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Everything posted by T30RRA

  1. Measured for and ordered some square bar today. I spent an hour cleaning up the model with viakal and a wire brush tonight, shiny now for the time being. Once the blackening fluid arrives next week, progress will resume. I've got carrs but want to try the birchwood out.
  2. Nothing major tonight. Added the remaining footboard brackets and have set the bearings in the axle boxes. The body is off for a soke in baking soda solution over night. I am awaiting some Birchwood Casey Super Blue for the wheels and buffers, so they will have to wait until after its arrived.
  3. 9% acid flux from Eileen's at the minute with solder (145 and low melt) from TMS on ebay. I have some low melt solder from carrs but haven't really used it yet.
  4. I've had a look at the kit and instructions etc. a bit further on then I am with the build. Due to ballast boxes, the underneath is visually obstructed so there's little to nothing to gain by adding the brake gubbins. I will beef up the frame though so the posts are solid and not L shaped
  5. The square bar is a good idea. I'm not sure how bothered I am about the underframe detail but will look into what is involved. Today I put the foot boards on. There's still an extra support bracket each end of both foot boards to fit, then its onto the axle boxes.
  6. I've since added the transfers and painted the veranda floors to look like a more woody effect, they will be toned down with weathering powders before a coat of matt varnish. Going to fit dcc lights to this too, as long as I can hide the chip under the body.
  7. Connoiseur models 20T brake van, I've only spent about 10 hours on it so far. It will be finished in LMS bauxite.
  8. What's in the box? Slaters bits are extras obviously and I will use 10BA crankpins.
  9. More progress on the 03. Just window wipers, roof strips, front steps, couplings and the cab interior to do plus lamps. Maybe some brass wire to ads on the nose.
  10. And so we have our contender. 48046 of Northwich shed (during the late 50s) with tender number 4504.
  11. Apologies Michael, would you mind if I hijack this thread for the build? It won't be immediate though.
  12. Some more progress this week. Thankfully drilling the WM bonnet for the filling caps was a lot easier than drilling it for handrails. The lost wax horns are also a bit delicate even in brass, I had to gently straighten them.
  13. Thanks. I've seen models of them like it but never any proof.
  14. Does anyone know if 03 shunters carried the br coach roundel? Even better if you've got a photo of one? Thanks.
  15. Jumping on a bit, the chasis is now finished other than trimming the crank pinks. I'm making good progress on the body and running plate, with work started on the handrails last night.
  16. Sorry for the delay in responding. The rivet press is metal smith. The planked floor, internal side panels and veranda infills are scratch built from plastikard. I used slaters stove and brake stanchion and I swapped the buffers for slaters lost wax brass ones.
  17. Near enough finished now. Just need to refit the buffers, glaze it and transfers/ weathering.
  18. Finally got this primed last night. Might start the paint tonight.
  19. Not much left to do. Lamp irons and duckets on.
  20. Rob, how did you add the rivets to the top of the casing?
  21. Can anyone enlighten me what a double skinned veranda screen is? Ps. Latest photos of the kit.
  22. Buffer beams on. I don't get much time for my kits at the moment so it's taking a long time.
  23. The almost finished chassis. Just got the rods to put on once their out the paint shop.
  24. It's been a while since my last update. The solebars are finally finished and I've done most of the corner strapping tonight.
  25. So finally done some more last couple of nights. Rivetting is mostly done and been adding the brackets, I'm on the triangular brackets now which are a pig. I will post again once the sole plates are finished.
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