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Everything posted by Catkins

  1. You mean no-one like Hornby or Bachmann? Check out Hattons, they've been planning these since, at least, October to my knowledge.
  2. I work in road haulage, and we often get the option to work on most bank or public holidays - with the exceptions of Christmas Day, boxing day, and New Years Day - I would argue that with the technology and lifestyles of the early 21st Century, then bank holidays as distinct days should be dispensed with, and the days added to the legally protected holiday entitlement. Days like Easter day, Christmas Eve and Christmas day should be fixed STATUTORY shut downs, and "New Years Day" should be either the Friday or Monday next to the 1st weekend of the new year. As for people spending time with family, I'm in the position where I don't have any immediate family living with me, I see my mum one weekend each month, and speak to her every weekend, and my brothers live in other parts of the country, with their own lives and families, so we rarely all meet up anymore. If I worked in retail or for an essential service, then I would be happy to be working over Christmas and New Year, and if that released a holiday slot for someone with a family, then all the better.
  3. I would suggest TWO stations, one at Wells Road, for the City of Wells, and one at Meare Road - with a good comfortable bus interchange and park and ride parking.
  4. I would think that the 800 would come off worse, but there might be one or two slightly bruised piggies.
  5. That never struck me before, and I've been to the brewery a few times.
  6. The works started last weekend, the tailbacks were lengthy on Monday, but had lessened by Thursday. The workers ran out of something vital for the job on Thursday night - so they packed up and went home, taking the lights BUT leaving the lane barriers in place on the Lincolnshire side of the A17.
  7. I'm sorry if this has been answered already, but as I said earlier up thread, each truck in the platoon will communicate by bluetooth links, and the theory is that the platoons will form as the trucks are moving. it is intended that truck 1 will be driving along a known route, truck 2 has a route that shares some of the roads as truck one, and truck 3 has a route that shares some of the roads as the other two. As truck 2 catches up to truck 1, driver 2 matches speeds and sends a message to truck 1 asking to join the platoon, truck 1 responds with "yes", and then you have a two truck platoon, when truck 3 catches up with the platoon, driver 3 sends a message asking to join the platoon, and again truck 1 responds. The messages that get sent by the driver are already programmed into the trial trucks software, and are sent by pushing a single button. When it comes time for a truck to leave the platoon, the driver will send a message to the platoon to tell them that a truck is leaving the platoon.
  8. Regarding HGV "Platooning";- Firstly, each truck in the "convoy" will have a driver, it is not known how staring at the back doors of the lorry in front will affect the drivers. The drivers will drive the trucks from the loading points to a convenient location to the hub depot, where they will push a button that activates the platooning softwear. Secondly, the communication between each vehicle in the "convoy" will be done using bluetooth connections, the same as pairing a phone to a car stereo. Lastly, Daimler-Benz, parent company to Mercedes-Benz in europe and Freightliner Trucks in the USA, have already tried platooning in the US, on roads that would be ideal for it, but the fuel savings that they got in the real world were only a third (4-5%) of what had been predicted (12-15%) and as such, they cancelled any more trials. Now in my opinion, what the Dft/Transport Research Laboratory should be doing is experimenting with platooning, but also comparing it to a proper road-train. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fets2.lt%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F09%2FEurolink-2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fets2.lt%2Fen%2Feurolink-ljungbyhed-ekeri-combo%2Feurolink-2-3%2F&docid=qy4PKyJhZvvhnM&tbnid=GuyozlmhchKYkM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiZ74CJx73kAhURxoUKHY44CI0QMwhFKAUwBQ..i&w=1000&h=563&hl=en&bih=632&biw=1366&q=Eurolink trailer&ved=0ahUKEwiZ74CJx73kAhURxoUKHY44CI0QMwhFKAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.denbytransport.co.uk%2Fimages%2Fmade%2Fimages%2Fcontent%2FECO_TRAILER_-_Denbys_June2012_026_750_427_90_s_c1.JPG&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.denbytransport.co.uk%2Fabout_us%2Feco_trailer&docid=oh4DS-ScrYHpSM&tbnid=5Ni8b604YHeU-M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiZ74CJx73kAhURxoUKHY44CI0QMwiqAShRMFE..i&w=750&h=427&hl=en&bih=632&biw=1366&q=Eurolink trailer&ved=0ahUKEwiZ74CJx73kAhURxoUKHY44CI0QMwiqAShRMFE&iact=mrc&uact=8
  9. That will be the quite long section from Junction 8, Stanstead Airport all the way up to junction 13, the end and A14.
  10. This has resulted in Norfolk County Council applying 60mph speed limits on short sections of the A17.
  11. Going back to the Bagult crossing incident, I noticed that the signaller at the work station had previously worked two mechanical boxes in NORFOLK! If a train crew is supposed to have route knowledge, would it be an idea for the signallers responsible for a route to also study, and sign for, the route knowledge?
  12. If that is for the current era, then I would say go for a blank nose, with the current group standard light clusters.
  13. I don't know if this would count as an imaginary railway, but;- The Midland & Great Eastern Joint Railway - A Mainline built from the Newark-On-trent/Sherwood Forest area across the Fens to to Kings Lynn, a route that is currently filled by the A17. I can't imagine that there would be much of a commercial need that couldn't be met by the routes that were built by the various "railway mania" and pre-grouping companies, but then again, It's not unknown for different companies to fall out over running rights. My rationale for the route is that it allows the Midland Railway access to the east coast ports of King's Lynn, Yarmouth and Lowestoft ( via the GER ) for coal exports, and it allows the Great Eastern Railway access to the midlands for fish and agricultural traffic. I'm not sure, yet, how or where the line would cross the Trent, Welland, Nene, or Ouse rivers, but at this stage in time I am only looking at a rough route anyway.
  14. If I was in the position of the OP here, I would have no worries about reporting the incident. Yes we ALL have bad days, sometimes there might be an unknown (by all parties) health problem - I speak as someone with depression, and I find I get angry very easily - Is there an issue with the conductor's health? Has there been another 'incident' earlier in the conductors shift? Is the conductor really in the right (customer facing) role for their personality? - I know I'm not a "people person" and couldn't do a customer facing job. I would report the incident - not complain - because the points I've mentioned above might be investigated by the TOC.
  15. It's the bridge known as Rhubarb Bridge by the trading estates. Or do you mean the rest of it?
  16. John, I'm going to have to disagree with your statement, that I've highlighted in red. The line from March to Spalding crosses fenland, with numerous drains, a requirement to provide solid foundations that don't sink, the Rivers Nene, The Nene (New Cut), and Welland, along with two main roads (A47 and A141) at Guyhirn , all that costs a lot of money, especially maintaining a foundation that will keep sinking into the fens. The 1980's consultant you refer to was called Serpell, and he produced a report in 1982 that proposed closing the ECML north of Newcastle!! (he did get a knighthood for it though) The M&GN was as much a politically motivated closure, as it was a cost saving exercise. Most of the former M&GN formation from Peterborough to the outskirts of Norwich has been used for road improvement, including the site of the old bridge at Werrington - the site is now where the A47 crosses the ECML and A15.
  17. On the subject of Roundabouts, I'm heartily fed up of people who seem unable to read the roadsigns and road markings at the approach to the A17/A16 junction at Sutterton (lincs) https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.8907446,-0.071697,14z?hl=en Approaching the roundabout on the A17 heading eastbound, the signs and markings indicate that the left lane is for (in order of exits) Sutterton, A16 north to Boston, and A17 East to King's Lynn, and the right lane is for A16 South to Spalding. As a 'professional' drive, I'm expected to follow the signs etc., but I always find that there are vehicles that get in the right hand lane but exit towards Kings Lynn, which then means I have to alter my intended speed to account for them. There is a similar situation at Sutton Bridge, where the A17 turns left to go towards the swing bridge.
  18. Looking at the video, the white van appears to be continuing around the roundabout, but I could not see a signal. The car driver still made the mistake of trying to beat the van round. And what do you do where the approach signs tell you otherwise?
  19. The last deep Mine in england - Kellingley, closed December 2015 - was going to be filled with concrete. The site has been cleared of all but two buildings, and it looks like the land will become another housing estate. With regards to the "decent" employment opportunities, as a nation we rely on the service industries to earn money and they do not generate the amount of income that supports a reasonable wage, neither do they generate the same levels of career progression that heavy industry and engineering would provide. But none of this has any relevance to the increasing carbon footprint, as has been mentioned before a growing world population is increasing the output of carbon dioxide and other environmentally harmful actions.
  20. "Have you seen my pet spider, he's in this matchbox" That normally encourages people to move away.
  21. It looks like the trailer brakes weren't applied and the driver was coupling up. I'd hate to be in that meeting!
  22. Slightly off topic here. I live in Grantham, but the transport yard that I'm based at is in South Lynn, the journey can take me between an hour to an hour and a half, and I'm normally taking enough kit to spend the week away from base, I would happily go by train but I feel that the journey will take considerably longer by rail (and bus). The other issue to consider with reducing our carbon footprint is how the commercial supply chains have become less "local" and more "globalised", for example I take malting Barley from Norfolk to Burton Upon Trent, and can then be tasked to take the malt to Manchester, or I'll take Oilseed Rape to Erith (kent) for milling!! It will take a lot more than not flying overseas on european holidays to greatly reduce peoples carbon footprints.
  23. You mean I've spoilt it for everyone else?
  24. That is a very good "photoshop" there Corbs. if you look closely at either gentleman, you will notice that there is a visible out line to them, along with the lack of any background beyond the shed building. to answer your location question, the are at New Romney on the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch railway. these will be the 15inch gauge, I forget the scale, pacifics that J P Howey ordered from Davey Paxman of Colchester, they are designed in the style of Gresley A1s, but the big give-away is the desigh of the tenders. I hope that helps.
  25. Kenton has "vanished" before, I believe as a result of external requirements, but he did return. I have noticed that some profile names are in grey and the profile holder is a "retired" profile - does that mean they have chosen to quit the forum?
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