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Winslow Boy

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Everything posted by Winslow Boy

  1. Kindly leave stage please. We do not like hear about such things thank you.
  2. Is that the Lesser Spotted one or the Bat Winged one?
  3. In relation to early memories I must hold my hands up and admit to having none. My mother has a rather large black and white photo of me on Blackpool beach beside the donkeys with a large beach ball. Can I remember it- Nope nothing at all. One nugget of information I do have is about the Sunderland Flying Boat. Namely that it was designed for a single purpose - mail delivery to parts of Empire namely South Africa, Uganda and Kenya. And why make it a flying boat I hear you ask. Well in them there days there were precious few landing strips capable of taking a large aircraft and whilst the Sunderland's range was impressive it wasn't sufficient to allow it to fly nonstop. Therefore rather than building airstrips in what would be classed as hazardous territory and cost a lot to build and maintain they looked at the map and decided to make use of the large inland lakes and rivers that existed. A similar reasoning was behind the creation of the PanAm clippers that were used to cross the vast distances of the Pacific.
  4. So Sir can you give me your full name and the address where you reside. You had approval you say. Do you have that in writing? How many times did you cross over the border? Four you say and what did you say to the Border Official? You didn't speak to one you say. Well Sir if you wouldn't mind going with my colleague. Yes that's the one in that spacesuit. Don't worry Sir everything's going to be fine we just need to run a few tests just to be certain. Yes that is a funny joke Sir about bringing fruits and vegetables over the border. Alun we got another here. Yep for the internment camp. Want's to bring his fruit and veg with him. Says it got sentimental attachment to it. Next one is in Hipposhire. Anyone know where Hipposhire is?
  5. You see I told you it was real.
  6. Would have stamped my foot but couldn't find a suitable emoji.
  7. That's descrimination that is. What about us poor souls who have to struggle along in centrally heated rooms, or for that matter lofts. You should be reported, you should. Could you please tell me to whom I should be reporting you to, thats if it's not much bother. I'll just be over here if you don't mind while you get back to me.
  8. Really Mr Rob Sheapdip what on earth are you doing commenting. You know what the Doctor said, you must rest and not get distracted by playing with your Choo choos. I will be round later with some chicken soup and to give you your bed bath, Nurse Gladys Emmanuel Ps hope you get well soon.
  9. You horrible person. Next yourll be telling me that Santa Claus isn't real, just a figment of my overactive imagination. No, No No I refuse to believe you it must be real. I'm not going to speak to again. Yah boo sucks.
  10. What I'd like to know is how he gets everyone and everything- have you ever tried to get a sheep to do as its told, to stand still when he takes his photos. I refuse to believe he just shouts 'freeze' as I don't think everyone would hear him. And don't tell me its a model because know one could be that good getting all that precise detail. So come on Kevin tell me how you do it. I promise I won't tell anyone else. Keep up the good work Mr K.
  11. Stand clear -Rant mode engaged. What part of wear a mask when you go into a supermarket don't people understand. It's not wear a mask and then decide to pull mask down to make a telephone call to 'son' to discuss what he wants when standing less than two metres away in queue. Making a telephone to say do you want egg & chips is not an emergency. An emergency call is when you get punched by an irrate fellow shopper because of said ignorance. And you wonder why this ruddy virus is spreading.
  12. Sorry Chris if I didn't explain it clearly. So if the sliding door was the full width of the opening it would have to slide to the left ie over the track. However a concentina or sectional door they would fold over one another.
  13. Perhaps its me but wouldn't a sliding door go across the track when it was open? And in for pound etc But usually theres is an 'access' door within large doors. That way it saves space and having to create another opening. Otherwise excellent.
  14. Shock horror its not r........g or s...........g here- not taking any chances in case Mother Nature is on the interwebby thingimabobs. So its a good afternoon from a dry'ish northwest. P.s don't tell 'O' as he'll be over the mountains pretty sharpish.
  15. Well someone has left the tap on again. Don't know whose paying the water rates, just glad its not me as its going to be one hell of a bill. On a more serious note discovered we have a leak in the loft. So that's another bill. The initial inspection is that appears to be above the new vents we had installed some two years ago. Problem is we have installed some between the eaves insulation so can't really see where the leak is. Ho hum. Now waiting on the roofer to get back in touch.
  16. I think the Big H might have been mistaken for a J H.- Junior Hippo hence the 700 cut off on the chart.
  17. Yes distraction pain. Kick hind paw against concrete post. When pain subsides kick the other paw against said post. Repeat until either paws are broken at which point present oneself at nearest vet and ask for painkillers. Alternative places to inflict pain are available but principle remains the same.
  18. By gum you know things are bad when you find out Aldi have a branch in LM. The Co-op yes but Aldi! Standards dear boy, standards as the Major would say.
  19. Isn't that a tescos plastic bag that the Major has with him?
  20. Well the good news is its not railing or even raining, followers of my utterings will be aware that my fingers are not what they once were so I make now apologies for the sdip of tgem. Anyway will be calling into Aldi on my morning pre-ambertation/wanderings this morning to finish the shopping. Strangely the dog is ambivalent about this which could be because she gets lots of attention whilst I'm absent. The fact that she is female I couldn't possibly comment on. S Trolling.
  21. I am teed off. It has been railing here all day. Yes I know what they say its like that all the time in the northwest but really all day. Got wet this morning walking the dog and I tell you she did not like that. Got wet going shopping and then guess what got wet again walking the dog. I've had enough. The dogs had enough and its still raining. So anybody want some water your welcome to it. And on that note I'm off to bed to dream about deserts. Good night all.
  22. Ah yes but have you got the hat.
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