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Everything posted by Sprintex

  1. Some bloke offered to sell me a TV for £1 just because the volume control was broken. I mean, you can't turn that down.
  2. My MG Montego Turbo also had a carb cooling fan that ran for about 15 mins after switching off to prevent fuel evaporation due to heat radiated from the turbo. Also remember it had a little clamp round the dashpot on the SU to stop it blowing out due to the boost pressure Paul
  3. Couriers are fond of chucking things around, there was a famous one here where they tried to throw a parcel over a locked gate so it was "safe" in the owner's garden. Unfortunately they managed to throw it onto the roof instead !! On a lighter note I do know someone who also had their new loco thrown over the front hedge by a courier - he was gardening at the time and it hit him on the head Lucky it was N gauge! Paul
  4. Without a rapid reduction in the human population of the planet (and that's really gonna happen the way some people are churning out the kids like rabbits, because it's a 'right' to be a parent however (in)capable you are) then a lot of animal species are already doomed to extinction, along with a lot of the insect life that forms a vital part of the food chain. The sixth Mass Extinction Event is already under way and it's doubtful enough can be done to minimise its effects. Happily humans are in that doomed list so keep up those toxic emissions everyone, because the sooner the verminous human race is wiped out the quicker the surviving species and the global ecosystem as a whole can start to recover. Paul
  5. As a confirmed Aspie I can think of little WORSE than having a stranger trying to talk to me on a train!! This little cartoon from "Dinah the Aspie Dinosaur" captures it perfectly . . .
  6. I wanna know what cruel so-and-so made the word for "word blindness" an anagram of DAILY SEX? Paul
  7. You are kidding? Barely enough "boot" for a thin rubber spoiler in that photo, the Sapphire had a good couple of feet of boot similar to its Cortina predecessor like the white one below. Plus all the Sapphires had a proper grille between the headlamps and a shorter bonnet, not the full-length bonnet almost down to the bumper like that red one. Paul
  8. No picture 'cos I'm at work, but days like today when it's absolutely chucking it down with rain. Love it!! Paul
  9. Thin? Is it multi-stranded? I know normal decoder wire is 10/0.1 - ie, 10 strands of 0.1mm wire. Paul
  10. At first he was "Uptight," about it, but now ". . . Everything's Alright" Paul
  11. You think they have time to read those labels? It's up to the sender to protect it adequately in the first place, most sorting is either done by machine, or by staff who don't have the time to stand around reading labels apart from the one telling them where it needs to go. Paul
  12. I recently acquired a Dapol HST bookset from Ebay, got it quite cheap as the white lights didn't work on the motorised power car. After some swapping around it appears both LED lighting boards function OK, but the fault seems to be on the loco circuit board. Since I need to fit a decoder anyway I was wondering if I could just fit a wired decoder and run the LED lights straight from it, thus dispensing with the faulty PCB altogether, maybe needing to change some settings to lower the output voltage if that is possible? Or will I still need to fit some sort of resistors in the supply to the LEDs? Thanks in advance. Paul
  13. Definitely not Colin McRae - it's still the right way up. Paul
  14. Sprintex


    I can assure you I won't be talking to any machine - if it ain't got a button or switch to work it then it ain't getting operated !! I avoid speaking as much as possible as it is unless absolutely necessary, one of my Aspie traits, I don't feel the need to communicate verbally but have to sometimes unfortunately. Paul
  15. Sprintex


    Yes. A long time ago, long before this AI thing. Paul
  16. Utter rubbish!! And I agree with Apollo - just using the thread as an excuse to soapbox about leaving the EU. Paul
  17. Excellent work As an ex-Artic driver myself though there IS a glaring omission, especially with the unit and skeletal combination . . . . . . suzies! I did these ones in N gauge, so shouldn't be too difficult to replicate in 00.
  18. I'm intrigued as to why telephone lines would be green? Having been a telephone engineer in the past all domestic drop-wires are black as they are plastic or rubberised coated, whether the single type to one house or the thicker OH cable for multiple lines (like you see along country lanes sometimes). Railway telegraph wires might be different and just be exposed copper cable, I don't know? That's the only way I can see they would be green, just like overhead catenary. Paul
  19. Internet? Pah, never use it meself. Passing fad, it won't last . . . . Paul
  20. Whilst I realise that was a tongue-firmly-in-cheek comment I would like to add that some of us that are on the spectrum, as in the ASD/Asperger's spectrum, have no more 'needs' than anyone else - we just have different social interaction levels and/or sensory difficulties Paul
  21. You're right, it was £15m, just checked on Companies House. Even so that's three times what the company I work for does per annum so still impressive! Must clean ears out Paul
  22. I knew Hattons were big but didn't realise their annual turnover was in the £50m league! Paul
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