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Everything posted by Philou

  1. Agree with what has been mentioned above, though older standards of platform heights show 2' 9" (11mm) above rail height. Mention has been made regarding pencil-at-midpoint and pencil-at-corner regarding clearances for over-hang. Don't forget to use your longest bogie stock that has the greatest distance between bogie centres and the longest overhang beyond the bogies - Class 800 coaching stock springs to mind. Do also check clearances with steam locos at cylinder height - the GWR were generous in this respect and some of their locos could not run everywhere in the UK because of the overall pistons widths. Regarding centres, 44-45mm along straights looks better and allows for clearance - even Cl 800 stock entering onto the main over 3ft radius points (haven't tried with 2ft) cleared other stock on the straight. To cover the widening on curves - you will need to have centres of 50-51mm. IIRC, if you should want to maintain 44-45mm centres, the radius needs to be increased to 11ft! You will need to do some surgery on RTR points to achieve the 44-45mm centres - no such problems of course if you build your own. Here was my approach to surgery on some Peco medium points (any slight sleeper mismatch can be disguised with ballast: and one showing 45mm centres: Cheers, Philip
  2. Philou

    Bachmann 4BEP

    The price is hefty - but it does look good.
  3. @Cor-onGRT4 Ummm .... no . Nonetheless, I know I shan't be buying €10 000-worth of stock from Hornby (or anyone else)! Cheers, Philip
  4. IIRC, the only turnouts in concrete that I have seen in the flesh are those on the TGV lines in France. As the trackage is new I expect they have one model for all turnouts, whereas in the UK where replacement turnouts are laid within concrete track they're probably all made to measure and hence no gain in creating jigs for concrete sleepers. HS2 in all probability will have concrete turnouts as its all new-build, but I stand to be corrected on the point (sorry about that!). Cheers, Philip
  5. @Cor-onGRT4 As I understood it, as from the 1st July, 2021 the VAT rules within the EU are changing and that the VAT rate applicable will be that of the country in which the recipient lives - to use the Hungary example, the buyer there will be charged VAT at 27% and not the Nederland rate of 21%. I do stand to be corrected if I misunderstood. There is another thread on RMWeb where it was all set out. Cheers, Philip
  6. Can I just say that the majority of doors open inwards. If it is a farmhouse of old, the French ones around here would have also had a fly-screen door on the outside of the main door that would open outwards - keeps those pesky flies out that would been attracted by all the cow-poo that the milking cows would have created. When I were a lad, the farms here in rural France were ankle deep in the stuff - though the insides were usually spotless. Do like your 'tôle ondulée' - do tell how you made. It looks exceedingly thin - bit of rust on that and it'll look really good! Cheers, Philip
  7. ..... and don't forget, if you're buying model trains they're classed as toys and don't attract duty (for the moment) - perhaps I should rephrase that: they have a rate of duty of 0% (for the moment). Cheers, Philip
  8. Pssssst - Johnster hasn't got any DCC - plain DC at Johnster Towers.
  9. Then 454g = 23.132mm of a standard sleeper (for those who have gone metricated).
  10. Chums, An update - I have been trying to upload a video from Whatsapp to my Hotmail account to then upload here, but the file is too big! L&B have received stock of their Hornby 6-wheelers with lighting and the video was showing the 'magic wand' in operation - very clever. I also received 3 of the GWR 4-wheelers today and I am pretending that I haven't read the reviews regarding the duckets and rather sparse underframes because they are after all 'generic' (though based on prototype Stroudleys - apparently). I have to say that they do actually look quite good - the lining is far better than I could have achieved and they're far far better than the original 'shorty' 4_wheelers! I await now for the Hattons' ones to be able to do a bit of mix and match. Cheers, Philip
  11. Just to say that I received unexpectedly 3 of the Hornby GWR 4-wheelers - they weren't ordered, but nevertheless included in my parcel. I have to say that they're not that bad for 'generic' coaches. I had read the comments earlier regarding the duckets and the rather bare underframes, but notwithstanding, the finish is quite good. If I hadn't read the comments, I wouldn't really have been any the wiser! I await with impatience for the Hattons' ones as they were the ones I wanted. I see no reason why the Hornby and Hattons' ones couldn't happily live side-by-side. As in the photos posted above, there appears to be a real mixture of stock in 4/6-wheel rakes. I can see further acquisitions being made! If anyone is interested, L&B of Cardiff have received stocks of the 6-wheelers. Cheers, Philip
  12. Hello chums, Just to let you know that a parcel arrived today from the UK (over the threshold value) by RM/La Poste. Joy! No extra charges or VAT payable - probably won't last! Cheers, Philip
  13. Good news - La Poste delivered a parcel from Penarth Road within the last fifteen minutes. Joy! - no additional VAT or fees to pay (probably won't last too long - honeymoon period an' all that). I haven't yet opened it so I shall take care. Whilst it's a sound loco, I shan't get to hear it as my ECoS is bust and still not repaired as I have yet to send it off - that's another story. I will take for a spin on the test track this afternoon whilst Madame Philou is doing a weekend shop. I shall let you know the outcome. In the same parcel were some GWR 4-wheelers (wrong era, I know). Apart from the duckets, they look fine as 'generic' coaches go - but that too, is for another thread. Hope yours arrives soon @The Johnster. Cheers, Philip
  14. Very interesting comments regarding the engine shed. I found that when I did mine (years ago) and using enamels, was to use various shade s of brick colour, let dry and then run a diluted concrete (or black depending where your model is supposed to be) colour run by capillary action into the mortar lines. Wipe off as necessary - it doesn't matter as weathering of the joints is not uniform - particularly where the brickwork is protected under corbelling or under a roof - that area will always be darker as the rain won't get to it to wash off the grime. Repeat the dilute wash as required. I can't show you mine as the dog ate it - yes, seriously! Cheers, Philip
  15. @Kernow MRC Thank you for the link, however, there is no mention of deducted VAT from items ordered from Kernow for delivery within the EU (unless I missed it), though it does mention deduction of 1/6th VAT on books etc., for those living OUTSIDE of the EU. Does the item relating to the EU need updating? Is there an option for having items delivered by Royal Mail as I understand they do not add an extra delivery charge for collection of VAT (presumably La Poste has a reciprocal agreement), whereas DPD et al so do. Kind regards, Philip
  16. Hello Kernow, Can I ask what arrangements you have for exporting to the EU? Kind regards, Philip Oh, and I wish you the best in your new endeavour.
  17. So .... it seems they're in the UK .. good news. However I do hope the question of VAT can be resolved soon as I have a vested interested in the outcome (<------- location). Cheers, Philip
  18. For those who may want to have a look at the link that I posted above, zip to page 12 and about halfway down it has been set out with some calculations - though the calculations are UK - EU, it should hold good for EU - UK. Whether in the UK or EU, the rules regarding VAT are changing EU-wide on 01/07/2021, and will be very similar to that under Brexit - I can see a very big train crash looming that will no doubt last a few months until the rules are understood. Cheers, Philip
  19. Ah ... but ..... but .... AIUI, as the item was ordered AND paid for prior to 11pm 31/12/2020 (UK time), then it should fall under the previous rules and therefore no additional VAT (or duty) on entry, UK - EU and vice-versa. We can always hope. BTW, model railways don't attract duties at the moment - however, Rules of Origin may come into play. I, a small bear of little brain, find it very confusing as there are also values of the item too - whether lesser or greater than £135. A right mess all round. Cheers, Philip PS: There is a thread elsewhere on RMWeb that is helpful - well it is but as I mention above, the values and country of origin play their part in the new world order. Here's the link:
  20. WUT? That was a bit sudden and unexpected ..................! I hope that I shan't have to pay additional VAT when it comes from the UK Cheers, Philip
  21. @Fenman Cardiff Education Committee 1960s - likewise grammar school. Not much money about then AND I was one of five kids - so I did with tables and it's surprising what you remember especially if you use 'simple' degrees ie., 30, 45 and 60 - something stuck. Cheers, Philip
  22. I use a fine nail punch that has 'cup' at its end within which the nail-head fits and stops it wobbling. I know it's a bit late, but for those who haven't yet started their layouts - it would be best to avoid MDF and use plywood instead. It is hard, heavy, the dust is a known health hazard, needs support and depending on where it is to be laid, susceptible to warping by damp. Admittedly, there is a price difference. Cheers, Philip
  23. French curves are akin to pocket-sized multi-transition curves - I had a set of three made by Helix - still got them somewhere. They're too small unfortunately for drawing out 'full-size'. Our drawing office spirals were in clear plastic/perspex measuring from around 600mm to 1200mm in assorted lengths but always had a straight section to start and were graduated - the size/length depended on the design speed and the change in radius. I think there were tables to go with them - I chose to eye it in and use best fit. Cheers, Philip Edit: I think ships curves are complex curves (think elongated S) used in designing ships' hulls - but I stand to be corrected.
  24. I never had a slide-rule - just too expensive at the time and had to make do with log tables. I am glad that the electronic calculator came about! It was mentioned above about ship's curves (didn't know they existed!), when I worked in highway design, we used railway curves for drawing ..... er ..... curves, oh and transition curves for .... er .... transitions. When I left the drawing office, hand drawn plans were being replaced by computer ones - it was quicker hand drawing as the data had to be punched onto a paper tape that was then sent to the punch card operators to then await an overnight run - only to see that the drawing looked nothing like it should due to operator input error . However, the point of the above is - how I should like to lay my hands on a box of each of the above curves now - especially the spiral curves (transitions). It would make laying of trackwork so much easier. Cheers, Philip
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