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Status Updates posted by 11B

  1. is awating Royal Mail to deliver parts to finish the cattle dock!

    1. 11B


      Well done Royal Mail, order arrived within 24hr!!!

  2. has survived his knee opperation, and is not in much pain (yet)!!!!

    1. 11B


      Ok, the pain has kicked in.... OMG....

    2. Trebor


      I have a foot op next wednesday. 3 to 6 weeks in a cast...

  3. Well 13hrs at work tomorrow, bac to work as a patient of Friday for an opperation, then 28 days off.... It's a hell of a way to get some time to work on my layout!!!!

  4. Well the hill side is starting to take shape!

  5. I'm done building bridges! I'll try embankments and roads now...

  6. I stand here looking at this first base board thinking I must start on making some hills!

    1. pipparooba


      id be thinking track plan track plan track plan

  7. Been sat in the Smug on Carnforth Station drinking. wow the 350's look good in FTPE livery,,,,, Or could this be the drink?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 11B


      Oh dear, beer typing... Snug!!!

    3. Mallard60022


      I can imagine the snug with fug and trains too - lovely.

    4. 11B


      It was! This morning however!


  8. it's that time of the month again, time to clean the fish tank. I think we have the oldest goldfish in history....

  9. Well. the time has come.. Today, and at the age of 35yrs I was the oldest member of the nursing staff on my ward........

    1. Horsetan


      When does the pension kick in? ;-)

    2. 11B


      At this rate.... Never

  10. Black clouds and sunshine! now do I get on with the ballasting, carry on chopping wood for winter, or get browny points by tidying the house!!!

  11. Ballasting is like Marmite. You either love it or hate it!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eastwestdivide


      Am I the only one who neither loves nor hates Marmite? Other spreads are available.

    3. Platform 6

      Platform 6

      Just don't put ballast on your sandwich - *everyone* hates that ;-)

    4. Nelson Jackson
  12. Axe v's thumb.... and the winner is..... not me..... How much blood!!!

    1. Nelson Jackson
    2. Trebor


      look at the positive side, you now know that the axe works, rather too well....

    3. Spitfire2865
  13. Happy days, new log burner installed today, everyone melting!!!

    1. Super D

      Super D

      Switched our heating off a month ago!

    2. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Log burner was the best thing we ever did.

    3. 11B


      Wow, its hot in here, and dug out my old brew can so I have tea on tap!!!

  14. What set off as needing one new tyre turned into two.... Arr!!!!

    1. Trebor


      modelling budget, SPENT!


    2. Jim49


      Did You Go to Kwik Fit by any chance? I think those b*gg*rs keep a sharp Stanley knife handy to ruin many a tyre when the car owner's not looking.

  15. The last three days at work, and we have had sun shine, today I get a day off in the rain. Mother nature knows I have jobs to do at home outside!!!

    1. 3 link

      3 link

      lovely and sunny down here in the south...

    2. Chris116


      Oh dear, now yu will have to do some modelling to pass the time away!!


  16. Has just returned next doors trampoline back over the fence!

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      It will probable bounce back during the night.

  17. Today I found the remains of 34073 looking in a very sad way!

    1. ozzyo


      In old Carnforth yard by any chance?

    2. 11B


      Yep. Makes Tim's Hall look like a runner!

  18. There is some strange bright thing in the sky, its warm and white/yellow. I think I remember it.... something to do with summer

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 11B


      It's back again, only putting out more heat!

    3. lyndonsdad1


      Better get the Ducati out then ?

    4. Jawfin
  19. is currently planning a "man shed" at the bottom of the garden, with log burner, bar and green house on the side for SHMBO

    1. SHMD


      May I recommend a "false wall" at the far end? (As in the more ingenious PoW huts during the 2nd WW.)

  20. Apparently it is more important to tidy the house than work on a train set!! Train set, how many times? It is a model railway!!!

    1. Platform 6
    2. trisonic


      Sorry it's definitely a train set... '-) says one-eyed-jock

    3. Sasquatch


      Don't complain. If it's more important to tidy the house than work on the trainset if you don't own. No one's saying it's more important to tidy the house than work on the model railway!

  21. Joy! My winter cough is back, and keeping every one awake.... Wife says if the Doctor can't stop it she will!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kev_Lewis


      Martyn, It sounds more like a euphemism when you say it like that!

    3. 11B


      I would say she is more of an axe throwing type!!!

    4. 3 link

      3 link

      That's me, I like a bit of both. Just like 0/fine or S7......

  22. has just dropped the new bottle of olive oil on the kitchen floor. Glass everywhere, and the oil on the tiles!!!!

  23. Just for a change..... more wind and rain. May need to rethink my plans for today, going on the roof may not be the best idea. Looks like it could be a railway day!

  24. What a day! I won

    1. Horsetan


      If that includes M&S alcohol, will M&S staff be willing to handle the sale of it?

    2. 11B


      I find the checkout with the oldest operator

  25. Not sure the whys and wherefores, but it seems that I am getting four locos for Christmas!!! 8F, Black 5, Cl 28, and an industrial tank loco. Thanks to wife, mother in law, and my parents...

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