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Everything posted by AdeMoore

  1. Evening Tom glad to see an appearance back here. lovely models those in your above photo and set well with the books and glass under is it! Saw your tweet also so knew there was something slightly happening. Take care. Ade
  2. J72 isn’t bad 13’8” wheelbase from https://www.lner.info/locos/J/j72.php and the G6 is 14’ 3” if I’m right so 7” short. the wheels 9” to small which is the hinger I guess 4’ 10” to 4’ 1.25” ummmm!
  3. @cyphermando you know I had looked at that a while back! More research required. @Steamport Southportthanks by the time I’ve replied there ate two more replies! I see what you are saying I’ll take a look at your link. Cheers both.
  4. @DavidCBroadthanks for the research and comprehensive reply by the sound of it an easy option is not there to be had! Unfortunately. The drawing you have found I came across once but didn’t bookmark it so will now very helpful. @30368Richard thanks very helpful perhaps I need to look at the SEF version more closely. “ do not take long to build, in my limited experience kit bashing is time consuming” is the kind of sentence that gives one hope! Cheers all for your reply’s Ade
  5. David thanks had a look there http://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/p/31966/K2104-DJ-Models-0-4-4T-O2-Steam-Locomotive-number-30225 does look spot on whether the chassis and wheel configuration could be modified by a ham fisted bloke is another matter or find a chassis that fits to plonk it on could be a possibility. Nice photo of it from the Kernow website it is copyrighted so I have mailed them to see if it’s ok to use in this instance as it’s reference and research purposes not for profitable gain. With a link back and the fact I’ve already bought the USA Tank from them + this could be a sale they’ll probably be fine. But if not I’ll take it down. Cheers again David for the info.
  6. Thanks Jason I took a look at your link for £45.00 I take it that needs a donor chassis ? Do you know which one it is by any chance? cheers in advance. Ade
  7. Thanks both still looking RTR though if I could! Perhaps a photo or two of the subject may help.
  8. Hi folks needing a G6 tank loco for my Meldon Quarry layout. I know of and have seen the Alan Gibson kit, not being time rich and a part built WTW no. 5 waiting my attention some day. I was looking for a suitable model to bash one from anyone any ideas? I did think of the SECR P class as the cab spectacles and roof shape and tanks/boiler looked right. https://www.hattons.co.uk/312296/hattons_originals_h4_p_007_secr_p_class_0_6_0t_31027_in_br_black_with_early_emblem/stockdetail.aspx then I found the wheels were a foot to small so a way smaller engine. A Fowler 3F perhaps closer driving wheels 4 ft 7in to 4ft 10in on the G6 https://www.hattons.co.uk/540008/bachmann_branchline_32_230_po05_class_3f_fowler_jinty_0_6_0_tank_47483_in_br_black_with_early_emblem_keyhole_san/stockdetail.aspx lots to fettle there though from roof to cab windows etc etc. Anyone any ideas? All feed back welcome. Cheers Ade
  9. Have a look at Robs March 8th post there. Mike Buick on Oak Road does a great job too https://www.facebook.com/mike.buick.16/videos/10157585985589685 hope those links help. cheers Ade
  10. No problem Keith, I’m far from swamped with comments! So my pleasure. The trestles are too wide and I find them a pain and do bang my knees on them! I may try and narrow some, they were only a fiver each from Homebase. But along the walls I’m toying with going with twin slot shelving as https://www.bigdug.co.uk/shelving-c4505/wall-shelving-c5021/twinslot-light-duty-custom-build-wall-mounted-shelving-system-white-p19390/s40704?cid=GBP&vs_vat=inc&utm_campaign=CSS:Shopping:All_Products&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CjwKCAiA2O39BRBjEiwApB2IkiLnsAXxikwHJL5Zm6uQQyAxRStkB9aH_Hl7r5MQYLdItj2Zavad9hoCQo0QAvD_BwE I have a couple lengths in stock. I’ve seen it work well. I know @NHY 581Rob and a few others use the metal adjustable ones from Screwfix I think it was. Still wide but uses them much higher. Hope that helps. Cheers
  11. Thanks John, seems Therefore it could be ok. Having laid some templates down I don’t think my above idea fits the space. I have been trying to find something that some else has made work or an experienced designer put mouse to screen! Found a helpful website http://www.amherstrail.org/ABEL/Downloads/Shelf-Layouts.pdf some handy ideas there I actually remember Chewton Mendip & West Harptree in RM. Hook Basin looks useful. Anyway another attempt, the narrow gauge could run on the top of the twin hidden tracks at the back and be a loading dock to the standard gauge closest track indicated below in black, the other sidings are just less complicated. I found the below trawling thread after thread! By @Nearholmer here https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/106054-planning-a-micro-shunting-layout-4mm/&do=findComment&comment=2133891 think I like the feel of that, so I’ll see if something along those lines fits. But I also realise now the next board although at 90 degrees will provide more space as the viaduct line will be at the rear of it. More to deliberate. Cheers Ade
  12. Where was that mentioned? although with an email alert every 3 minutes roughly I’m sure I could have misssed it! Must be the most updated thread after Tony Wrights! loving the new layout and it’s build up Verbally so far on here. cheers Ade
  13. Maybe down to your browser or platform your using to create the post? quoting your post above there were just lots of empty lines that I deleted to get the bottom of your post a few lines under your signature. Not an answer I know but I’m no expert on how the forum software works. Maybe a post up in the technical problems? Not sure it’s proper name will get the proper answer. cheers Ade
  14. Time to test some ideas! There was always going to be hidden tracks under the rock face at the back of the layout. Then the transition to the next board as it was no longer a fiddle yard if I could help it. I’ve come up with an idea of a tunnel mouth in N gauge looking straight off the Meldon Board South end, the photo I have used is of Trelill tunnel the only tunnel on the North Cornwall Railway so fitting to put there. The running line will slip off left in the photo below under a girder bridge. Above and below this will be N gauge track and I’ll have to widen it as it comes back to meet the 00 gauge track. I’ve ordered a N tunnel mouth not sure if it will go where my photo is or where the loco is the track in the hidden hillside would be painted black to hide it I gues it’s only a photo prop really but I can see it will work? Above 2 photos is mocking up how the lift off hillside/quarry face will be. Below is where I’m stuck a track plan to get the siding from the main line back into more quarry sidings. Ideally to get more to the front not as far as the shark van in the photo below but a line inside that, Y points look nice but could do with ideas. The narrow gauge up on a higher level I’m still hoping to include and it could drop on top the hidden tracks and from above the N gauge tunnel then swing across the main line! Then on an embankment above the sidings. Above is an idea where the next board will go where the stool is and at 90 degrees to last board. Not a massive space this, I’m hoping will be the viaduct board. So the hidden lines before the end of the current board will exit a tunnel and either both head across a viaduct after turning on to the next board or just one of them and a point before the end of the current empty board t9 bring 2 to 1 line. I’ll post up over in help for some ideas, I’ve nothing bar this v basic paint app. On my iPad. But this is what I’m toying with. The main line has got a narrow gauge (brown line) over bridge (pink) and then a kick back on the sidings another. Then a loading dock inspired by the photo lower down. Taken from Burton Latimer - Local Industry: Ironstone Mining https://www.burtonlatimer.info/industry/ironstone-mining.html Is it possible though more playing about tomorrow. Ideas anyone feel free to chip in. Until next time Cheers
  15. I’ve been thinking about the fiddle yards to Meldon. I’ve decided I’m going to do them scenic, which then led me to thinking the final objective is a roundy roundy around my small Railway Room. So why not keep going and get the boards made and erected. First up I bought some DCC concepts base board dowels and on inspection they are the Don! The old TTTE board was beefed up and new timber added, but it’s been in storage for nigh on 20 years and kept straight so should be fine. Joint clamped up ready for a 3mm pilot hole x 2 needing to be both level and square. Two drills follow a 19mm for the flange and a 13mm for the body. DDC concepts instructions say PVA them in, mine were such a snug fit in they went no PVA. Don’t judge the carpentry! Not pretty but it’s there! There we have it, need to work out a solution to make a catch in the corner. Must be plenty of layouts with that, just not noticed them. So thoughts turn to the track plan and further baseboards. There potentially will be a viaduct Meldon or Barnstaple that’s the question and is it possible in my space. Until next time. Cheers Ade
  16. Done a fair bit since June time for a catch for a catch up. More done the home made fence post stuck on. Ah bit of a problem! Some how I couldn’t count on the clear photos I have how many slabs there were on the top level. I had one to many! posts marked and drilled all stuck on. So next SMS supplied glue the deluxe-materials-ad-21-super-phatic-glue. That stuck the posts to the white metal. So the handrail next made from telecom wire superglued. The fence wire wanted to be thinner really but even with a magnifying viewer that’s pretty well the smallest I can see. Obviously close up camera makes it look much bigger This below was my way of straining the fence wires before supergluing. Hair grips surprisingly grippy on those wires with a little weight on. The handrail ends dresssed and the viaduct end was prototypically bent down. Looked ok so a mist coat of rattle can primer thrown on! One can wouldn’t press the inner tube inside the nozzle far enough before it hit the can! It would deliver and I pulled the nozzle off and pressed it against some wood so a faulty nozzle it appears, 2nd can was out in the shed so warmed that up under hot water as I’d read somewhere that worked lovely. A few runs! Anyway getting closer to move on to bigger things for this layout now. This will soon be done and I’m fairly pleased with it next time I’ll buy the bits rather than make them as all those posts were hand made from sheet yes including all the ones I didn’t need! I made one for every trestle, course I only needed every other one. Clean this up and paint it weather it and done I feel. It won’t go on the layout yet as big building work needs doing at the back vaguely where this workers platform is going. Thanks for looking in. Until next time. Cheers Ade
  17. Excellent article in the virtual exhibition Al as Rob and co have already said well written, top top photos outstanding really. Great work of that there is no doubt. Cheers Ade
  18. I’m not a magazine buyer or subscriber, I didn’t even know this forum was allayed to a magazine until recently after signing up 3 years ago! I just looked for a model railway forum this one looked like it had the most posts a day that was that. But your quoted text here has led me to part with twenty quid for a years subscription and very pleased I am too. Lovely photos (as always) and nicely written about both layouts. when I do buy a magazine Railway Modeller or Model Rail occasionally (that’s all that’s on the shelf locally) I do find myself wishing I could pinch and zoom the photos glasses are not enough for me at times well now I can great! + added photos not in the mag. What’s not to like. Well apart from its nice to feel it in your hands and get away from the screen I suppose. Nice 1 Rob. Cheers Ade
  19. Thanks for that write up Pete all looking bob on, hadn’t seen sketch up mentioned by anyone 3D printing before so thanks for the heads up. Cheers Ade
  20. Rob wow spooky that the Sheppy Sheepy I guess as you quoted runs at Dulcote just a mile from home! and I’ve for a long while had a vision of a branch from Masbury to Wells following that valley. But stopping short just of Wells top of Constitution Hill where a Property sits beside the road with a glass canopy veranda all it what you will that could of been designed as a station.. looking forward to this brilliant stuff. cheers Ade
  21. Nice looking layout developing Gavin, excellent work so far. I came across it Goofle searching via images for trestle viaducts, you’ve got some crackers here, what are the sources of these you have made I know you said noch for one of them are they all noch? Subbed watching with much interest. Cheers Ade
  22. Hi Pete, Looking rather good now, I’ve definitely been toying with first learning CAD then probably shipping off the files to be printed by someone. But heard small quantities are expensive and printers getting ever cheaper so owning your own could be the way. Was only looking at downloading something this morning, toying with Fusion 360, Tinkercad, Inkscape for starters! Be good for you to do a how you go about it. Cheers Ade
  23. Looks a marvellous book, you must of spilt tea or coffee on the last page photographed though
  24. Excellent stuff Alex starting to come together now. Really looking the part. Cheers Ade
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