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Everything posted by Jonboy

  1. At work I import craft paints by the container load. The entire industry is struggling because lockdown one demand was many times higher than expected, supply was then constrained as raw materials and manufacturing was constrained as lockdowns, non-essential closures and COVID secure production techniques slowed down production everywhere. Just as it seemed to be getting somewhere the snow bomb hit Texas in February and constrained raw materials from the oil refineries all over again for many brands...
  2. The current app allows you to play music via any other app, and overlays the guidance at the relevant time. This means I have around 500mp3’s on my phone and play then randomly through the phones player app, whereas the wife was using bbc sounds or Spotify.
  3. All of the dockless bike schemes (there were three) have pulled out of Oxford.
  4. As @KeithHC says the NHS c25k app is brilliant (although I have called Laura a couple of rude names on occasion). Personally I find I have to cross-train with cycling or swimming both for my knees and breathing/stamina (having done the program a couple of times after sliding back into bad habits). Also make sure your phone has a good selection of music with a decent rhythm (although I also have the rocky Horror show soundtrack which makes for the occasion laugh as a short extract intersperses the background music). Alternatively my wife used the bbc sounds app running playlists for the background
  5. Jonboy

    On Cats

    Well that was a morning. RIP Mika. She was a feisty little so and so and hated being given tablets and seeing the vets, following a broken hock and many visits as a kitten 14 years ago. A scan showed a tumour and lesions, and at best we could have given her 6 months to a year with biopsies, medication and likely weekly trips to the vet. That would have ultimately been more for us than her in terms of quality of life.
  6. One of the national first aid charities had custom ambulances that only allow you 5kg or so of personal belongings (lunch, water, handbag etc) to stay within rated weights.
  7. Which reminds me, next Extreme E race is this weekend....
  8. It was 30 years ago that I started trying to get my parents to buy me a Hornby train set for any Xmas or birthday (having the Tomy Thomas vs Bertie racking set, most of the Thomas die cast models etc). At that point it was by highlighting the single set in the local newsagents catalogues, woolworths or the argos catalog....when 5 or so years after that my parents had the money and bought my younger brother a set it was by taking him to Toysrus to choose from their selection... The decision to start making regular donations to osbournes in Abingdon, and Hattons via mail order (from model rail adverts) came after the non-specialist shop entry to the hobby.
  9. You can get a 750 to run?????
  10. Makes you wonder if that is Christians choice, or the culture driven from Helmet Marko, who seems to be very analytical in his approach to the drivers, and is likely to carry that through the rest of his approach.
  11. It will be worse the other way come July 1st. An EU seller into the uk can register for a UK vat registration directly and streamline their processes. A Uk company selling to Europe needs to appoint a Fiscal Representative in a single EU state to report their VAT and have joint liability for it...at a cost.
  12. Interestingly £40 is around the standard fee for commercial clearances on larger shipments from around the world. I am wondering which division of DHL processed the order mentioned by enterprising western (they have several).
  13. Jonboy

    Preorder email

    The listing are sold from and despatched by Amazon. This means Hornby have sold them to Amazon and shipped to their warehouses for onward sale. There are various programs within Amazon for dealing with product launches and any overstocks that can lead to significant discounting rather that returns as the most cost effective solution. Amazon also have strange price matching algorithms that do strange things at times, without any input from the manufacturer.
  14. Jonboy

    Preorder email

    This mode of showing to trade, taking preorders and then applying knowledge(from previous sales of similar items) is quite common in hobby industries (and motor trade etc), but social media and demand to know everything, has driven the launches from trade shows into the public spotlight far far faster, leading to fastest retailers getting preorders in.
  15. Not used Kernow but we use dpd a lot for work, be on the look out for emails and/or texts* about fees to pay as they only give you 72hours to pay any fees due, and then send the items back, which can take 2-3 weeks... *we have to enter an email address and mobile number or we cannot book the consignment in...
  16. Also the contract for carriage is between the seller and the carrier so you generally cannot claim with the carrier for the item, that is up to to the seller as well. (If you do open a case on eBay and receive a replacement item, do remember to close it afterwards otherwise eBay may later still find in your favour and refund as well).
  17. Out of curiosity how difficult would in depot recovery be if it failed mid lift, and how would that knock onto other units maintenance schedules?
  18. Tracking numbers: starting 1z = UPS JD, then 16 digits = DHL 15 = generally DPD 7(12 digit) = Fedex Others post the first 4 digits and the number of digits and we may be able to identify.
  19. Didn’t GWR pull 6 or so units a couple of weeks back for similar inspections? If so then presumably they are ok for for the PAD-DIDCOT that is still listed as running?
  20. I looked this up a few weeks back and you will still be able to have a “landline” only connection, but it will effectively require a phone with a built in router and a 512kb adsl connection rather than an analogue signal. This will save BT openreach the cost of maintaining and replacing the hardware for the analogue connections. Most isp provided routers are now coming with a phone socket in the back to connect to and the firmware to convert the analogue phone to voip. How it will work when like myself you have VOIP phone in place to connect to the office phone system, and it needs the same IP ports as the ISP solution is going to be fun to see...
  21. We have the opposite at the moment, one of the bridges over the Thames on a popular commuter/school run routes has been closed for three days so far. The advance warning was some standard 3’x2’ road works sign with about 20 lines of text in .5” High font that cannot be read whilst moving, I did go through at a quiet moment and it explains that there are a random set of closures and traffic lights over three potential routes, over 2 miles, over a three week period for fibre optic cable upgrade. The actual bridge closure is signed about 10’ in from the junctions meaning motorists only see them after starting to turn in from the main route and then try and swerve back out again. This is not unusual round here at the moment...
  22. I suppose if your stumping £200+ for a weekend ticket ala Silverstone it might increase the experience, but for TV viewers just another opportunity to be advertised too I guess. Which does beg the question how the rights for tv highlights will work with channel 4.
  23. Jonboy

    Preorder email

    The other bit that floats through my mind is would Hornby need to issue a trading update to their shareholders before commenting publicly on what is going on if it threatens long term perfomance? (I have always worked for a ltd rather than plc with the insider trading rules/obligations to shareholders etc to take into account).
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