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Everything posted by oleander

  1. Nice Line up of TGV and Ave,love the La Post. Mega bucks nower days . There one big difrence between the TGV models and APT and that is tilting. I have a Lima TGV Sud east. Yes the coupling is good. But ridged in the twisting sense. May be Hornby good modife it . If they could then it would be a good system . John
  2. Intresting the articatulated bogie is one unit unlike the 1980s wich was two. John
  3. When the new loco comes out . You will see. Poor I would guess. Then You have the question of the special livery 91 no MK4 exist of thoes. So you end up with a Loco and no coaches . Cavalex had the better sultion . the whole train .
  4. Very sad to see the better model being with drawn from the Market. All I will say to Hornby is 1st Cavalex have set the bar are you good enough to reach it. I dont think they are but time will tell. 2nd No matching new MK 4 or DVT = no sale. I not buying a new 91 and not having the coaches. So come on Hornby put your money were your mouth is. John
  5. While tilting at 5mpn is not prototypical not is going through set track point. It all about costs. The old system of the 1980s model had if flaws like you mention but it was cheap. To get what you talk about would add massive cost. Lets look at it on a 14 car set. Each bogie will need a servo so thats 18 bogies,but some are artuicalaed . So 28 servos. 28 tilt mechinasim Each bogie would need a sensor to know when the bogie is going through a curve, so thats 18 sensors Each car would need a servo driver board. so 14 boards. Then we would need to send a signal to each board saying no tilt do to slow running etc. So we could put a chip in each car or have a data bus ,but then we need plugs etc. So a Chip would be easier. The chip and servo driver board could be intergrated . I am only skimming over the detail. This would be complex and expensive. John
  6. Hi Dan To try and answer your question. Note this is more guess work. I asked about the tilt system and several people have said it will be mechanical ,like the old one. Also the development vehicle could only run between the brake and the power car. Taking that info I would say the model will come with a coupeling system not to disimular to the orignal. It work well . I very much doubt it will be able to couple to normal tension lock couplings. You never know it mich come with an nem box. As for the articulated coaches I seen a 3D print which would seam to indecate the boge is one instead of spliting in half like the old one did. This is some thing I am waiting to see how Hornby workes this out. John
  7. That 91 in front of the Scotsman livery just looks perfect. John
  8. Given the hype and the Forum talk about the APT P I mean that in a good way. Make s you wonder if Rapido will consider looking a the APT E again. Going by the second hand prices a lot of models wish they had one. I for one would love one so thats only 1599 to find LOL john
  9. On the tilting system .Does any know if it will be mechanical like the old 1980 model. Crude but worked well. Or some smart servo route. I guess it a bit early yet to know but would be intresting. john
  10. The amount of new locos beening offered has no effect on stock levels. each model will have a level set by the manufactor . I am not on about going back to stock levels of old were stuff was all ways avaible due to varstly over stocking. For non limited edition models and by that I mean a stated run in the catlog you should be able to view the model when it is realised . 6 months later and its sold out far play . Sold out before it comes out ,that bad for the hobby. I am Happy we have lot of manufactors making great models . Expensive inventory about the same give or take a bit as it was back in 1980 once inflation has been factored in. So in real terms not much has change . Prices go up fact of life. The Apt is run of the mill, The price is were it should be £395 x1 loco. x2 dvt. X2 coaches . Its called a train pack they cost more .A hst twin pack is £290 MK3 £35 each so £395 for 5 items .By run of the mill I mean its not a limited edition ,certified ,special box etc model. Retailers are normal carefull. They also know if they dont have it they can sell it.
  11. The biggest grip I Have with pre order and Whalters in the US are the worst for it, You read through a rail mag and see a brand new loco. You think I like that , not to bad ,good review I will get one. You head off with your cash to your local model shop and ask if they have it. First thing you hear is thoes dreaded words. Have you pre ordered . you say No as you have only just heard about the loco. Shop keeper say sorry sold out. can not get any more. Yet the loco not been out a month. I hate the way the hobby is heading with this pre ordering crap. A limitted edtion loco or crowd funding ,ok far enough . But regular run of the mill loco like any APT. You should be able to walk in to a UK hobby shop and see one after its come out. John
  12. I ask some in the Know on the APT if it was going to be a limited run and they said no. If Hornby are going to do limited runs they should advise a cut off date for pre orders like US manufactors do . My self I like to wait and see what the model is like if possible. John
  13. I sent my reply with a big yes please. I would like to go for a second class 91 Flying Scotsman. But that was not avaible to pre order. I have asked Cavalex hopfull that can be added. If so It will be an expensive year John
  14. The Hornby loco is due out about December ish 2020. By then the 2021 range will be anounced. If Hornby put in MK4 and DVT in matching liverys they will sell a lot of 91. If they dont Customers might hold off. Time will tell. With Cavalex they closed there initinal order book. They have Cads and 3D model . We all have to wait and see what they say and If the project gos ahead when the model would be avaible. I for one am wait for a Statment from Cavalex. I sure it will come in time. I really hope Cavalex win this one. As I very doubth there will be room for 2 Class 91. John
  15. Looking at the photo on the Hornby website . I would seam they have up dated it. Given they are both about the same price. I think it will be a case of who comes to market first will take the big share of the market. My self I think the Cavalex model is better. More features and better value given on the info avaible at the moment . I for One are sticking with Cavalex. Do we know if the Cavalex have enough orders yet to make this project a go. John
  16. She wore a grey livery only in her unrebuilt state . Plates were cast but never fitted. Then she was rebuilt and looked like an A4 green livery. I have not seen a photo of her wearing name plates then . Some one might have that photo.After that she went in to BR. John
  17. Hi Al hopefully later in the year Hornby will fill in the missing info. To me in the unrebuilt version there is only one ,and that R3840. I agree put the plates in a box and leave it up to the modler. Seams odd to do a version with plates . The Promotional well best wait and see what Hornby mean by that. I agree with you. As far as I know the double chimney only came about when she was rebuilt.Maybe other with better knowlage can answer this John
  18. Hi When I built my south eastern fine cast years ago. As far as Know there was only one version of the original and never carried name plates .Then she was rebuilt. So My quess would be R3840 is the one we see in photos. R3841 never existed R3842 not sure what they mean by promotional. May be when she was in primer ? John
  19. I for one are happy this is happing . I do hope DJ does not benefit one bit at all ,he nothing but bad news John
  20. Yes you would have to pay infull . Stage 1 cad ,done. Stage 2 Tooling, done. Stage 3 manufaturing about to start. Kr models want people to pay before moving on to the next stages. So as we are now about to Start Stage 3 the final stage thats Full payment. Unless KR does something special for you. John
  21. Hello can I ask what the name of that loco is and were in the world it is please. many thanks John
  22. Hi Cav Thanks for the reply . Sounds great. I will wait happily for news on the Flying Scotsman Regards John
  23. Hello Just signed up for a Class 91. Going for the Intercity livery. Two quick questions. The new LNER Flying scotsman 91101 is not avaible to pre order. will this be avaible soon, as it looks so good. Does any one know the cost of the Mk4 coaches yet John
  24. From KR Face book page for non Face book users. I was there on Saturday and did not see this. Just copyed the photo. You do have cab lights. John
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