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Everything posted by E100

  1. Not wanting to derail the thread but the recent announcement on Hornby price rises is concerning, more so with expensive sets like this. 10% on a 7 car set is a couple coaches elsewhere. Sincerely hoping the price increase doesn't apply to this model or if it does it's considerably less than 10%. I've ordered through Hornby.com since I was late and that was the only place with reliable stock as far as I could tell so hoping they honour the current price.
  2. I've decided to take the plunge (before the 1st July) with the Sound option. As I'm needing DCC anyway to step up to sound cost wise wasn't much... ...yes still trying to justify as needing to very much be a rule 1 train!
  3. This survey is a great idea. Hoping to attend Warley for the first time in a decade but maybe that's somewhat naive given the current climate. Even as a young 29 year old. I'd certainly be wanting to take a fresh FFP3 mask as much for others as myself along with glasses desisting spray. I don't fancy long covid even though I'm unlikely to end up in hospital. There does seem to be very high effectiveness for them that could prevent a super spreader event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57636360 I wonder if large exhibitions could provide a compulsory high quality mask FFP3 and glasses de-misting spray (because I assume well over 50% have glasses and even more only to see the detail on models). Obviously, it would add a couple of £ to entrance. Medical exemptions to masks requiring some form of evidence (far too much abuse of this currently IMO). With that in place events could probably take place even in a covid spike.
  4. Thanks @Accurascale Fran. I look forward to it! I wonder if this means possible decorated samples / a new EP...
  5. Just wondered what the latest dates were on these @Accurascale Fran. I assume these won't be Q3 but probably into Q4 / 2022 with all the difficulties facing manufactures currently. Either way all the more time for us to get our 73/9 EOI in. I sincerely hope that does come to fruition as I need it to haul the class 92 (rule 1 / they forgot to take it off!) and mk5's.
  6. Hi Charlie, really glad to see how active you are on here. If I wanted to go on a waiting list for a Saltaire 156 what's the best way to do this. I assume these are planned for 2022/23? Cheers
  7. Anyone else on the fence... ...feel free to persuade me
  8. @PMP Many thanks for your information. Looks really good with the pointwork.
  9. Excellent point. I also really appreciate the additional information you've given as well. It would be nice to model a junction based on these principles.
  10. I'm interested in using Peco code 75 Bullhead for a layout in the future. I have a [silly] question I haven't been able to find an answer to is what the spacing is based on. The gauge of 16.5mm means if the sleepers are spaced at 4mm prototyical spacing then in isolation the track looks strange with the sleepers spaced too far apart relative to rails . On the flipside if they are spaced relative to the gauge of 16.5m then are we not back at square 1 which I assume is the whole reason standard streamline looks unprototyical. I assume the truth lies somewhere between and that you can manipulate this somewhat with the sleeper spacing anyway.
  11. I love a good spot the difference. I won't be getting one as they are way out of my scene but this is looking like a good model and do hope this is a huge success for Cavalex. It should hopefully go some way to keeping the bigger manufactures somewhat more humble either in price or quality though that is wishful thinking no doubt.
  12. Call me traditional but I too would definitely hope for a non-coreless in a loco of this size and for this money but if the Precedent is then it sounds likely.
  13. Very much looking forward to this. Have the original Caly Blue DCC Sound on order. Do we know anything about the motor at all? 5-pole/3-pole with/without flywheel? Also whether this has also wheel there is all wheel pickup? It won't change my decision but I am curious.
  14. Have to agree with what's been said. The transparency on your part is refreshing and welcome. I know that you guys will be by far the most frustrated by the delays out of anyone. That being said, they are looking fantastic. It's so clearly going to be a masterpiece. It gives me some time to save for D6700 as well based on these pictures.
  15. I'd also love to know the likelihood of this coming to fruition? Also got a rake of mk5's on order that need these!
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