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Everything posted by SteamingWales

  1. For those of us not able to visit GETS how will the new products be announced? Will we get a nice launch video or should I keep refreshing my email and RMweb ever minute on Saturday 😅
  2. Hi @Accurascale Fran No. It was ordered on its own as a stand alone. Hope that helps? (I don'y mind the payment now, one less thing to think about!) Cheers Ciaran
  3. Are there any updates on the Siphons please? (Sorry to be "that guy" 😬) Had my invoice through for my example a couple of weeks ago so something must be happening 😅
  4. Just a bit more painting whilst watching Bake Off 🎂🎂 Just another couple of the blank panels plus the little insert for the main end wall. A couple more coats needed though
  5. I spotted that too when I saw the A/S post on twitter. The diagram on the box (if the same box) is definitely not an A3 though!
  6. End of Q4 equals December? Will they be shipped by the usual method from China or have the team managed to organise a special delivery from a man in a red suit with a sleight🎅???
  7. Just a short update for the weekend as I have been busy with other things. I have added the small lean to structure to the eastern end of the workshop. The purpose to the lean to doesn't seem too clear as studying photos it doesn't have a door like a porch, it is simply an open building. My only thought looking in the D. J. Lowe The Cambrian Mainline which shows the workshop with Std. 2 78003 next it is that it simply existed so anyone exiting the workshop would walk directly onto the tracks into an oncoming loco With this done it was time for primer and the first base coat of brick colour
  8. I've been doing the rounds today as part of this visited Frizinghall Models and Railways. I have been wanting to go for a while just for a bit of a nosy around mainly but also to pick up some odds and sods. Haul below 👇 Because I'm impatient and haven't got enough projects on the go I started on the Parkside kits. The kits have been bought to hack up to sit in the siding adjacent to the coal stage simulating wagons with open doors for ash to be shoveled directly into. After an hour or so this is the result... Time for a bit of paint!
  9. Is this before or after we have cows that load/unload onto cattle trucks? 😅
  10. Just checked myself on Hornby site. Only the Br black L/C is winter 22/23. Others in 1st batch are still Autumn 23. Hopefully not the case and just slow to update. Might be a surprise Christmas present?
  11. Pulled from the A/S on tour thread. May the froth commence My thoughts for the 2 wagons would be: Something that can cross over eras i.e. could run with say Manor and 37 to fit the range Something modern for the 92s OR Something unrelated and no one expected Something unrelated and no one expected (apart from that one modeller that wants a billion of them!)
  12. Executive summary for you: Detail GOOD The issue with the magnetic couplings was highligthed as per earlier comments in thread Apparently a 10g wagon should be free rolling and be able to roll down a slight grade with ease (a physics lesson might be in order) Pushing them backwards around a layout at speed creates running "issues" Obviously liked them though as he wants a second pack
  13. I have to agree with everything here. Although I don't have the GWR examples (only Departmental) they do look REALLY nice. Picked up on a couple of points in the post: FOOTBOARDS They are removable (a couple of screws) should you wish to swap the low/double ones for the single example. I guess easiest thing to do is reference images for which should have which ROOF CLIPS I too have had difficulty getting mine off, although I am a twiglet. I don't need to get them off, just wanted to play about with all the "quality of life" features they have
  14. Very impressive modelling. I especially like the Belfast (?) sink!
  15. Using my new found freedom I thought it was about time to add the late crests to the tender of my Clan Recent update on the nameplates too has delivery in about 3 weeks
  16. Thumb is free. Not a tight fit so was able to get a cocktail stick inside to lift it off, though I had to find one in the kitchen first 🙄
  17. After a successful day at work I have had my doodus moment for the day. Painted the stationary boiler smokebox on my thumb. Now it's wet and I can't get it off without making a mess 🤣
  18. It was pretty simple to take apart. Just 2 screws in the chassis and some up right clips which hold it in place, but they weren't tight so the body just lifted straight off with a tiniest bit of force, not like other stock where you need to jam card and screw drivers in to unclip. Reattachment is pretty clever too, there is an offset spigot at one end, and associated hole in the body, so that you get the body back on the right way around. These little "quality of life" additions are a really nice touch
  19. Certainly worth a go. There are some pretty good photos in the album in which this is also associated if you want to have a noisy about
  20. Rolling stock news! Recently received a departmental variant of the Hatton's Genesis coach. Really impressed with this, though a renumbering will be in order. I've been recently looking at the Paul Bartlett collection of photos and recent book purchases and there is plenty of inspiration to go on, like this one 👇👇 https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/gwrdeptcoach/h3fbf5f62 Obviously it won't be perfect but at present the coach is allocated to S. Brighton! I've also had the body off the chassis which was pretty easy to do A project for the future maybe? Embed Flickr link
  21. Has anyone else tried removing the footboards? The screws came out easily enough and then I expected them to just lift off but they are glued to the mid point of the chassis where (I assume) the locating pins are for the other holes. Photo shows shiny glue that is causing the problem 👇👇👇 This isn't a problem for me, just a bit of morbid curiosity given what was shown with the EPs etc. Bit more curiosity, the body comes of pretty easily should anyone with the use the chassis only, not that you would want too!
  22. My departmental example arrived at work today. A quick peak at lunch and I am very impressed A couple of BR Crimson versions pre-ordered to "avoid disappointment" as per the email received an hour or so ago 😅
  23. Thanks for the support I have recently bought the CC Green book and like you say it is great reference material and I have already learnt a lot from it
  24. The 3D printer has been busy this afternoon printing the stationary boiler for the boiler house and once complete I made up the corrugated iron sheet that would have been in the doorway I'm sure you will agree the smokebox doesn't look right so a version 2 is being designed Time for Frozen Planet II now though!
  25. I've been doing a bit more painting for this afternoon, which has involved the 3d printed inserts to improve the look of the arches on the coal stage. The originals required a reduction in height so the inserts didn't sit proud of the main structure so a lot of filing and sanding has been needed, although the easiest thing to do was ping individual bricks off with a craft knife. Before and after below 👇 Doing this reminded me of the list I made of "stuff to do" on the coal stage. An update is require me thinks, previously complete in Italics, new jobs in bold Add the windows ✅ Paint the door lintels ✅ Add window sills to the windows Fix/redo the arches over the tracks ✅ Design and 3D print the coal drop ✅ Complete the internals of the coal stage ✅ Work out how to tackle the water tank ✅ Source some water tank steps ✅ Build the side access steps ✅ Weathering Complete water tank Paint and fit dust screens Build mesh shutter for lower windows
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