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Everything posted by Matt37268

  1. Thanks for sharing those Stewart, amazing how different it looks these days!
  2. It’s a big site though! I’m guessing you maybe mean somewhere in between where the line to St Ives branched off? (What’s now the guided busway)
  3. I’d also say that the ORR did have the resources to enforce its restrictions with WCR and quite rightly did so earlier this year.
  4. I think it can depend on who’s in charge. We can see that on here with @big jims thread, I get the feeling that someone like John Smith at GBRf’s quite happy to encourage photography and enthusiasm at work just as long as it doesn’t interfere with getting the job done. I’m well aware of the story of Pat Whitehouse and John Adams asking to film a feature on one region and being declined and miraculously having that decision rescinded when somewhere else happened to be a little more accommodating.
  5. It’s about 2 and 3/4 miles! I know this as I cycle it most days! It does make sense as that’s the closest the railway is to the river in Cambridge, I’ll have a chat with my friends at the tech museum next time I see them.
  6. Mate of mine who worked at Litchurch Lane was told the same thing, in about 1998 a pair of ED’s made their way up for some reason, obviously a pair of 73’s that far north was going to attract attention, so he got the photo but he had 2 mates keeping a lookout for him whilst he got his photo of them at said location. I also know of other places where photos were not permitted back in the day. I wonder what the situation is these days with camera phones?
  7. As ever West Coast were a little economical with the truth, Jimmy Shuttleworth and co were taken to task by the ORR and begrudgingly had to do with what his team said they’d do in the first place. There was a recruitment drive for extra stewards to get the Jacobite going again on social media. The first comment on social media being ‘an ability to spot ORR staff is useful’
  8. As I’ve said look at 10A’s management’s previous with the ORR and their previous lax attitude to health and safety protocols. I can totally understand why the ORR have taken the stance they have. There’s the obvious one here. Wooton Basset https://www.orr.gov.uk/sites/default/files/om/2016-07-27-west-coast-railway-wootton-bassett-prosecution.pdf Then there’s this one. Winchfield https://www.gov.uk/raib-reports/locomotive-failure-near-winchfield There’s also this Wood Green https://www.gov.uk/raib-reports/blowback-of-a-locomotive-fire-at-wood-green-tunnel-london-on-27-may-2012 Then there’s the case of 45321’s footplate crew tampering with its TPWS, do you not understand why some people in charge would not trust those at 10A with a double 0 gauge layout let alone something in 1:1 scale?
  9. I’d suggest you have a look at West Coast’s ‘previous’ with the ORR and the 5 serious incidents that have occurred involving them being investigated and their subsequent suspensions. There are several words beginning with the letter ‘C’ being used to describe West Coast on other forums. I know which one I’m happy to use.
  10. Thank you for that David, as I say that really was a cross country service. 😀
  11. Had a chat with someone at the SVR the other week and it came out the average that Mr H spends on his hobby a year is something in the mid 30’s with quite a few zeros added on! I do sometimes wonder if he never had a Hornby train set as a kid and he’s making up for it in 1:1 scale now he’s a bit older? 😜
  12. Regarding C9437, I have a few questions? What route would it have taken? And how many traction changes would it have had en route? Was Parkeston Quay even electrified then? So could this train have even started its journey with an Ilford based 86 and then finished up with another from say Shields Road or Polmadie? Apologies if this sounds random, but this sounds like it could be a really interesting cross country working.
  13. London Transport Panniers used to have their numbers on the bunker, and Caley 828 has its number on the back of its tender. (Have a feeling this might have been a St Rollox thing?)
  14. From personal experience having to prime an 08 shunter from cold isn’t exactly as straightforward as pushing a button either. Not much fun on a ‘pedigree racecourse’ like Alycidon either…
  15. There’s a term for this isn’t there? Broken Window Effect/Syndrome?
  16. On another Forum I can remember seeing a photo of some sort of Bulleid 😜 stock at Leeds. I didn’t realise some had made it as far north as Haymarket, (or even recently as far east as Hull) I do agree with your point about the decent stock from other regions being swapped with that from other regions I recall a picture somewhere with a 27 leaving Ayr with a green MK1 in the formation.
  17. Is this the same railway that that thought it was a good idea to run it without taking the handbrake off on its tender?
  18. Maybe have a look at this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_BR_'Clan'_Class_locomotives There’s an interesting argument about which one’s going to be the 1000th Standard. 82045 or 72010.
  19. Didn’t one of the Birmingham-Glasgow jobs regularly produce a Clan? What was the one that made it to Fort William? 72001 was it?
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