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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Must be beetle time of year, another visitor to the house
  2. In Jamaica you can get a steak and kidney pie for £1.75, a chicken and mushroom pie for £1.60 and an apple pie for £2.15. In St Kitts and Nevis a steak and kidney pie will cost you £2, a chicken pie (without mushrooms) is £1.70 and a cherry pie can be yours for £1.95. In Trinidad and Tobago, that steak and kidney pie comes in at £2.50, but you can two for £3.50, while the chicken and mushroom pie is £2.25, or two for £3.25. They also offer meat and potato pie for £2, or two for £3. Their apple pies and cherry pies are often sold for £2.75, or two (any combination) for £4.75. Those are the Pie Rates of the Caribbean
  3. I think that the original photo may be the correct way around, this is because you can see a ring on the left hand of the woman at the back left hand side. Assuming either a wedding or more likely engagement ring (middle finger). No rings on the other hand. Possible that the other woman at the back also has a ring on her left hand. Reversed or not reversed???
  4. Looks like this one here on the NRM site from 1889 http://www.nrm.org.uk/ourcollection/locomotivesandrollingstock/CollectionItem?objid=1975-7045&pageNo=24 Rectangular types as well from 1901 http://www.nrm.org.uk/ourcollection/locomotivesandrollingstock/CollectionItem?objid=1981-7003&ipp=96
  5. Just to put the record straight about that "Brilliant find" see here :- Young's Oil
  6. Also came across this on a really obscure web site.
  7. You're right, went to the wrong link when I was searching before!! Is it a Small Skipper?
  8. Some of mine from today Marbled White Meadow Brown Comma Fritillary (Not sure which one!)
  9. If you click on the Adobe flash icon, it should start ok! Using chrome here.
  10. Found a picture of one of the EOL wagons, alongside one of Isreal Turner's
  11. Found this article about English Oilfields Limited. 2012 RG EOL.pdf found here :- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/251730073_The_Norfolk_oil-shale_rush_1916-1921
  12. Been wasting somee time on that Forum linked to above. there's also a thread for Railways around Lynn.. (Think you might be interested in Railway 14 and 15 posts. http://www.kingslynn-forums.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1642&start=15)
  13. Not seen this Map explorer before. Norfolk county Site. Got OS, Arerial, Tythe, others.. http://www.historic-maps.norfolk.gov.uk/mapexplorer/ There's a 1882 map of Great Yarmouth here too, that shows the Drill Hall was "North End School" and possibly "St Peters Plain School" as well. Forum thread about the Oil Fields http://www.kingslynn-forums.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1738&sid=976e9ec34be4831c110ca69212547d23
  14. Just following up a link to the West Norfolk Farmers' Manure Co. and came across this about shale oil just south of King's Lynn in Setchey. It had its own railway. It was around 1917 a bit late for CA but it was known about from mid 1800's. https://www.scottishshale.co.uk/GazBeyond/BSEnglandShale/BSES_Works/SetchOilWorks.html
  15. My question would be "Why is the arched retaining wall there for in the first place?" Would the overall roof have come all the way down the side of the station building? If it had ended flush with the back then you could reduce the wall by about two arches. This would then open up the platform end for viewing. Put a low stone wall from this new end along side the track.
  16. Thanks Andy. I've relabelled it as "Blank" at the moment. Dave
  17. Hi Jim, Unless you've removed it, I can't see the image when clicked. I get a "404 Page Not Found" error. Visible on this thread though. Dave
  18. Preparing for 100Km walk for Prostate Cancer

  19. Preparing for 100Km walk for Prostate Cancer

  20. Is there a way to delete a gallery. I can see how to delete individual images, but not the gallery itself. Can't find any details in the search, except for ways to do it with the older RMweb software. Thanks Dave
  21. Brimstone Moth Chafer Beetle (I think? Flew in through the window last night.)
  22. Horselunges (taken at the Mendip Model Railway Group show at Warminster, 2017)
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