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Everything posted by Bryn_Bach_Railway

  1. Not had any luck with the Zimo decoders, and the fact that the rear cab works but no other logic level functions do. And that also happens to be the one with the biggest change in voltage, I’m starting to think it’s a general incompatibility, especially as the chip works fine in other locos on the same functions. Partially due to this, but also the AS37’s and 10 forthcoming AS 66’s. I’ve fast-tracked getting a DCC base station that will connect with jmri so I can get the specific esu file loaded, as well as being able to change it to my liking. however looking at Lokpilot 5 21pin chips, there seems to be a few different options. I don’t really see the point in paying more for a pre-programmed one as I’ll be changing it all about once I get the basestation and jmri working, but not sure which standard lokpilot is required. Does anyone have the product code or a like to the right one? being completely honest, I’m not massively happy that esu chips are basically required. But I also don’t blame cavalex or accurascale for going to esu for help with the wiring and circuitry. It does however seem like esu have unfortunately taken the opportunity to make the models quite difficult to use without their own decoders. part of me does wonder if it’s part of the reason ESU prefer to use 21 pin rather than plux22 (a more refined and set in stone standard) but that’s a discussion for a different thread and not here. Any help with finding the right standard lokpilot is much appreciated :)
  2. Pretty sure most do, even the gauge master prodigy express 2 (you can’t see what you’ve activated above F12, but you can turn them on and off, just no visual)
  3. There’s always DCC-EX, does require a bit of technical knowledge but it’s all decently well documented and easy to follow. Around about the £50 mark in total for the control and WiFi for phone control too. Can like up to jmri as well.
  4. The latest lok-pilot 5 manual I could find does not cover any cv’s for Swiss mapping. Just a simple couple of sentences that describes what it does. That’s all well and good however it requires more cv’s to be changed and cv indexing etc. it’s another thing to download and figure out how to work. And means you have to be at a computer to work it out. That’s a lot of unnecessary steps. For pre-programmed chips yes, but from a brand new chip into a brand new model that’s not an issue. The model will have outputs assigned to pins, the function mapping on the decoder just changes what pin the decoder sends a signal to from the function signal to. The model knows no different. It seems daunting at first, but it’s not that difficult to swap a couple functions and set up Swiss mapping with Zimo at all. Swapping an aux function to a different button on the controller needs just 1 cv changed per function. So for Swapping F2 to F5, it takes seconds. Swiss mapping then has 6 CV’s per group. For something like F11 turns on tail lights at each end, again it takes about a minute or 2 to do.
  5. The other issue with ESU is you can only really re-map or change detailed CV’s on their chips either via a lok-programmer, or by some other computer interface. Even just to get a list of cv’s you need their software to find what needs to be change. The manual is useless for detailed function mapping zimo on the other hand, near enough every cv is in the manual and can be programmed directly on a controller like the gaugemaster prodigy. No need for a computer but can still be done by one if wanted
  6. The difference here is there’s no need for the extra functions that only ESU can access on this model (neither is there on the AS37 if you actually break down what lights are needed and when) but the model still only seems to accept esu chips. From what I can gather, it seems like the circuit is very picky about the logic level voltage it receives. As the only logic level output the Zimo chip can turn on (F10) is the only one to supply a slightly higher voltage. However all the outputs are giving some voltage. Whether it’s the decoder not giving enough for the standard, the loco not following the standard, or a combination of the two is yet to be determined. But the Zimo chip has no problem with the logic level in a Dapol 68. If manufacturers want to go down the route of using specific ships, that’s fine, but this needs to be specified on the websites that these chips are required for full functionality. Just stating “21pin DCC socket” implies all functions are accessible by any decoder with enough outputs, which is not the case in either the cavalex 56 or the AS 37 (AS37 has more outputs than needed and uses a proprietary set up by esu)
  7. Aux 11 for esu, is F8 for Zimo and most others (esu skip AUX 8/9 for some reason) F8 isn’t supposed to do anything so will have a look at that.
  8. When I tested the 8function with a volt meter, it only seems to give out around 4 volts. With a difference of around 1 volt when activated. That might be what the issue is as the logic circuits are most likely expecting closer to a difference of 3 Volts to activate each function. this seems to be backed up when testing the Zimo chip too, as the only logic level function with with a difference around 3 volts or more is the only one that works
  9. Just checked the voltage across Dapol chips and a similar realist. The logic level functions that work drop to below 2V (actually down to near enough 0V, however the non-working functions stay above 2V. Would be interesting to see if someone with a non-sound ESU chip can check and see if all the function outputs drop to below 2V when activated.
  10. There’s definitely some weird qwerks as to how DCC is done with this model (not really cavalex’s fault, from what I understand ESU have done the circuit board design). getting different results from different decoders with the same dip-switch settings. Zimo mn340C; F0f/r - head light (directional) F1 - markers front F2 - markers rear F3-9 - not working F10 - rear cab light (after cv change) Dapol 6 function F0f/r - head light (directional) F1 - markers front F2 - markers rear F3 - fan F4 - fan F5/6 - not working Dapol 8 function F0f/r - head light (directional) F1 - markers front F2 - markers rear F3-8 - not working would like to note that all decoders can operate all functions in a Dapol 68 too, so the decoder function outputs are working. I wonder if some of the logic level outputs are very voltage sensitive, as when a wire bridges the 5V pin and a specified output pin the appropriate function springs into life. However when going thought the decoder the functions do not work. interestingly when checking if the decoders outputs are working with a volt meter again the appropriate function pin and the 5v pin (when using a Zimo chip). When the functions are off, a reading of 4.81V is recorded. When the function is on, this drops to 2.13V for F3-9. However F10, which is the only logic level output that seems to work, drops to 1.65V. I don’t think that is really adjustable via CV’s to increase the drop, Only to reduce it I believe.
  11. Just taken an 8function Dapol chip out of another model, and interestingly this one one do the fans at all, just F0-2
  12. That’s interesting to hear as I quickly tested a 6function Dapol chip and had F3/F4 working (F5/6 wouldn’t have worked reguardless due to how I’ve set up that decoder) what positions are the dip switches set to?
  13. Would be interested to see what results you get. I myself am trying to use a Zimo MN340C, and currently have the headlight working directionally, plus markers (F0f, F0f, F1 & F2) all working without modification. A couple of CV tweaks and I’ve got the read cab working too (F10), however the same teaks that are supposed to set up the front cab are not working. I’ve yet to get fans or tail lights (F3, F4, F5 & F6). Interestingly I’ve tested with a voltmeter and the decoder is giving an output, but the loco is not responding to it. Have tried swapping to full power too but not having much luck there either. Not entirely sure the decoder is swapping over tho.
  14. It was the 6fct I believe. But I’ve mapped F5 to output 2 as my controller can’t hold f2 on. And I think I turned off f6 at the same time as I was going to set up tail lights at both ends but never got around to it. But f0f/r, and f1-4 all worked as expected. So all head/marker lights and fans
  15. I have, like I said the Dapol chip works the fans (won’t work the tail lights due to how it’s programmed for my 68, yet to be upgraded to Zimo). hopefully it something I can change in the CV settings. Will have to check that later however. Does the voltage have to be exact 5v for the fans to work? also having an issue where I can get the rear cab light to work but not the front one. However I think that’s me needing to play with the settings more as it requires changing input pins to outputs.
  16. If all else fails I’ll have to, however I don’t really want to be forced to use esu. Zimo gives me better control as I know exactly how the decoders perform, and know what cv’s I need to change to get the functions mapped how I want even on a gaugemaster prodigy. looking at the esu manual there’s not as much information available unless you have a lok-programmer etc. the decoder is giving an output on the correct pin, the loco for some reason is not accepting it. I’ll keep having a play to try and work out what’s up but it’s definitely a weird predicament.
  17. Finally got mine today as a birthday gift, however having quite a weird issue with DCC. Using a Dapol chip, I can get the fans working fine, and the decoder supply’s 5 volts. (Tail lights don’t work due to the way I’ve re-programmed the decoder used for testing), however, using a Zimo mn340C, the decoder only seems to be supplying 3ish volts and the fans do not work. But when the Zimo chip is in another loco, it can supply the full 5 volts just fine? Not an issue I’ve encountered before.
  18. With double heading or pushing stock, it entirely depends on how the kinematic coupling is designed. If it’s completely free from the bogie and is very free moving, then when pushing or double heading (if the following loco is faster) the coupling gets push to the outside of the curve rather than pulled inward. However if the coupling is guided by the bogies like the accurascale 37 or a lot of coaching stock (still kinematic and not attached to the bogie, but if the bogie turns a lot, the coupler is nudged over too) then the couplers stay on the inside of the curve when being pushed and double headed as well as being pulled. That’s in my experience anyways.
  19. Would be nice, although I do seem to remember accurascale stating they were not going to do it as they had too much on their plate. Whether that’s changed tho I don’t know. Could be another manufacturer tho. I also remember the expression of interest was going to try find a new manufacturer.
  20. Preferably with a New Caledonian sleeper 92 to match ;) depending on the budget at the time. I’d certainly love to get a full sleeper set. Despite it technically being out of region. Just hope the factory get the back to backs on the wheels a bit more accurate next time now they’ve had some practice!
  21. Is there a function list available for these yet? Mainly the lighting functions? Would also be handy to know if these are using ESU’s proprietary set up to access all the functions, done using the susi output pins, or if they’ll all be accessible via the 10(+2 directional) outputs on the 21pin interface. I know this was discussed a lot in the 37 thread so I’d like to make clear that for these models, being a staple of the modern railways it won’t affect my order of all 10 versions. I’m more asking to know if I can go ahead with purchasing my preferred Zimo decoders of choice and just do some programming, or if I need to wait for the non-sound ESU ones for full functionality.
  22. Update with the partial.ly payment situation. contacted support this morning (via email this time), and as partial.ly are still having issues a work-around was used. So my original order was cancelled l, with a new duplicate order created and marked as paid so dispatch won’t be affected. Great help as always from Patrick. Hopefully we might see these start to ship this week if the timescale hasn’t changed from previous posts in this thread.
  23. I believe it was stated in the Hornby Magazine video that it is a NEM socket. But the auto-uncoupler is part of the tension lock coupling and has a easy to disconnect electrical connection (i would guess something think most Hornby steam locos)
  24. Will do on Monday. Looking at the online chat all the support guys are away till then which is completely understandable. Hopefully there’s an easy solution.
  25. Is there any update on the partial.ly payments not showing correctly on the accurascale website? I’ve got a rake of 5 of these on order paid through partial.ly and despite me fully paying back in December, the accurascale website still shows “partially paid” with a remaining balance. i did contact support about a month ago about it and was told a fix should be made in the next few weeks, however it’s still showing incorrectly. So just wanted to check here if it’s still a known issue or just a me issue at this point. Just getting slightly paranoid this will affect my order and end up in me missing out. 😅
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