairly rare for Dapol to only do one run of anything so they probably will do more but it could be a while.
  11. I have a Heljan Sarah Siddons (the as currently preserved version) and one of the handrails is in need of a tiny little touch up with paint. Any ideas on suitable paint and what colours actually match?
  12. AFAIK its not a matter of functions, its how the PCB has been wired. I'd guess the only fix would be to disconnect the cab lights from the PCB and hardwire them directly to the decoder's function pads.
  13. Many thanks - will be putting in an order at some point once the bank balance recovers a bit
  14. Ah, I see lines talking about function mapping in the manual. Not very clear on how to work it though. As long as its possible its all good though, will probably get Locoman's sound for my Black 5 at some point and want the brake key on F2 since I have Prodigy controller.
  15. Is it easy enough to remap the functions on the D&H decoders?
  16. You don't. Thats the point being made above, the model's PCB is specifically wired so the rear cab light comes on to simulate the guard doing his paperwork or some such. Only Bachmann know why they made it like that instead of fully independant.
  17. I put them inside. The factory ones stick to the back of the glazing. These ones are sticky on the back instead of the front so I just carefully cut them to size and stuck them to the bodyshell itself. Had to put a little bit of off cut (painted with black marker) over the little circle hole under the holes for the blinds so the light wouldn't shine through too much. Just need to the lighting kit fitted by someone that doesn't suck at soldering like me so it can have LEDs and independent control. Then it'll be sound decoder for the 4TC
  18. Well they arrived today and are pretty much exactly what I was looking for.
  19. Ultimately its just much much easier for the railways to control passenger numbers if nobody can get on or off at intermediate stations but I do agree with some previous posts about all the "safety" measures ruining a lot of the experience. Also as someone that travels around solo to visit heritage lines none of the ones reopening are being all that clear on whether they'll actually let a solo person book out an entire compartment.
  20. Unless you are rather deft with a soldering iron to make the lights independant on the 37 its a bit of a no brainer to wait for the Accurascale one. Pushing the coach along with the loco's headlights on will look a tad odd
  21. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Class-73-OO-Gauge-Southern-Region-2-Character-Display-Blinds-EMUs-Dapol-Lima/153902806266?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  22. Kaput

    New Hornby Rocket

    I think his point was more along the lines of what happens when its delivered in a few weeks/months and like mine doesn't work. Mine went back to Bure Valley Models - they don't have any to replace with so option was refund or they could try and send it to Hornby for repair but I think they said Hornby's service dept doesn't even reopen till next week. I did however take the chance that it can be fixed by Hornby so in hopefully a week or so I'll find out..... I imagine if Hornby eventually come back and say "nope, can't repair" I'll just have to take the refund and cry
  23. Many thanks folks - managed to find a seller on eBay selling vinyl sticker type codes that look vaugely like what I'm after. Just waiting for delivery. All goes well the headcode blinds will be in place and I can move onto getting full independant directional lights on it.
  24. Umm, the current version of the HST power cars has the lights connected to the chassis by a plug so if they want simplicity they just need to supply replacement body shells with the light unit already fitted. Replacement is then a simple case of unplugging the cable.
  25. Kaput

    New Hornby Rocket

    Mine turned up today and is sadly already on its way back. Somehow the tender wires are too short for the flexi connector to actually fully push into place with the tender drawbar hooked on
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