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Paul H Vigor

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Everything posted by Paul H Vigor

  1. "Oh, sir, it was Khan! We picked him up on Ceti Alpha Five... He put... creatures... in our bodies... to control our minds."

  2. Well, I just got sniped by an eBay trader Another potential project put on hold. These guys take great delight in - if they can get their hands on our models - selling them on, sometimes for hundreds of pounds, and yet they deny us the materials we need to complete our models, so they can make a quick buck? I suspect that eBay traders would (had eBay been invented at the time!) have attempted to outbid Pablo Picasso for a piece of blank canvas!
  3. I guess one effect of the current show cancellations is not having to try to smuggle one's show goodies into the house!? I could NEVER be a dealer - I get TOO attached to my models.
  4. Looks like a Stewart Reidpath 'Reidmere' electro mechanism? Pre-war?
  5. As an 'old school' modeller I've never had a problem with motor noise. I prefer a good motor growl to sound chips, or the almost creepy silence of modern motors!
  6. The whole design of the buffet car looks a bit art deco?
  7. I fear that the term "...self indulgent extravagance..." might be applied to many of the things we do and the objects we buy, by our own local domestic authorities!?
  8. Many thanks for this info, Frank. All the best, Paul
  9. And least we forget: All the windows in railway models built in Australia and New Zealand are upside down!
  10. One of my fav sayings: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stoats!
  11. Had the line survived freight only like other 'Valleys' lines, I have no doubt - given the volume of pre-Lockdown traffic up and down the Swansea Valley - the Swansea Vale line would have been popular and successful. I would have LOVED to travel by train from Ponty to Hereford via Crai, Brecon and Hay All the best, Paul
  12. Hi rka Whilst walking the dog on the cycle path (formerly SVR alignment) near the Tareni Colliery site I chanced upon a filthy, well rusted permanent way 'key' in the River Tawe. I brought it home and have hidden it in the shed! Your BR diesels may suit the Upper Swansea Valley (Neath & Brecon section) as stone was shipped by rail from Penwyllt Quarry down to Neath until 1977.
  13. Hi Manos, I was very interested to hear about your great grandfather making electricity for his community. I visited an old olive oil soap factory at Kardamyli/Καρδαμύλη back in 2002. This factory generated electricity - the first in the district - using steampower. Steam was generated in big watertube boilers. I wrote an archaeological paper that you might be able to find and read. Enjoying watching your model railway develop! All best wishes, Paul ----- The Association for Industrial Archaeology industrial-archaeology.org › AIA-News-124-Spring-2003 PDF An olive oil soap factory complex at Kardamyli, ... of the factory upon Kardamyli and environs must have been ... INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 124 3 ...
  14. I have recently acquired two early 00 Fowler 3Fs very similar in build to Bertiedog's hand-built/delux Stewart-Reidpath Jinty. One of mine is fitted with a Romford Model Company motor that I believe to be a Series IV. Can anyone tell me what the manufacturing period/dates was/were for the Series IV? I have seen a period ad for the Series IV on Google images dated 1953. I am trying to date the model. Many thanks. Paul. PS: Photos will follow!
  15. As an undergrad at Exeter I toyed with an idea for a small narrow gauge layout (009) on the wall-hung bookshelf in my accommodation. Beer & Women 1 - 0 Model Railway!
  16. Visited the former Ian Allen shop in Cardiff with my then new other half. She had never set foot in such an establishment before. She memorably paraphrased 2001: A Space Odyssey: "My God, it's full of nerds!" Actually, she wasn't wrong! We are still together!
  17. "Hello, hello, hello . . . what’s going on here then?"
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