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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. That's you standing on top of that hill in the distance?? Did you get a better view from up there!
  2. A wonderful bird was the Dodo, But a flight through the air was a no no, No longer to be found, Anywhere on the ground, As dead as the proverbial .... dinosaur! (Shadow)
  3. And a local CA version The poor dodo is no longer heard. It is gone, and "extinct" is the word. It's now famous, it's said, For the fact that it's dead, This gentle and comical bird. (Anon.)
  4. Have you seen this one Stu? https://flic.kr/p/TXRa2N
  5. Think so. She was posting on the "Early Risers" topic a few days ago. (17th)
  6. Think it's a old brand, been around awhile, called "Mother Nature" or something like that.
  7. The must have ended up in Newcastle then, and became "reet proparr Geordie lads"
  8. A new one for me, Blandford Flyer from Badger's. A nice ginger after taste.
  9. There's Middle Farm shop a couple of miles west of Drusilla's, it's also the National Collection of Cider and Perry! http://www.middlefarm.com
  10. If you're off down the woods at any time look out for this stuff. Quite often see it on the floor. I've got loads here if you want any.
  11. I think that the photo in #3609 has been taken from the bridge in the background of your one. So therefore Mr Watson, it's either wrong track (Single line working, second platform not in use) or push-pull. Would it be tender first for push-pull, probably not, so going for bi-directional platform. Also, two lamps on front (?) of engine. Only one if it's the back I think!!! Well that's my deduction anyway...
  12. Spotted on flikr https://flic.kr/p/gLvxLC
  13. Old signal post at the southern end/entrance to North Stoke tunnel, on the Arundel to Three Bridges line
  14. Hi Chaz, Saw this image of Kloften railway station in Norway, but immediatly thought of the FVR! https://www.flickr.com/photos/thomasletholsen/5944328790 Kløften train station by Thomas Leth-Olsen, on Flickr
  15. If Lord Erstwhile was a major sponsor/shareholder perhaps a Dodo instead of the Turkey.
  16. Some butterflies from today's walk Orange Tip Red admiral Small Copper Holly Blue(?) Peacock
  17. 1.3.8 West Sussex also consumes other aggregate (sand & gravel, hard rock) imported into the County by sea and rail from established facilities at the main ports (Shoreham/Littlehampton) and railheads (Crawley, Ardingly and recently, Chichester). These import facilities were probably established to compete with or supplement shortfalls expected from WSCC and other nearby quarries. Aggregates from these sites are transported by road to consumers in West Sussex and neighbouring areas as there are no means of inland waterway transfers and no realistic opportunity of rail transfers. An extract from "WEST SUSSEX WHARVES & RAILHEADS STUDY FEBRUARY 2008" https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.adur-worthing.gov.uk/media/media,106071,en.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjqwKfgyMfTAhUqKcAKHdx0B10QFggxMAg&usg=AFQjCNE9wGTgVKV-UYPG6v-DOOdWApr9OA&sig2=cwWEDPjTTTGVlxJyPu_Fcg
  18. Don't think it is an export. The caption says the "Musketeer" being unloaded.
  19. Take a video and then we can all have some fun watching as well. Actually, no, forget that, if you're going to move it bare I don't want to see that!
  20. Another sunrise at Worthing Pier!
  21. Have you seen this site. Some pictures of littlehampton wharf and cranes. https://thesussexmotivepowerdepots.yolasite.com/littlehampton.php Edit to add one from geograph site http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/885100
  22. I think that we need to be careful here. It seems like we're almost back on the original topic of Castle Aching trains!
  23. Went to Crawley Model Railway show today and saw "World's End". Mentioned earlier in the thread. Thought of CA castle and took the following:- Also video on youtube :-
  24. Not artificial, just built on top of a mole hill, that's all. Some big moles down this way!
  25. Arundel Castle is another example. And it's built by the Duke of Norfolk! https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Arundel_Castle_-_motte_and_quadrangle,_England_(18_April_2006).jpg#mw-jump-to-license
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