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Status Updates posted by bcnPete

  1. has just watched a youtube clip of The Prisoner and seen the white balls...now I get the jokes re my blog...!

    1. 69843


      I am not a number.

    2. richbrummitt


      Really 69843?

  2. the 'three in a row' modelling session didn't happen last night...try again this evening then...

    1. 69843


      Well two out of three ain't bad

  3. second evening of modelled bagged last night...can I make a straight 3 evenings in a row?...

    1. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Hopefully I should be able to get some done too. Herself is off to Greece for a few days!

    2. RedgateModels


      Hope to get the second MERG DC06 fitted to Summat Colliery tonight :)

    3. bcnPete


      We're all on the same wavelength then fellas!!

  4. snuck in a little modelling last night whilst my wife was watching 'upstairs downstairs' (new version)...hope to do the same tonight too!

    1. cornish trains jez

      cornish trains jez

      Got a little bit of modelling in myself last night too. Had been a while since I had done anything.

    2. bcnPete


      Likewise Jeremy...

  5. 2mm mag being mailed...ooooh...

    1. Chris Nevard

      Chris Nevard

      That's a tiny mag, I find A5 too small ;)

    2. bcnPete


      LoL - As they used to say with the Radio Times...'I never knew there was so much in it'....The Young Ones did that gag too!

    3. richbrummitt


      'tis a good one.

  6. sore throat :-( or Badgers @rse as my friends father used to say...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bcnPete


      arghh...that might be where it comes from!

    3. 69843


      Have this and horse trough at the moment. No fun at all.

    4. Horsetan



  7. Its persisting it down here at present :-(

  8. Things are looking up---Account has just emailed to say I can claim a refund on all my tax paid last year...better stay away from eHattons now...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kylestrome


      I would hang on to it. Next year they'll want it all back again!

    3. TheSignalEngineer


      Just check the email to make sure it didn't come from some obscure African country

    4. Jon020


      Spanish govt clearly doesn't need the money. Er... hang on a mo!

  9. big thanks to the person who let their dog cr@p outside the door to our office this morning...for which I have attached a note of thanks above it...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      i cant walk my sisters dog because of that

    3. Horsetan


      Would you want to?

    4. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      yeah hes great rescue dog but always had a diccie belly. so cant walk him round the streets. not nice thing to talk mind you :)

  10. is hoping to get a little modelling in this evening...at 09:30 last night, by the time the kids went to bed, I couldn't be @rsed...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. beast66606


      I'm with Skipepsi, having got rid of mine, I've inherited two more now too !

    3. bcnPete


      well thats depressed me even more - Thanks guys!!

    4. Jon020


      I'm with you Pete. You've my sympathies.

  11. is sitting in front of 3 Lima O gauge Mk I's and an Easybuild coach... :O

    1. nick_bastable


      can you get a 2mm layout in one ?

    2. RedgateModels


      got a brake spare?

    3. bcnPete


      @ Nick...maybe T scale

      @ RM - if you mean the BSK, sorry but it came with two ck's and a bsk...

  12. Com'n Chels...!-)

  13. 7mm - Class 26 - IKEA - C+L - Danger...abort abort mission...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jon020


      Should've gone to specsavers and stayed at 2mm! ;-)

    3. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Excellent! Admire the C&L, have opted for Peco. Looking forward to the 26 thread

    4. bcnPete


      Was tempted by Peco...but C+L looks fun...besides, making a turnout in 7mm will help me make them better in 2mm...

  14. my C+L 7mm turnout templates have arrived...blimey...they are huge :-O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chrislock


      Must be, because my C+L 1/7 turnouts are nearly a foot long!!

    3. TomE


      1 point in a box file next then Pete...?

    4. bcnPete


      7mm in a boxfile has been done already....I'm thinking 7mm and IKEA !-)

  15. have just dismantled, repaired and reassembled my sons Nerf gun...and I thought putting locos back together was difficult :-O

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bcnPete


      NERF - when we were kids we used our fingers as guns...not theses sophiscated toys...yep repaired it and my sons says it works better now!

    3. bcnPete


      Amazing what you can find as 'how to' on Youtube!

    4. Chrislock



      This made me smile.


  16. just orderd a 7mm class 26 conversion kit... :-O

    1. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Oooh! I've got a Novo Hymek conversion waiting in the wings

    2. TomE


      If you drop 7mm stuff Pete you'll be repairing the floor as well as the loco!

  17. about to watch 'Planet of the Apes' with the kids...the originals of course...

    1. RJS1977


      You have non-original kids?

    2. bcnPete
  18. just dropped my stock box on the floor...10 or so 2mmFS locos in pieces :-(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Ouch. Feeling your pain. Once drove a 7mm loco off the end of a lifting section.

    3. ChrisR


      Not nice in any scale when this happens, especially with good quality models, must be devastating. Sorry to learn it's happened to you. Hope in a day or so you can look at them with a repairable view point.

    4. bcnPete


      Thanks all for your kind comments - I will look at them later today...it was one of those suitcase moments where you pick up the handle, and all the contents fall out sideways! - Next time I will make sure the lid is properly secured...

  19. A bottle of Pic Saint Loup to go with lunch...

  20. A bottle of Pic Saint Loup to go with liu

  21. Cold beer - Aperitif - Easing in the weekend...

    1. Jack00


      My weekend already started, 2x67 photography now down to the local for karaoke and booz. :D what a day...!

    2. bcnPete


      Have a good one!

  22. Infill to track started in clay...and its cracked again...think I am going to crack next...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jon020


      If you can wait a while, I think I know where I can get some for you... for when you're over.

    3. bcnPete


      Thanks Jon...have a new plan...let me see how that goes first...

    4. Jon020
  23. Factory restore of PC....again....if only I didn't need it for drawing I would be all Apple now....

  24. You would be mistaken for thinking the King of Spain had died here...after all, he's out shooting elephants in Africa whilst Spain is in crisis...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bcnPete


      it will need more than Barca winning to prevent another € bail out Stu...

    3. Ron Heggs

      Ron Heggs

      You can't solve a debt crisis by borrowing more than you can pay back - Spain should call a halt and solve its own problems, not those imposed by the eurozone

    4. bcnPete


      Well said Ron!

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