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Everything posted by D7063

  1. What a fantastic shot!!!! info on flickr suggests that this was a regular occurrence to load up carpets.
  2. Automatic air brake equipment tonight - that two stage compressor for the 'Peak' looks a beast, from the picture it doesn't look much smaller than the Sulzer powerplant!!!! Prepared to accept that there is nothing to gauge the scale though. A class 71,and a 73 put in an appearance too.
  3. I should have just scrolled down a bit to the part that says 'regulator rectifier unit' where I can see that rectification is performed using silicon diodes!
  4. Garbled description on the page in the link - not Nearholmer's excellent summary 🙂
  5. Although having read that rather garbled description I see that there would need to be a battery in circuit initially so it is not quite self exciting! Because the battery is present that would mean a charging circuit and some form of rectification...hmmm🤔
  6. Thanks Nearholmer, I hadn't thought about it being a 'self excited' type with the automatic voltage regulator controlling the field for the exciter. This would make it a three phase AC machine, do you know what they would have used to rectify the AC in those days, or would all the loads have been AC so it didn't matter?
  7. I may have the scale wrong but that generator (or possibly alternator) looks fairly compact for 20kW. I am intrigued by the description - permanent magnet?
  8. A nice advert for a triple valve - Tesla fans may be familiar with the octovalve which is a pretty impressive piece of engineering from a modern age. From the advert It looks like these triple valves are used on those W&M railbuses :)
  9. Yes, I used to watch MGR trains causing quite a bit of deflection - but that was at a rail joint! you could be right though, that such a system would moderate the 'dose' proportionally to the weight of the train (I hadn't thought of that!) The advert is from 1963, maybe someone else could comment on when track circuits were widely adopted?
  10. Why would anyone want to leave Ferryhill 😉 You may be able to enjoy a 'Ryantrain' pacer to Durham every other hour perhaps? or What about a nice trip to Saltburn by the sea? It'd be interesting to see what paths would be available for 'Stoppers' on the ECML!
  11. Macbeth rail spikes now there's a name to conjure with! I didn't really notice but the previous advert featured a flange lubricator that operated by rail deflection not a treadle or similar. There must have been quite a linkage to amplify the movement as I imagine that on a well maintained permanent way there wouldn't be that much deflection surely?
  12. Flange lubricators and infrared switch heaters from 'Mills' this evening 😄
  13. Steel sleepers tonight, not just for temporary track it seems. Another in a run of non UK ads I'm afraid, I'm sure we'll be back to something more familiar soon :)
  14. ...also one for process / electrical engineers - Allen Bradley was a make of programmable logic controllers that a few on this forum may be familiar with :) - the Corrie reference is more fun though!
  15. Long before the GM products reach these shores we have an advert for American produced 4 & 6 wheel bogies and castings. Though they are the 'Commonwealth' design familiar on these shores! I find it interesting that though the advert extolls the engineering features, there is no mention of ride quality etc
  16. Thanks Keefer & Bernard - For some reason I had it in my head that the BP's weren't aircon equipped, don't know where that came from!
  17. With a headlight and driver protection to rival the Egyptian unit, here is a little offering from Budapest
  18. That would certainly make sense, in order to rapid charge the traction battery in areas where a high capacity grid connection was not available.
  19. Thanks for posting that one - as you say perhaps a predecessor of BRCW's Blue Pullman - I don't think the midland units benefit from air con (though not so pressing a need in the UK). For some reason the front end of that unit puts me in mind of a Dalek! The Egyptian railways certainly took driver safety seriously, that's one well protected windscreen!
  20. Storage tank anyone? perhaps not normally considered railway equipment (well not the 'gasometer' type anyway )
  21. Brilliant - thanks Nearholmer, your contributions would be very welcome :)
  22. Make of this what you will... (I thought ladder logic diagrams were hard to read for programmable logic controllers) Certainly not an advert for the layperson to understand - or is it just me!
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