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Everything posted by RFS

  1. My laptop was 1 year old when Windows 10 was announced. It has a motherboard with integrated Intel graphics. However Intel have failed to provide Windows 10 drivers for the hardware level on this motherboard. The laptop runs Windows 10 perfectly but there are one or two websites that do not render correctly. I've managed to live with this as it's just a small inconvenience. My main desktop PC is 5 years old and also has Intel integrated graphics. It is very stable and runs Windows 10 perfectly, but has the same issue with a few websites not displaying correctly. However the problem was easily resolved by adding an Nvidia entry-level graphics card costing around £30 - one with full W10 support. Now the display works perfectly but unfortunately I can't do the same upgrade for the laptop. I would check your laptop's display drivers and see if they are W10-compatible.
  2. If you have Windows 10 Home Edition, then security updates are not optional and you have to install them. Not installing security updates is what leads to PCs being impacted by malware so it's very much in your interests to have these updates installed. By using such large, bold type in your post gives the impression you are shouting at us! Please don't ....
  3. RFS

    EBay madness

    A price like that usually means it's not in stock. A list of his other items runs to over 1.2m entries, including this one - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2007-Map-of-Scotland-Sheet-map-folded-Book-The-Cheap-Fast-Free-Post-/302062155874?hash=item46544eb862:g:SNkAAOSw8w1X9CsY A 2007 map of Scotland for £8,832.69p! Why the 69p you wonder ..... And then he has another identical one for sale at £1,517.44p - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2007-Map-of-Scotland-Sheet-map-folded-Book/391408242640?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D39695%26meid%3Dc4ce86a601cd4e4c896bbb9bf4a65cf7%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D302062155874 What on earth is his business model?
  4. RFS

    EBay madness

    Probably also because you have to collect it in person from Swansea!
  5. RFS

    EBay madness

    What are we looking at here? When I click on the link I get 220,000 hits ....
  6. The Anniversary updates is about 3.4 Gb, so on a 200mb link that take no more than 2m30s if the download runs at full speed. So you probably encountered some contention if it took 20 minutes. On my 38mb link it took about 11 minutes. Would have thought a couple of hours on a 5mb link would be achievable.
  7. RFS

    EBay madness

    And he seems to sell them at these prices - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SLOT-CLASSIC-CJ-27-FERRARI-TR59-60-LE-MANS-1960-WINNER-1-32-FOR-SCALEXTRIC-/311685993839?hash=item4891eed56f:g:w6IAAOSwknJXw0nv
  8. The wiring for the lighting is different in the two models. In the 2H the head-codes are white at one end and red at the other and they are directional. If you don't want the interior lights on then there's an on/off switch in the underframe. On the 2EPB the lights are not directional and you cannot control the lighting and head codes independently - it's either both or none. On the 4CEP the head codes and interior lighting are separate (with DCC you control them via F0 and F1). I did try a 4CEP trailer coach in the 2H and found the interior lights worked in one direction only. However all the 2H's lights worked correctly. There is a precedent (well sort of) for using an ex-CEP trailer coach - see http://www.semgonline.com/gallery/class207_4.html . It is in a class 207 and the coach is from a refurbished 4CEP, but modeller's licence etc.
  9. I have both the Lenz-USB (later version with LAN interface) and the Lenz decoder programmer (which uses the same driver as the earlier LI-USB) and neither stopped working after the latest updates.
  10. According to Hatton's it has an 8-pin socket .... http://www.hattons.co.uk/229856/Hornby_HornbyHClassBREarly_SECR_Class_H_0_4_4T_in_BR_black_with_early_emblem_Price_is_estimated_we_will_n/StockDetail.aspx
  11. A welcome addition for SR fans but I do hope they do a better job of making it DCC-ready than they did with the M7. Trouble is, Hornby don't have a 6-pin decoder which is what this model really needs. Fitting a 6-pin decoder to Bachmann's E4 was a doddle compared to fitting anything to the M7 ....
  12. There was the usual big update last Tuesday (13th September) KB3189866. However there were some network issues with this and many users were unable to download it. What MS have done is to correct that and re-ship it this week as KB3193494. If your update last week of the original KB3189866 was successful (all of mine were) then the replacement will not be installed. See http://windowsreport.com/windows-10-update-kb3193494/
  13. Indeed, but the option is only enabled once a restart has been scheduled - on my PC it's all greyed out. So if an update takes place in the background outside active hours, then you are at risk of not being able to set the time for the restart before it's too late, which is what happened to me.
  14. Be aware that one of the changes with the anniversary update (version 1607) is that Windows Update may reboot your PC unexpectedly. Previously, after WU had applied updates, it would schedule a reboot at a time of your choosing, with 0300 being the default. Now it makes its decision based on your "active hours" which has a default of 0800-1700. Last Tuesday evening I was caught by surprise when in the middle of doing something it suddenly restarted itself. There is a lot of griping on forums about this and hopefully MS will rethink. Meanwhile I would recommend setting active hours via start -> settings -> update and security -> change active hours. I've set mine to 1200-2400 which should cover me most of the time. Also "patch Tuesday" is the second Tuesday of the month, and patches are released after 1800 UK time, so I make a point of doing a "check for updates" soon after this so they can take place at a time when I'm not actually doing anything!
  15. My main PC did this (I think you may have meant sticking, although perhaps sicking was the right word!). Unbeknown to me it started downloading by itself at about 18.30 and I was only aware of the update taking place when my screen went blue at 22.00 saying "restarting". Seems it took 3 1/2 hours to complete the download. Wife's PC did the whole job automatically in less than 10 minutes though.
  16. That's because their paths do not cross so there can be no confusion. 46 is thus both Charing Cross to Sidcup, and also Victoria to Dover Western Docks via Herne Hill. Likewise 70 is both Charing Cross to Dartford via Bexleyheath and also Victoria to Sevenoaks. See here on the SEMG website - http://www.semgonline.com/headcodes/eheadcodes/eheadcodes03.html
  17. I thought the reason for the ban on sanding at Waterloo was to prevent the build-up of sand interfering with the track circuiting system.
  18. Bachmann did a while ago produce a Bulleid 3-set in OO gauge (34-500Z) complete with set numbers on each end of the brake coaches.
  19. What update got installed? I have 3 Windows 10 PCs and there have been no updates for a couple of weeks. You might find this useful to resolve - it applies to Windows 8/8.1 but is equally valid for Windows 10 - http://www.registryrecycler.com/blog/2014/04/fix-stop-error-0xc000021a-cannot-start-computer-in-windows-8-8-1/
  20. These devices use industry-standard components. For example, my Lenz 23151 LAN-USB uses a serial-USB converter from Microchip Technology. Windows 10 knows about the driver for this so will automatically install it when it sees the device, meaning the device can be used straightaway. However what is missing is the customized description. Mine simply says "USB Serial Port" but it works, I know which port it is so haven't bothered with a second install as I suspect it may down-level the driver. The customized install from Lenz has the following in its installation file, but the driver is dated 2010 - hence my reluctance to run it! ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Modify these strings to customize your device ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [strings] MFGFILENAME="mchpcdc" DRIVERFILENAME ="usbser" MFGNAME="Microchip Technology, Inc." INSTDISK="Microchip Technology, Inc. Installation Disc" DESCRIPTION="LI-USB Serial Port" SERVICE="USBSER"
  21. Seems there is a problem with this Anniversary Update, especially if you have an SSD for Windows OS and other HDD(s) for data - see http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-performance/windows-10-may-freeze-after-installing-the/5a60d75d-120a-4502-873c-8bfec65c82d0 The PC that I use in the railway room for RR&Co is fairly old (about 6 years) but it's used not just for the railway but is also a backup for our main PCs. It has a 60 Gb SSD dedicated to Windows C drive, plus a pair of 500 Gb Seagate HDDs for data. It got Windows 7 from new, was updated to W10 last August and has subsequently had both the November (1511) update and last month's (1607) - all via in-place updates. Yesterday I decided to do a clean install from the 1607 ISO. I first disconnected the two HDDs and installed the ISO. All OK (and very quick!) so I reconnected the two HDDs and rebooted. But I immediately got a BSOD saying "Inaccessible boot device". Only by disconnecting both HDDs would the PC boot. I had an old 250 Gb drive that was spare so I tried connecting that to no avail. I then did a clean install of 1607 onto that HDD, which worked fine but once the SSD was connected got the same error. So the HDD won't boot if the SSD is plugged in, and vice versa. Fortunately I'd taken an image backup of the SSD before starting so I've simply restored that and all is well. So if you have SSDs I would not install 1607 yet. And don't try a clean install on an old-ish PC. On my wife's PC, which had a new motherboard/processor/memory earlier this year, I did a clean install of 1607 last weekend with no problems and her PC also has an SSD + HDD.
  22. You don't have to wait - just go here and click "update now" at a time of your choosing. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 There was an update too for the new version (1607) which takes it to 14393.51.
  23. I believe that one solution is to create yourself a new login account, copy your files across to it and, when happy with the new one, delete the old account. You should also be able to recover the start menu by simply signing out and back in, rather than restarting the PC.
  24. Microsoft's Windows 10 Anniversary Update is about to become available - next Tuesday for everyone. As I'm registered for Insider Preview, it was available to me from yesterday so I've been checking it out today. It's a full replacement with a version number of 1607, and the install process is much the same as with the 1511 version that came out in November last year. It took about 35 minutes on my main PC, but a lot longer on a slower laptop (about 90 minutes). The only noticeable change is that the start button and the list of apps is now combined. It makes a lot of sense and means you can access apps in one click rather than having to click the start button, and then "all apps". So far only a couple of minor issues: I use BT Mail and this started saying that IE 11 was an unsupported browser. The problem was due to compatibility settings and was resolved by going into IE, selecting tools -> compatibility view settings and then unchecking the box "use Microsoft compatibility lists". Also I used a download that defaulted to US English but it's easy enough to change that back (Control Panel -> Language). There are many other new things no doubt, but not many of much use on a bog-standard desktop PC like mine! The version number is 1607 and the OS build shows as 14393.5.
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