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Everything posted by tubs01

  1. thanks! Still not got another grid, I had no idea about this website, I'll have to look into it, some great prices there
  2. Pondering though wether or not to add some buffer grease. Here's the first wagon vs. out of the box condition. Plan to get a few more, would look fine having a rake of 9 or so full of spoil behind a shed
  3. Though a workbench type thread would be more suitable for me and how like to present my modelling, so here it is. Yesterday was the first of three Bachmann PNAs to be weathered. Not much to shout about, just painted the chassis a grotty black, and the bodies treated to the wipe on wipe off technique and some drybrushing, did another today so more pictures to follow
  4. I can still dream of 20t vans in GBRf and DB
  5. Hi all, I read up the other day that the use of brake vans in certain situations was not completely done away with until march of this year, but post privatisation I can only think of EWS have brake vans for propelling moves, but even then I thought that they were withdrawn yonks ago, so if anyone has any info: which freight companies had brakevans, and what were they used for up until 2021? And if no freight companies had brakevans, then where would they get brakevans in the situation where they were needed? Thanks.
  6. tubs01

    EBay madness

    Decent price but eBay sellers seem to have an obsession with putting models on rough stone https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-32-477-Class-40-D325-in-BR-Green-Split-Head-Code-/175026522513?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  7. Just wondered as I'm going down to see the NR test train on Monday, the line through my town only sees a few aggregate trains a week and not much else, so the test trains mean I get to see something other than a shed and a rake of of hoppers! Quite fond of the skips, did get a bit of a shock last time I saw them though, I was going down to the bridge to see them but they came through early as I was walking through an estate the line goes past, all of a sudden test train rockets past me only a few metres away!
  8. Hi all, just wondered if GBRf now has the two colas 67s as I saw someone say this but I've been searching for a source for ages but cannot find anything. Thanks.
  9. And a little fun project, not to be taken too seriously. Idea here is that BR built a fleet of planked general merchandise wagons in the late 50s- early 60s, then when speedlink came around in 77 they were upgraded and given air brakes under the same reason as the VEA vans, ex-vanwide. Needs decals and then of course will get a good bit of weathering!
  10. And why not some vent vans too. Bought 5 on eBay, 17 quid, I've weathered most, just acrylic washes and the wipe technique
  11. and a PCA. off eBay, 6 quid. There were nine but by the next morning only two left! They're quite expensive on eBay for whatever reason but hopefully I'll find some more cheap ones
  12. ZKV, the chassis isn't very accurate but neither is the body, and it's better than the wooden framed chassis it had before. Chassis needs weathering. Will look at home rotting away in a siding with some other derelict stock
  13. And here's my HAA I finished tonight. Weathering isn't very prototypical but it was fun nonetheless
  14. Wagon on the workbench tonight. Needs tops code (but what to use?), Warning flashes and a little Railfreight distribution logo. I've got another I'm planning to do in full Railfreight distribution livery, black boxes were done by hand no masking so I apologize for the lines being wobbly. I might have a look at what I can put on the end 'verandas' if you will, to make them look less bare.
  15. tubs01

    EBay madness

    Atleast if I'm short of money I can borrow a fishing net and stop flushing the toilet...
  16. tubs01

    EBay madness

    Couldn't find this one on their eBay store, but I know it's on there somewhere.. for now I'll just have to present... The Rocket Railways Facebook Store! Didn't know you could get oo gauge rocks, wonder how good the back to back is on this one
  17. Right, Wrexham and shropshire train pack as a Christmas present went ---s up, so now it's a 3 pack of Hornby EWS CDAs (the main range ones too!) and a 3 pack of Bachmann PNAs, I'm pretty sure the PNAs went out of use just before my sphere of operation, also have incorrect springs as the model uses the also incorrect TTA chassis, both TTAs and PNAs (the ones with the TTA chassis) should have bruninghaus springs, not leaf springs, but doesn't bother me that much. Not sure if CDAs ever found use on enterprise services, but Rule 1 applies, probably.
  18. tubs01

    EBay madness

    ..dropped in the toilet? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-Gauge-Bachmann-Brake-Vans-BR-Network-Southeast-38-990-Weathered-/115039847473?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  19. tubs01

    EBay madness

    Standard rocket railways, and yet they're the ones screeching about how they make model railways affordable and that Hornby need to stop trying to make models detailed so they can save the hobby or whatever.. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-Gauge-Hornby-Class-47-DB-47844-/114990333370?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  20. Saw an image of 69004 undergoing static testing on Instagram, so I wonder how long it is until 005 breaks cover?
  21. Would be nice, shame 69001 didn't end up in Dutch departmental, was one of her previous guises as a grid. I thought that all 69s after the first two where to be plain GBRf, that's what I heard but I'm glad that I am probably wrong. If all ten end up being different liveries there's a lot to choose from of the remaining eight..
  22. Any updates on 69004? Heard that she is apparently ready for mainline testing but I would like to know for sure. Also if anyone has any updates on 69005-69010 that would be cool
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