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Everything posted by LNERGE

  1. From the position of the crank i'd say the crossover was laying reversed.
  2. Steam coming out of cooling towers? Is Ratcliffe about to generate?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. woodenhead


      @truffy The GOP will never ban coal, no such thing as Global Warming to them.:D

    3. Davexoc


      Gas price is up again, so coal is probably cheaper...

    4. truffy


      @woodenhead just don’t let Greta Funtimes hear you say that! ;)

  3. I've been thinking about doing a rake of Triang operating ore wagons with better wheels and couplings. It should be a way of bringing a bit of animation to the layout but the wagons can't run as they are. Are these bearings available somewhere?
  4. We were coming for a closer look on Saturday but the day didn't quite work out as planned. We ordered breakfast on the 11:15 ex Loughborough. It arrived at the table at 14:34. By then i'd used up all my railway tolleration credits with Mrs LNERGE as we embarked on our third round trip of the day.
  5. It was when it was first installed. Later years it was like this..
  6. A peek behind the diagram at Sleafors South reveals the out of use lamps for the track circuit block section to Helpringham..
  7. Not them. There’s a bigger two aspect in one of the shots.
  8. Fit a box with a narrow base like Melton Mowbray or put the box on legs like Peterborough East.
  9. When I did this year's ago there was nowhere to ask advice like there is now. I decided to lock the pivots with plasticene as a non committal experiment. Once I proved the idea worked I went ahead and superglued them in place.
  10. I'm shuddering to think of the wires and slots involved in some of this. Obviously it is all possible and it was done regularly. I had to cheat when i 'modelled' the back platform at Ely as i didn't have enough levers/one end controlled by a Westinghouse L frame. I put all the controls in the block. https://www.wbsframe.mste.co.uk/public/Ely_Dock_Junction_L_Frame.html#
  11. My efforts centred around modified airfix mineral wagons but I never successfully got the end door to hinge. I was going to find a brass kit but I could find one. I'm sure in brass it could be made robust enough.
  12. What’s the best sound decoder for a Bachmann 37?  I’ve been rummaging round the net but can’t make up my mind. 

    1. Mallard60022


      Deffo not an Olivia's!!!!!!!

    2. Adamphillip
    3. LNERGE


      I got a Hornby 31 to work nicely so I though I’d get it a sound chip. What I got was rather lame. I don’t want to make the same mistake with the 37.

  13. With an arrangement like this could the loco take the bypass and not travel over the weighbridge and the wagons follow on the parallel route? The side step implies the chairs are in overlapping positions and are mounted on their own timbers. The side step would be greater if the chairs were mounted on the same timber.
  14. Yes i have been looking in for updates and wondering the same.
  15. A whole evening spent making a second hand Hornby A4 work. My paws are definitely not meant for handling some of those parts.

  16. The compression of the spring can be atered by moving the bit held by the two metal clip thingies, carefully.
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