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Everything posted by Markn

  1. Slow reply sorry but yes it runs very well now. I say now, as I did have to clean the contacts and make sure they were all touching the wheels. I've had to do this on the last 2 double fairlie I've bought aswell. Haven't heard anyone else complain of the same, so it could just be a me problem.
  2. I guess they'd have to honour stuff that went through. This is the one? https://www.themodelcentre.com/35-335
  3. I did see that earlier but seems to be back at the normal price now. Was surprised that was in there so maybe it was a mistake?
  4. Absolute doddle to dcc fit. 4 screws to remove underneath reveals all. Not too sure you'd fit a chip any bigger than the Bachmann 36-571 (or zimo equivalent) without surgery to the inside where the front of the smoke box attaches. Few pics to show the engineering magnificence in all its glory. For some of the rubbish that's been produced recently, it's great to see this quality on such a tiny loco.
  5. It's not actually mentioned in the instructions what the second brown box is for in the accessories pack. I wasn't going to order a Britomart until I saw it in the flesh, was just waiting for Nesta, but this is amazing. Still cant get over how much intricate detail there is on such a small model. I've also got one of the Bachmann Micro chips (also crazily small) and will chip it later. Will put some pics up so people can see how much room there is etc...
  6. TMC have a few of these (Torquay, Fringford, Hinton, Lydham & Draycott) in a 24hr sale, with several down to as low as £107. I was waiting to see what the other one was like before I bought, but at that price I think I'll fold.
  7. Apart from those tight spots, which are a shame, the actual movement and motion look great. It sounds really good too. How is the firebox flicker?
  8. That looks fabulous 👌 how does it run?
  9. OK cheers guys. I've a Britomart and Nesta on order, so should know the answer soon.
  10. Has there been any insight into which 6 pin decoders will fit into these yet? Wondering if the normal Bachmann will fit or if its just the more expensive (and slightly smaller) micro ones they do.
  11. The FGW version is tempting. How does this tooling compare to Bachmann's offering?
  12. 😆 I didn't mean it like that. I meant the firebox glow made sound the 'only' option. I'm 99% sure I've seen a video where someone has retro fitted firebox glow to a Fairlie. Must have taken some doing though.
  13. Charles with sound for me. The firebox glow was too hard to resist.
  14. Here's to hoping they might finally do a re-run of the autoballasters or the colas 70 🤞
  15. Psssss, how long does it take to type... 🥳 They've arrived!!! 🥳 😆😆😆
  16. On the reserve list for one after failing to see how popular they would be. I've never wanted someone's payment to fail as much as I do right now 😄
  17. Nice looking layout! You can weather those PBA whilst your waiting, the shunter will need sunglasses :-D
  18. They sure have! They run as good as they look too (fitted with kadee 18s). Apologies, cant get the video to embed on here. <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=315&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FLiskerth%2Fvideos%2F819025932337765%2F&show_text=false&width=560&t=0" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
  19. Three boxes of these arrived yesterday morning, both DB sets and the EWS set with the blue roof. Fantastic quality as always. The detail is outstanding, from the underframe, around the ventilator and winder area and of course the hoods. Lets face it most people will be looking down on them whilst running and the way the ribs have been captured is brilliant. Will see how much space the 9 take up later but might even buy the other EWS pack before they sell out, which I'm sure they will. They just need a good weathering session now, but a few shots I got at St Blazey last month should help there!
  20. NR seems to be sold out everywhere that has the other versions in stock. Thought I'd done a pre-order with Tony's Trains, but can't find the email now so I may not have 😐
  21. Has anyone got one of the NR ones yet? Seen a few pics on Facebook but can't see them in stock anywhere (maybe because they've all sold out??)
  22. If anyone has got one they'd like to sell in good boxed condition please let me know. Thanks!
  23. Anyone with a factory sound fitted 90, what's the sound file like please? There's not actually that much difference by the time you've bought loco plus special chip, so might go that way instead.
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