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Everything posted by Erixtar1992

  1. I have no use for a 37 but was just telling a friend the other day how much i fancy one just for how good they sound. i may have to invest in the ROG version and pretend its on a detour down the chilterns! just please dont make the mistake other manufacturers do and give an unrealistic expected release date. If you can genuinely turn it around in a years time then amazing but if not just say! Lol
  2. if that was true the railway would come to a grinding halt when trains go through a neutral section lol you regularly hear the 25kv drop out if you sit in a train under the pantograph, aswell as aircon switching off ect for a few moments
  3. I have a powercab and its brilliant. it does however have a couple limitations which a friends Z21 setup on a smartphone does not, mainly being able to operate funtion 10-30 without faffing about, something which is starting to bug me now that i have so many sound fitted locos.
  4. Golden valley line swindon - kemble was only recently double tracked again, after originally being double track then singled back in the day. some sort of freight must surely go up towarda gloucester way from swindon
  5. Todays project has been rebooting my 165 project. bodyshells dismantled, light units plastic welded so they are flush, then shells soaked in brake fluid and repeatedly scrubbed every half hour or so untill bare plastic. have began painting it and so far its going okay other than a bit of paint bleed from me being silly, nothing i cant sort. i have one problem though, i need someone who does the transfers!! any ideas?
  6. Cheers mate, yeah its a bit wierd, ive got a few that run superbly but ive just chucked one in that L11 and its all jerky in one direction only when its been ran for a minute or two, to the point where it just gives up. also had one like it in my 73 stock. Just luck of the draw i guess! yeah, after seeing a friends layout and having a good hard think, i decided it would be less work to cut my losses and start again, but start off with the very best!
  7. We used to send HST’s from old oak and back via the greenford loop for turning, majority of the time it was because we had a failed power car and sods law meant the only serviceable one on the depot was the wrong way round. that or turning it so the first class was at the london end, was the usual reason.
  8. Yeah that was me! On 4L47. I was like oooh thats different, didnt know it would be a GB bloke!
  9. Little random bit to add, but HST’s run at 5.1 bar instead of 5 bar when in running (brakes released) cant remember the exact reason, was told years ago now but im sure it was also to do with increasing the speed the brakes apply.
  10. Just clocked it must have been you i saw up near wembley the other night around midnight or so
  11. Gave one of my S stock a little run on Bradfield, my local clubs layout. heres a couple pics. Both S stock will be fitted with legomanbiffo sound shortly!
  12. Thanks mate! yeah me too! Im pleased with it just having a few motor issues, tenshodo’s seem to be very hit and miss.
  13. The different displacement and exhaust setups help change the note too, aswell as having a mechanical engine governor. then you have a 57 which is just a 12cyl version of the 59’s engine, but has a much different sound with a very distinct supercharger whistle to it. yeah i have mate, the 59s are a beast!
  14. Shame the mirrors are useless in reality, haha!
  15. Yeah just waiting for my turn in the que! ah right, just double checked, yes it is down. It must have just happened as i was on the site recently. send them an email mate, think its tim@timhorn.co.uk ive been getting replies from someone called Adrian, made me feel a bit silly when i started the email with ‘hi tim!’ Haha!
  16. Cheers mate, unfortunately its just got too many issues for my liking, hence the fresh start. I really want something i can exhibit and being LUL its something very out of the norm!
  17. Also, have just finished building a model of the acton works shunter, L11 in ex works condition. Dcc wired / fitted and looking smart. Something different!
  18. so, following on from my last post. here are the plans for what will now be named Harefield Road. 8x2 scenic modular baseboards so i can have a different configuration for home compared to exhibitions. at exhibitions il use the 5x1 boards straight on each end, so i can run a train all the way through. at home i wont have the room for through trains so it will just be used as a terminus. The 2x2 and 4x2 boards will stay at home as they are solely for connecting the fiddle yard up around the corner of the room. station will be a condensed version of Harrow on the Hill, 4 platforms instead of 6 as they would have been built at a similar time. have purchased a custom crossover junction from pc recycler (Pat) on ebay which will massively help out as it retains the 51mm track spacing and is much shorter (aswell as looking awesome! will have a small depot or sidings area at the front depending on what fits layout still based at the same location, but a better track plan.
  19. I reckon instead using a pair of curved platforms without the end ramps would look better, aslong as you fence the ends off!
  20. hi, im aware of the price in the link, biff mentioned on here that there will be an option for a single V5 and a matched Lokpilot, so i assume it must be doable, hence the question on price for this combo. i get what you are saying though, if there is a delay in the soundfile before movement takes place the lokpilot would already be on the move in theory ect.
  21. Haha just to be awkward! hopefully they are able to fit another short file on there, as i would like to renumber one into 66763, would be a shame to go to that massive effort then miss off something so easy :-) really looking forward to these!
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