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Everything posted by Jonboy

  1. Received our national trust guide book today, if ever a book seemed pointless to publish this is it.....although they have removed all details of opening hours for each site which seems appropriate.....
  2. Thinking back when our area starting charging for garden waste around 20 years ago they had a big drive on giving out home compost bins and water-butts. I cannot remember if they were free or less than a tenner each, but were made of recycled plastic and very hard wearing. As an air cadet we helped man the distribution points where they had around 6 articulated lorries of each, with them stacked inside each other, several, hundred to a trailer - they all went over the course of two days.
  3. We have grey for general waste, green for recycling, small green for food (unless a flat dweller who have a shared blue wheels bin) and brown for the chargeable garden waste. Different to all the other districts in the county except the neighbouring one who we share contractors with...
  4. This is true, but many retailers are loosing significant sums when customers don’t pay import charges because they were not anticipated, and the goods are returned leaving the supplier with the carriage costs (potentially of two way travel) to settle with their contracted carrier. (Even if terms and conditions allow the costs to be withheld in this situation it doesn’t always work out that way in reality).
  5. The other thing to be aware of is that if you buy postage online or take the item to a postal counter you may be asked for the item details and value, so they can encode it into a barcode on the parcel to allow for a an automated clearance further down the line.
  6. I cannot advise if the tariff is correct or not as they are mostly described based on the base materials and manufacturing process over final use. The one described will likely get through. duty information can be found here assuming the decals are GB origin (made or majority of materials sourced from GB) https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/dds2/taric/measures.jsp?Lang=en&SimDate=20210201&Area=GB&MeasType=&StartPub=&EndPub=&MeasText=&GoodsText=&op=&Taric=95030030&search_text=goods&textSearch=&LangDescr=en&OrderNum=&Regulation=&measStartDat=&measEndDat= Your registration for Sales VAT has no bearing on his liability for Import VAT (the two are subtly different). Also note the EU are supposed to be changing from July so from then you may, or may not need to collect the German VAT upfront and pay it over the German authorities even if not registered in the UK. CN22 is correct way to go but note the origin is GB and not UK. everyone is struggling, but mostly with transmission of the data..,which is simply on the cn22.
  7. For me the two go hand in hand, due to the scourge of ppi calls, dropped calls, insulation scams etc. for the last 15 or more years, I no longer bother to answer any call from unknown numbers unless I am expecting a call. I also know many others that do the same.
  8. I am sorry, it wasn’t intended to be an exclusive list, simply an indicative one.
  9. This is where it all gets messy morally and emotionally for me. If I as a mid thirties relatively fit person who works from home were delayed a few months in getting a jab, so that other more vulnerable people in the EU could be protected I wouldn’t be upset. If my vulnerable parents and in-laws were delayed getting theirs I would be angry.... I also work from home in support of a warehouse team who’s jobs cannot be done from home , and is it fair to extend their (and potentially their family’s) time at higher risk of transmission. The same goes double for the legion of “frontline” workers from teachers, police, fire, supermarket workers who have less control over their working environments and others actions within them. Sometimes it’s nice to have politicians to delegate the thinking too....
  10. Most big value contracts from the western hemisphere have certain rights to inspect and audit production facility’s and processes to ensure compliance with agreed standards and many other rules such as anti-slavery, child labour etc etc. This contract goes slightly further due to the AZ making no loss or significant profit agreements contained within it. As its a medical product I am pleased the clauses are there. Even if the Moderna facility is in the uk it will also likely be subject to regular FDA inspections as a US company.This is the same for companies such as Abbott medisense over in Witney Oxfordshire that make diabetes test equipment, some of which is for the US market.
  11. For the projects I am planning on playing around with the solder tags and small format may make it a better option than the pins of an arduino.
  12. Might get interesting with the current debate around the diplomatic status of the EU ambassador that’s been rumbling on for the last couple of weeks...
  13. Full (redacted) contract: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/api/files/attachment/867990/APA - AstraZeneca.pdf
  14. The full (redacted) contract is on the EU website. It includes the uk factories as places that manufacture can be carried out without further notice to the EU, but says if they want to carry out production of EU jabs in other non-eu country’s they have to give prior notification as it includes factory audit clauses.
  15. It’s an interesting one because a similar obligation was created several years ago for digital services (mp3 music, pdf documents etc etc) a few years ago (VAT MOSS) but I didn’t really see anything on how it worked out as I don’t work with such sales in my industry.
  16. There is a magazine called Hackspace (intended for makers), currently in WH Smith for £6 with a free Pico stuck on the front.
  17. Except of course there is a team salary cap proposed from 2023, with a transition for contracts already in place....would Hamilton look for a longer contract with various get out clauses?
  18. I mentioned to my wife last night that for me it is already in the list of adverts that don’t mentally register thanks to years of charity adverts/children in need sob stories/nightly news stories from war zones etc etc etc etc. same with the “hard-hitting” radio adverts every 15 minutes, simply filtered out as white noise at this point.
  19. Just discovered today that our carrier appear to be emailing and texting customers their customs fees as soon as we book a consignment, and only forwarding from the uk when settled or returning to us if not paid within 72 hours. This would have been fine if they had made it clear this is what the process would be/is, so we could coach our customers.
  20. The problem we have found is that the Government advice and guidance in the run up was not clear to non-specialist or fragmented, and every bit of advice from the freight industry was nuanced in terms of “subject to a deal”. As only a certain percentage of our business goes to Europe it was a question of how much resource do you throw at something that was subject to change and deal or no deal, and how much do you spend reacting to the reality once the situation was clear. We have sufferered more from the meltdown of our courier than our own lack of preparation. Even now I am authenticating EORI numbers only for them to claim they are invalid 6 hours later....
  21. The other area that has changed over the last 10-12 years, in the area of retail goods I work in, is that credit accounts from manufacturers and wholesalers are less common and credit card limits to businesses are substantially lower (I am aware of of one bank that has offered new limited companies credit cards with a £50 credit limit....). This means the retailer needs the cash to buy the replacement stock up front rather than paying in arrears after it has sold.
  22. Even better as am importer of branded items from around the world we now have to approach various suppliers and request they amend their packaging for a compliance mark relevant to a market that may only make up 2%-5% of their total sales.....given the deadline of 2023 for the ukca mark being “permanently attached” suggesting a sticker on the outer plastic wrap or equivalent is a no-no.... If the uk regulations change will they pay for the compliance checks (as they do for the larger whole of EU market) or try and pass it to us as only relevant to our much smaller market.
  23. Yes the link in the post from Mikeb is the gov.uk advice on it.
  24. Even the CE mark itself won’t be valid in the UK from January 2022....this year is a transition year for companies to replace it or add a CA make for items on the UK market...
  25. How much camera time are they getting in an average race with the goose a mile up the road and all the action in the middle of the pack???
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