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Everything posted by 11B

  1. That's really a shame, I would have thought that in terms of the shark there would have been quite a good market given that Heljan did a vast range of Catfish and Dogfish. That said, I haven't received anything from Ellis Clark regarding my order Ian
  2. Hi David, That's David. Ex Millom ironworks, now at Lakeside and Haverthwaite. Kind regards Ian
  3. Did you ever hear back from them? I'm still awaiting my order, or at least a response from them! 😞 Ian
  4. It would appear that according to WCR someone isn't happy with the Jacobite and has forced them to suspend the afternoon service https://westcoastrailways.co.uk/news/important-announcement-the-jacobite-pm-1?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3VTTnZm7NiCBc4DXLW-8cmXBkVrpOPVAOLz530Ml0APt6EPzZkdHWYyUk_aem_AeRVRttCNEJQNS9BVrCRvqTv6F_0PWQgwwjUz2QavwDdEfTAuQoPkYKm7BdLtMwjrHS05WWiaAIGwJkKxrY3kbtc Kind regards Ian
  5. North West Regional Railways loco hauled mk1 and MK2 lasted until at least summer 2000, and probably 2001 so ties in with the class 101 Ian
  6. Nice photos David, but you seem to have a typo, it's Gummers Howe! Kind regards Ian
  7. Whilst our local MP is busy supporting WCR he also seems to have been told that a tamper reported hitting a underground water pipe some 53hrs before the accident. He seems to be turning into a real railway enthusiast! https://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/24226692.track-damaged-two-days-derailment---tim-farron/
  8. No. Tim Farron is Kendal area, ours in Carnforth is David Morris
  9. Practicing a 25 mph run🤔 If fitted with CDL, do the coaches have to have the external lights or could a different method be used? Ian
  10. https://westcoastrailways.co.uk/news/jacobite-letter-from-mps-re-wcr Just found this on WCR web site So still no exemption, but now getting MPs to try and get one 🤦🏻 Ian
  11. Err... https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:62568/2024-04-05/detailed My mate tells me of this shunting into Carnforth this morning of a rake of very shiny mk1's in WCR livery! Anyone any thoughts anyone? Whilst I try and find a photo? Kind regards Ian
  12. Hi Tony, I can only apologise, on reflection the word "hater" was perhaps not the wisest choice on my part, and it was not aimed at anyone, and I do respect both your views and informed responses. Ultimately, I personally feel that we probably both have a similar wish for a safe and speedy outcome that is acceptable to all parties concerned (rail industry/law makers/passengers and so on), just sometimes what sounds right in my head as I type can be read in a completely different manner thous giving a different spin on what I'm trying to say. Kind regards Ian
  13. Hi Tony, I fear you may have misinterpreted the point I was trying to make, there should be no exemption or exception to the law that is currently in place. What was simply trying to imply was that a realistic date should have been set many years ago for CDL. Then after that date, if it doesn't have it, if doesn't run in passenger service. What one man calls a "safe work around" for not having CDL may not be seen the same by other! And for clarification - I am neither a supporter or hater of WCR or any other TOC for that matter. I know people that have worked for them, and people that still do. And most importantly to myself, I don't discuss the politics of their work place with them, likewise we don't discuss the politics of mine. Likewise, I am fully aware of the reputation of both WCR and the owner. Kindest regards Ian
  14. Slightly of top, but kind of relevant.. I work in an Emergency Department (Can't use the word Accident any more), I would say that a good 95% of thus type of injury we see is from the so called professionals that take short cuts/refused to use safety equipment, not the DIYers of the world! So like I say kind of relevant to this situation? But ORR ban does leave me with the question of why this ban doesn't seem fair. Maybe they should have had a cut-off date that applied to all operators with no work around/exceptions. As a comparison the current road laws don't say that when car tyres are down to minimum tread they need to be changed, but if Mr Jones two doors down has the same issue he can drive with them on dry days so long as he promises to change them at some point in the next 18 months! Just a thought Ian
  15. Lakeside station (and track bed) was still owned by BR then, BR still owned the boats on Windermere Ian
  16. Every time I pass the golf course there it's under water! But I suppose that pre Furness Railway the golf course would have been in the sea. Ian
  17. Hi all, I'm not sure if this is the right/best place to post this! I'm involved with a very small model club, someone suggested that we apply for "Charity status". Google tells us that there are a number of model railway clubs that have applied for this and managed to get it, yet others haven't! This leaves us with a number of questions... Have any of you good people done this? How long did it take? How complicated was it? Why do some clubs get granted this yet others don't? Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Ian
  18. I had wondered that myself, but then the fixed/inbuilt ones could be made to flash 🤔
  19. Hi all, A random question which had never occurred to me untill my 4yr old grandson pointed it out! Why do locos, units, driving trailers have fixed non flashing tail lights whilst the battery powered tail lamps flash? Granted that the battery ones were a replacement for the oil ones could gave the impression of flashing, but is there any need for them to flash,? Thanks in advance. Ian
  20. Hi all For those of you that may be interested M&HMRC have moved premises recently. The club is now located in the town centre on Morecambe Street, Morecambe with numerous carparks near by. The club have moved from the old location during November and December 2023 and are currently in busy creating new layouts there. There will hopefully be N, OO DCC, OO DC, O and O-16.5 layouts. The O gauge will sadly be somewhat shorter than the previous on, but the building is much better. It is hoped that the first of the monthly open days will take place on Saturday 10th February 2024. They meet on a Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7pm and are a small club and are currently recruiting new members. Check out their Facebook page for more information. Many thanks Ian
  21. Just a thought/question? Given that the loco is equipped for main line running, will the data recorder/black box still be running when in use in preserved lines? Thanks Ian
  22. So one question that relates to this, and at the risk of a public witch trial for asking... What do NYMR for the doors on the Network Rail section they operate on to Whitby? Last time I travelled on it they didn't have CDL of a person at each door. Or to put it another way, could the impact of WCR's issues impact on NYMR! Just a thought to chew over, please don't hate me. Kind regards Ian
  23. Yes, it's still open but the opening hours have reduced Ian
  24. OMG. Thank you so much, just checked that that and behold, I'm able to view everything again. Kind regards Ian
  25. Hi All, So, are we any closer to finding the issue that is causing the Error 500 problem that some of use are experiencing? I see other members are opening up topics as they are having the same problems with various topics. Many thanks Ian
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