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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Just saw from the website that the picture above was taken in Kings Lynn. Built by Alfred Dodman who also quote "had considerable experience with road traction engines and occasionally repaired shunting engines for local companies such as the West Norfolk Farmers' Manure & Chemical Co. Ltd" Sounds like one of the WNRs customers!
  2. If you want a slightly different (!) loco to build, have a look at this one. http://www.archive-images.co.uk/gallery/Archive-Images-of-the-Railways-of-Hampshire/image/1/
  3. Also just seen this home version of injection moulding. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/go-from-3d-printing-to-desktop-injection-moulding-diy-entrepreneur#/
  4. Just found one of the moulding machines for sale, £500 (Actually last September) Got some pictures there to look at as well if you're interested! http://www.mycncuk.com/threads/9855-Austin-Allen-Gnat-250-PRT
  5. Does anybody know what is involved in producing a new mould? How do you go about getting moulds made? What are the sort of costs and time scales involved?
  6. The grass will be greener above the course of the underground stream. They're just following a path of better grass. Or they can hear the water running underneath. Our Jack Russell can hear a mole fart in it's tunnel two fields away and then goes chasing after it to try and dig it up!
  7. Taking this alignment topic even further, would the Metropolitan Pyramid Company's output be aligned in any special way? Or just positioned at the whim of the occupier?
  8. Just found a new modern day version. https://www.wired.com/2009/08/horse-power/ Edit to add second link http://www.autoblog.com/2008/05/06/iranian-engineer-creates-1hp-bio-fuel-powered-hybrid/#slide-126460
  9. Maybe they're Shetland ponies and persons of small stature.
  10. I do like that Dodo. I think I might have to go on an expedition in search of one before they become extinct. However, should the lady of the property assertain my intentions, I think it will be me in the doodoo just before I become as extinct as the preverbial myself. Regards (soon to be no more) Dave
  11. Bridge update. Primed. And painted!
  12. Good place to start :- http://www.britishbabynames.com/blog/historic-names/ I like Primus, maybe his surname was Stowve?
  13. A sneak preview of today's limited progress.
  14. A bit more painting. Taken under a different light. Still like the top right best, but that dark at the bottom is growing on me! They all look at bit more red in real life. The white middle bottom was trying to add some light mortar. Didn't really work, need some more practice with this! colour corrected! (ish)
  15. Had a play with a sample to check some colours. Quite like the top shades, although the bottom might be ok if a bit darker.
  16. Last evening was clear skies, today.......not quite the same.
  17. I guess the absence of any weather is weather in itself. Clear Skies Tonight No editing of images, those were the colours tonight!
  18. Any particular undercoat? (Halfords Grey, Humbrol Acrylic Grey Primer, etc.....!) I do have an airbrush, so could use that. Dave
  19. Had a few more hours today and got on with teh bridge details. Cutting the small detail strips row by row! Close up of detail. And temporarily positioned on layout. Coping stones and painting next. Would it be best to give a coat of grey primer first, or just go at it with the acrylics? Dave
  20. Not done a lot over the last few months. Had to replace the cold water tank in the loft and that necessitated the relocation of lots of carefully stored items that will never be reused (I.e. Rubbish!). The model then became inaccessible. Getting the Xmas decorations down made my clear it up again and relocate all the items back to there original storage positions. Looking at the model, I wasn't happy with the half relief bridge. When I last worked on it I sprayed it with enamel varnish, but unfortunately it discoloured the Scalescenes brick paper. Ended up with white patches. Also, looks like it had started to peel in places as well. Whilst down the library just before Xmas, (yes, we do still have a library with real books in them ) I came across a book called "Building Bridges and Viaducts for Model Railways" by Bob Alderman. This rekindled the interest and the old bridge soon looked like this. After eventually finding the embossed styrene sheet that I had carefully hidden away whilst tidying up(!) it has progressed through the following stages. First time I've used embossed sheet so quite happy with the outcome. Hopefully going to continue over the next few days and see what it looks like when I've added a few more details and it gets a coat of paint.
  21. Weather looks good at the moment in Worthing (between Goodwood and Brighton). Sun out, a few high clouds, but a bit chilly! Frosty start to the day. If you see someone on the sea front walking their dog and waving to all the helicopters as they go past that'll be me! Sorry to hear the news about your mum, glad you had family around for comfort. As the say "ring out the old, bring in the new". Hoping that 2017 is a better year.
  22. Nothing special with the photo's, just taken on a cheap tablet and converted to black and white. I was going to show originals but colour quality is not good when used with neon lighting. (Also, I've saved the b&w ones over them!) Here's some other colour ones.
  23. Found some old images of the yard at Little Dunmow. Not much else going on at the moment.
  24. Some pictures in this PDF file I just found. http://www.semgonline.com/RlyMag/ForeignDepotsofSthLondon.pdf Looks like it's come up before . (By "Nearholmer" no less!) http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/102925-lmslner-coal-depots-in-south-london/
  25. Since it's Panto time over here, "Oh yes he is!"
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