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Everything posted by franciswilliamwebb

  1. Damn shame. Saw him with Feelgood and Solid Senders.
  2. That's Eileen from Coronation Street. Finally, we know what they do during the rest of the week😏
  3. On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me, A cartridge of 10cc...
  4. They all fit in a closet? Where do I find a wife like that? 😄
  5. Good grief 🙄 That Baldwin's a cracker, keep at it until you get a similarly usable Hunslet 🙏🏻
  6. Perhaps someone from Hooters, whose TT experience should be invaluable 😉
  7. Is that the right link? I only get a product announcement, not a review😕
  8. Perhaps a new Point’n’shoot sub-class is needed😉
  9. Plenty of soap gives you Beelzebubbles?
  10. For though I did the loaves and the fishes, Network Rail’s ways are just too mysterious😉
  11. Roket Card Glue is my go-to for card to plastic.
  12. "Amazing movement" it says. It certainly is 🙄
  13. A Special Botanical Operation? 😇
  14. Let's hope they've got their sums right on the Kwasi Kwarteng bullion train set 😂
  15. Funny you should mention Silver Bullets. I wish, but seeing the rest of the debut freight range I'm expecting a Polo Mint Tanker real soon 😉
  16. Thank god you were here, I very nearly bought the wrong Flying Scotsman in the wrong scale 🤣
  17. https://uk.Hornby.com/products/lner-class-a1-4-6-2-4472-flying-scotsman-era-3-tt3004m
  18. I’ve always ignored that 🤪
  19. Although the champagne won't turn up until Phase 2 😉
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