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Everything posted by 08221

  1. 08221, 08403 and 08235 were my favourite 3 - have models of them all and the Bachmann green 08011 too. Happy memories - any photos of the above would be very welcome! Take care and stay safe.
  2. Jim, I don’t post much on here, but that cause is wonderful. if you could postt any further information if you get it, it would be much appreciated. Havent been on a rail tour for over 25 years, but I so want to go on at least a part of that trip. To see companies in this day and age make a positive difference to people lives is a rarity and deserves our support. Blessings.
  3. Is the cable from the controller plugged into the correct socket - one socket displays correctly but does not pass power to the track, the other one does.
  4. A few photos from tonights chilly running session... Class 128 in the bay platform 47147 on a short stone train 25313 on a couple of fertilizer wagons 33212 works an Amey Roadstone to Rectory Lane Almost a full house!
  5. I bought a Stanley hammer staple gun from screwfix a few months ago, it’s been very good so far.
  6. I’ve got some video I shot when the DVTs were being used for driver training, they used to run up to Bletchley, turn round and head back south. These trains were formed of a class 86/87/90 with one or two DVTs either end and were a daily sight for a few months prior to the DVTs entering traffic. Happy memories
  7. Absolutely fantastic photos - thanks for sharing. Bring back memories of the real, grimy St Pancras I remember as a kid
  8. Someone I work with recently had this happen too when some cloned her personalised plate. She had a right battle to prove it was not her car and the number plate had been cloned but the rozzers eventually caught up with the culprits and felt their collars. Felt sorry for her as it caused her loads of unwanted stress, hope it does not do the same to you.
  9. This week I have removed the old dc control panel with some archaic switches and temporarily wired in my NCE Powercab. Just have one short section in the station which has no power to it, so need to sort that out. And one quick photo of a Cravens unit in the bay platform.
  10. The day after Boxing Day in 2013, our tumble dryer caught fire. It completely gutted the utility room and the kitchen and the smoke caused damage throughout the house. Over £10,000 of damage was caused. The Fire Brigade were brilliant helping us out, but whirlpool were an absolute disgrace and never even acknowledged that a faulty component was the source of the fire as established by the Fire Brigade. I had bought their devices for years, but never again.
  11. Spent today sorting out the fiddle yards and putting the layout back up. I now have a very odd issue - NCE Powercab is working fine, but trains are not picked up the commands - very odd and frustrating!
  12. With the garage all tidy, it's time to start on the layout refurb. I have taken off the first fiddle yard board (which is hidden under the station area) in order to remove the Peco point that formed a headshunt. Tomorrow I have a full day to work on the layout, so will put a plain piece of code 75 in place of the point and do the same with the second fiddle yard board.
  13. Got the carpet laid this afternoon - railway room all done at last! I can now start work on renovating Rectory Lane - my first job is to remove two troublesome Peco points from the fiddle yard. They serve no use as the headshunts they create are too short for even a 25! Then the layout can be erected and work on renovate scenics can begin. Happy modelling, stay safe and happy! 
  14. Typical attitude these days - and quite disgraceful. we were bought up to respect others, say please and thank you, never steal and work for what you want and value it Sound lessons for life that sadly seem to be disappearing fast as the years go by and society changes...
  15. Been using Readly for a couple of years. It’s a reliable, stable App and is useful as the whole family can have their own accounts and read what interests them. Its handy as you can download copies with a specific article you want, then delete it afterwards, with no need to worry about adding to the world magazine mountain.
  16. Used to be a regular visitor to the Kings Cross shop on my way home from Holborn to Bletchley - was talking to my Dad about this thread the other week and he produced this bag from his modelling room - happy memories!
  17. Thanks for the kind comments, its early days yet! As requested, here is a rough trackplan - the high level station sits above the low level fiddle yard. Take care and have a good day.
  18. Hi Brandon. l bought a midline 121 and it did not include any destination blind decals. Made my own up using MS Word and my laserjet printer. Its a lovely model, runs well and the livery is very well done. Happy modelling.
  19. Fixed a few soldered joints this evening, carpet comes tomorrow for the floor!
  20. A couple of photos from this afternoon whilst I continue to check out the wiring, etc.
  21. Tried out putting the legs on the layout this afternoon, can't wait to get a train running once I've put the carpet down!
  22. Life is now good after a tumultuous few years and I am in a place where I can get back to my love of modelling the early 1980s BR scene in OO. My wife has given me half the garage for my railway room (as long as I get her a comfy chair so she can watch and read!), so the last couple of months have seen the garage door bricked up and the walls painted. The carpet is on its way and will be laid this weekend. Then it’s time to start refurbishing the OO gauge layout I bought on eBay last year. It’s 6 foot square and has finescale handbuilt track. It was once an exhibition layout in the north east. The garage will also be home to Bedford St Giles - my OO gauge exhibition layout based on Bedford St Johns in 1981. Here are a couple of photos from today when I put the underlay down and put the layouts in their new home. Thanks for reading, stay safe and look after yourselves!
  23. I've started preparing the layout for its appearance at Sutton Coldfield next April. I am wondering what is the best thing to do about legs for the layout as its only 4 foot long and 18" wide - would a set of trestles work OK with the layout clamped to them underneath for additional stability? Any suggestions welcome, have a happy day and stay safe
  24. Had Amanda Milling round the other day canvassing, haven't seen Mr York about yet - he really needs to start pressing the flesh
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