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Winslow Boy

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Everything posted by Winslow Boy

  1. No that would be 1968 after Dr Breaching declared the line uneconomic.
  2. Hope you cordoned of the site properly. Don't want the kiddies using it as a playground you know. Progress.
  3. By gum young man your missis must be very flexible to be brushed. Is she available for hire? - socially distanced of course.
  4. Thank you your Lordship. Can I go back to my hovel as Ma - that's the missis, says that Gertrude that's the youngest needs feeding and the others, seven, are all needed on the small holding to sort out he sheep, fed the pig and check for eggs. Yours grovellingly The Serf.
  5. I'm sorry your Lordship and i know that everyone else has said that they like this photo but there's something about it that is irritating me. Please don't get me wrong. It isn't the quality of the modelling which is up to your usual standard I.e. excellent, but I think it might be something to do with the cameras position. I assume that its in the water to achieve the low height/angle? but it could do with being lower still as the wagons arnt large enough in relation to the goods shed. Anyway that's my opinion so when I'm up before your Lordship please do take into consideration I have wife and family when passing sentence. Yours humbly a grovelling serf.
  6. Not wishing to cast doubt but there is nothing to actually confirm that they are your gates. They may be your neighbour's or someone on your street.
  7. It is my understanding that Tdf Energy got a large grant in order to build the largest off shore wind farm in the World in the Channel. The fact that Tdf is a French firm and that the turbines all face the UK cannot be a conincidence.
  8. Our surgery just used it as an excuse to make it even more difficult to contact them. Example a) m' Lord. Change the telephone message so that the options no longer include asking to speak to the receptionist. Example two ask anybody ringing in to use website. Example three decide to 'upgrade' website without putting in contingency plan if case upgrade goes wrong. Example four cock up upgrade- website still unavailable four months later. Example five get annoyed when patients still try to contact them.All in all it is one cl.........,....,. Up after another. We would change but everywhere else is full. Our surgery consistently gets t poor marks for admin but excellent for its doctors.
  9. Don't forget to stagger the planting of gladioli otherwise they'll all flower at the same time. Wish I could plant freesia outside. Used to be able too as I had a very free draining soil but now live much further north so its wetter and colder. Pah as Baz would say.
  10. Wasn't that the scam that one of villains in a superman film - Richard Pryor was caught doing.
  11. Photographic evidence is called for. PS its amazing what you can find on the interwebby thingy - fences, chickens even gates. Just saying.
  12. As you are the defacto chair of the committee you lead and we as your star struck admirers follow humbly behind- at a respectable distance of course Your Lordship.
  13. Well just so long as you have your priorities right. Don't want you to get your ' life balance' out of kilter. I'm being told I'm needed again- she can open doors, I've seen her do it, but she just prefers to have someone do it for her. I may be gone some time.
  14. Will these gates ever be finished or will they be an ongoing project? Or are they a figment of your imagination. Something that you say to your beloved to avoid being closely interrogated about what you have been up to in the shed.
  15. Arhm... Cough......cough what about the dog walk. That is by far the most important job on the list if you don't mind. I'm being told that i have to bring this to your attention by my own pair of brown eyes who decided at 7.15 this morning that a) she would like to go outside and b) she would like some 'company' at the same time.
  16. Yes I know what you mean. Its the variety that gets me. A time before the planers and so called architects got to work smoothing everything out and buildings weren't designed by committee. We are if you think about very fortunate in that not only is there a visible record- which I know has been around for something like a hundred and seventy years, but its readily available - just a click away. It does mean that there is no excuse not to try something different.
  17. Wow that last one of the petrol garage would be perfect for LM. Just the sort of thing you would see in the olden days. Somewhere for the Reliant to fill up before it sets off on a delivery run. Squeezed into an awkward site as every where else is taken. Definitely a goer.
  18. Iris are a bit of a peculiar genus- probably why I like them. Iris SiberIca prefer a 'wet' root zone whereas iris germanica are the exact opposite liking a dry free draining one. Flag iris are extremely robust and will tough it out no matter what the situation.
  19. I believe that's is what they call in line improvements or for those of a less nervous disposition ' who the b.......... Hell drew this up. Oh him I should have known.
  20. Well this should be interesting.
  21. I thought engineers built it, then draw up the plans.
  22. Sounds just like some landscape architects aka garden designers I've had the misfortune to work with. Yes I know it looks good on paper but have you tried getting a triple in there and my personal favourite yes the berries on yew are poisonous so no its not a good idea to have yew in a play area.
  23. Just hope that this goods shed isn't being designed by an architect otherwise we might be in for the long haul.
  24. Errm what's a 'bug' quake? Is that a technical term? Or bugs quaking?
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