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Everything posted by tommyliam021

  1. Yeah the switch states dim/bright although in reality it’s more dim/slightly less dim
  2. At least 08898 looked graceful when it became italicised, the southern design just doesn’t suit the mountain locomotive look!
  3. This loco appears to have been in a shunting accident of some sort… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/195128216074?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=7NGT9XstTyC&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=MHWM_KepRdG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Excuse my ignorance, but is a production sample the finished product or is there still alterations to be made? Either way I look forward to seeing my Dinmore Manor arrive.
  5. I love having a local shedcode, really finishes a model off for me. Generally I like to go for those of the 87F and 87G variety.
  6. That sounds like a brilliant idea for a layout. As a local of Swansea I can’t help but think that Branchline would be quite scenic too.
  7. At the moment I’ve got 4 Accurascale Manors on pre order and just 1 Dapol. I’ve pre ordered the Dapol Dinmore Manor because a portion of the price goes to the GWSR and Dapol will give £5 to the locomotives owners. At present the Accurascale Manor is looking to be the better model, though we won’t know til they arrive. I’m hoping that each is as good as the other, because more choice is never bad IMO.
  8. Can we finally have a new tooled GW Saint? I’m still surprised no manufacturers have snapped at the chance given the arrival of Lady of Legend. Failing that a new tool 10xx County would go down a treat with me.
  9. Apologies if this has been asked before, but will Cookham Manor have the three letter shed code behind the front buffer beam as per the prototype? Tom
  10. I’m going to the P&BR Coal Train event tomorrow which sparked a question. As each end of the line is without runaround facilities the locomotive often propels up to four coaches (generally 3 Mk1s and a GWR inspection saloon of some sort) either to or from The nearest station with a runaround loop. My question is are there any specific laws around propelling coaches with passengers on board and if so is there a certain distance the train can travel and is there a limit to the number of coaches propelled? Apologies for the long winded post, just genuinely intrigued.
  11. I knew I’d seen it before (screenshot from yesterday at midday)
  12. its currently listed for sale on the SVR Facebook shop, albeit when you click the link it shows an error.
  13. After showing as sold out for some time, the Key Publishing exclusive Bradley Manor suddenly appeared available to order again. I know I probably can’t justify three late crest Accurascale Manors but they’re so sweeeet! Cambrian Coast triple headers anyone?
  14. Potentially, but I could see that leaving a sour taste in some people mouths, as many people don’t have the funds readily available, especially when the release date is brought so far forward. Also let’s not forget how much the RRP has increased since the model was announced. On a more positive note I look forward to seeing the Hornby 2MT in the flesh.
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