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Everything posted by Waverley47708

  1. Platforms. One thing about modelling a real location is you end up noting wee details that you were blissfully unaware of. Between postcards, photos on the web, cab view videos I think I managed to pick up a number of details. The strange shape of Pt 14 is perhaps the most obvious detail, with its of centre canopy. It seems to make sense of it you have to look back to a time when the West end of Waverley was a bit more symmetrical. There used to be three tracks between 14 and 15 as there was between 16 and 17. The buffer end of 14 seems to be in line with what would have been the middle road of the three. The end where the DBSO tended to sit (Mound end) was in line with the original Pt 14. No idea why it was remodelled the way it was. Am sure someone will know. What does this mean, Platform 14 is the trickiest to make and the canopy is not full width. The same remodelling partially explains the track work found in themed 80s. The area between 16 and 17 has kept its three tracks, although there seems to have been some modifications to the Mound end of 16. Although 18/19 and 17/18 are relatively straight with a slight curve at the end of 17, 15/16 the longest and thinnest has a curve over most it length Most of the platforms are concrete sides, however the stretch between the loco holding siding points and the ramp on 17 retains brickwork, the rest being concrete and one of them, Pt 13 has a hole in it! Only picked that one up thanks to a postcard sent by a friend. Anyway the construction, I thought about it for a long time and in the end have gone for Palstruct I bar (approx 15mm) topped with Plasticard. Thought this was more likely to result in level platforms than me cutting strips out of plasticard to form the sides! Was glad to see that Waverley platforms sides were similar to Platruct I bar! Platform are surprisingly lower than most people (myself included) imagine. They are level with the bottom of a buffer on 47 at Waverley, and low enough to see the white piping on the side of the 47/7s. The I bar I planned to use with the plasticard on top was spot on, however I ended up using a very thin piece of palsticard as the base so I could stick the I bar to it and then put the tops (to be removable) on top. This makes them about 1/4 mm too high but when viewed from above it looks fine. The angle it is viewed a emphasises the height of the loco to the platform. I wanted to be able to remove the tops to keep the canopies safe and install signals etc at a alter date. And depending on how they look I may redo them at a later stage if required. It being a lot easier to change tops than the whole things. The good news is that one platform had vertical struts every 4/5 foot, thankfully this is on a North facing platform and can't be seen from the South facing view. 17 has got cables hanging on the underside of the platform, this along with the brick section is a must for 17. I have made the most of the straightest 19,18,17 and 12 and so far so good, having real problems with 14. I have tried the old pencil strapped to a coach trick but it does not seem to give you a close enough line. It is important that the gap is not too big. As always it has to be a Mk3 for testing clearances. It is easier to cut the thinner (base) plasticard especially for curved sections than the top, but am finding by doing the base fist and use that as a template it is coming on OK. Plan at the moment is to scribe the tops to create the slabs along the edge, another good reason for doing removable tops, if it does not work I can redo them. First photo is of 19/18. I was not sure how long to make the ramp, after scanning loads of photos of Waverley on the web, I found one of a 101 adjacent to the ramp on 11/12 and noted when the second wheel on the leading bogie was in line with the end of the ramp, the top of the ramp was in line with a vent just to the front of the Guards section, 8cm looks right to me anyway! Next photos show the construction of 11/12 and the progress so far including the not so good 14.
  2. It seems like only yesterday I was blaming Springwatch for my lack of progress, and now it is Autumnwatch. Still too easily distracted with running trains rather than completing the layout. Just back from Disney where I bumped into Snow White, after she spoke to the girls I managed to have a quick word!
  3. Excellent been checking their site for the new catalogue since the start of October. Always look forward to looking through it.
  4. Sierra, Cavalier, Astra. All big ticks from me. Can start thinning out my 60s and 70s vehicles a bit. Still hoping for original style Range Rovers and Rover SD1s Wonder if we will get the more common Allegro saloon and a hatchback version of the Sierra in the future.
  5. "The Forth Bridge is one of them. Not as a model but as an add-on end-on backscene to a branch off the layout, as viewed from Dalmeny or North Queensferry perhaps. I would like Princes St. to end in the Haymarket Tunnels too, rather than just peter out as it does at the moment. I'd really also somehow like to include Kinghorn (Fife) and/or maybe the section of the ECML where it runs alongside the coast close to the border" Kinghorn would be good, Aberdour in the 80s difficult due to the fact it used to win station of the year with its many many plants and flower beds. How about Inverkeithing, more trains than Kinghorn as it was located before the branch spilt to Dunfermline. It handily has a road bridge at one end and a tunnel at the other for scenic breaks, or a shortened version could use the road bridge at either end as scenic breaks. A nice s curve track layout. In the 80s the station buildings were upgraded giving you the choice of two buildings on Plt 2.
  6. Not properly True Blue, nevertheless firmly within the blue period. Went for 1985/6 so I could run blue type two locos and the ScotRail Express sets in ScotRail livery. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/96961-waverley-85-86/page-2&do=findComment&comment=1968493
  7. I got a couple of 47/7s from Grimy times a few years ago. One was a renumber to Waverley 47708 (no surprises there) and one as a weathered 47712 Lady Di - very nice weathering job and agree a very nice guy to deal with.
  8. Thanks Matthew, The coupling have been modified, the original couplers removed and replaced with Bachmann types screwed into the bogies. I set them back enough to ensure the extend just beyond the buffers. This is why the coaches on the second photo appear closer together. I meant to rotate them 180 degrees as i think the Lima bogies are the wrong way round (bar at an angle near the middle should be the other way round). Am toying with using the NEM housing supplied by Parkside Dundas to be able to use NEM sockets and then possibly Kadees or NEMs with the Bachmann pipe type connection.
  9. Not a lot of progress recently on the layout (again). Nevertheless recently enjoyed 2 excellent events with full size locos, one last Saturday at Carlisle where it was great to see an old friend 47712, looking spectacular in ScotRail livery. Much cleaner than 47712 on my layout. Bo'ness diesel gala on Saturday. A really great line up of locos including Royal Oak in NSE. Two Saturdays before I was on Orkney where Royal Oak was sunk by a U Boat which managed to get through the block ships in Scapa Flow. Had been told there were no railways on Orkney, however I am pleased to say I found one. Of course the weekend before was Perth show which seemed to go well and I got to see Diesels of the Duchy in the flesh. Did plant/install some trees tonight after running 47712, 27004 and 26028 most of the day. The latter with her discs and water tanks is due to be renumbered to one of the few left with discs and water tanks in 1985, 26025 if my memory serves me correctly. Photo of two types two's passing on passenger services, the 27 with Mk2 coaches and the still to be refurbished 26 with Mk1s
  10. Whenever I think about Australian modellers perhaps taking a day of to go to the beach, I stick by my rule. If it is warm enough to swim, it is warm enough to get eaten.
  11. Yes my apologies, the year was 1985 not 1998.
  12. Despite my policy on kettles, that black and white one is a stunning photo and I must confess it caught me out as I thought it was real.
  13. The 2015 Exhibition is now over as far as most of us are concerned, no doubt our exhibition manager, secretary and our treasurer will have some bit and pieces to finish off. However for most of us we can now relax. I am reliably informed our next show will be our Silver Anniversary Show, as always it will be the last weekend on June. Stan will already be well on the way to filling up the hall with layouts and trade. More of that later no doubt......................
  14. Now kicking myself I did not buy the body for this at Perth on Saturday when I bought the Oxford BRS lorry, for those not familiar with Road Transport Images I think you can buy the cab, chassis, body etc seperatly http://www.roadtransportimages.com/search-results?isc=1&searchword=british%20crew&ordering=xf3 Oxford Ford would need shortened for body to fit, but that was of the type I saw more often. To answer the post 're transfers i think road transport images do transfers although not ScotRail ones. Am thinking use light blue stripes for Fox and then black ScotRail lettering from Fox, Replica or any other manufacturers.
  15. Maybe you got the wrong Perth, the show was in Perth, Scotland not Perth, Australia. Mind you I can understand why you may have got confused with Stubby47's upside down photo of a 57 and Damian's Great White Shark and Chips on Friday. Enjoyed seeing Diesels on the Duchy, an excellent layout.
  16. I had seen that version of the early (1984?) livery on power cars before, Lima did a model of it, but had not seen photos of the coaches with the light grey / beige extended on to the roof. I assumed it was an error on the model. As part of my refurbishment of my Lima coaches I am removing the beige from the roof section to model what I recall on the ECML mid 80s being more typical. Nothing more sophisticated than sellotape is nedeed to remove the beige on the roof. Would I be correct in thinking the early version on the power cars and the beige extending on the roof were a Western Region detail. Lima also did some or all of their ScotRail Mk 3s in the same way.
  17. Nice work on D200 and photos of it arriving at Waverley West, Photo of the real D200 at Waverley, 1984 on an Edinburgh Dundee service. https://www.flickr.com/photos/90001203@N00/385728930 Am sure I have seen a colour photo of it at Waverley, but can't locate it just now. On 33s, share Waverley West's view on them, always preferred their Scottish wee sisters 26s and 27s. Preferred 27s (probably as I used to see them on Dundee services at Waverley in Plt 17) but having been running 26s a lot on my layout, 26s are growing on me. Seemed a bit odd seeing a pair of 33s at Waverley on the You Tube link, it's odd seeing something that seems out of place, something unfamiliar in a familiar place.
  18. One of our club members who has not got access to the internet is in the process of converting some yellow Irish autoballasters into yellow Network Rail versions. I am looking for OO Network Rail transfers for him to go on the autoballasters. Can anyone point me to where I can get OO versions of the transfers for the autoballasters. Thanks Waverley47708@yahoo.co.uk
  19. I think that livery is correct, the red stripe in particular is in my opinion more accurate than the version on the Airfix / Dapol / GMR versions. I also prefer the shade of dark grey. Overall I think the Lima version matches Bachmann’s rendering of the livery better and therefore a Bachmann loco with Bachmann and Lima Coaches in a rake of Intercity matches better than a Bachmann / Airfix rake in that livery. The link in my post above is to a photo of a Bachmann 47 and Lima Mk2s. I tend to use my Intercity liveried Airfix versions with a non Intercity liveried loco, so with a Large Logo or Blue 47 for example. The Lima version other than the red stripe not extending round the edge is neatly applied. This can be sorted easily.
  20. As a result of Springwatch not much modelling done recently. Have rewired the 10 sets of points though. My wiring is ok but not artistic enough to be worth a photo or two. The rewiring and the installation of a 24 volt supply for the CPU has made a big difference.
  21. Have asked for the SD1 a few times, the ex Grampian Police SD1 which featured in For The Love of Cars the other week would be excellent (hint hint). It was bought by the Alford Motor Mueseum if Taff needs one to measure up. An original Range Rover would also be good. The Volvo and the Mk2 Astra should be a welcome addition to modeller of the mid 80s.
  22. Our open night / sale night seemed to go well and we enjoyed welcoming members of other local club's or societies. The sale seemed to go well with a lot of items being sold. Most people seemed to buy a few bits and pieces, some a few box fulls. Despite rumours to the contrary there were no kittens for sale!
  23. On 28 May our usual club night will be a little different, we are hosting an event which will include the sale of model railway items and a chance for visitors to see round our new premises. If I get a fuller or more detailed list of what is for sale I will post it on RMWEB in the meantime please see the below. If you are interested in attending please contact secretary@perthmrc.com "The main bulk of what we have is his large collection of books. Most are on American subjects but there are also a lot of British ones as well. There is a large amount of HO stuff ranging from steam and diesel loco's, some freight and passenger cars, building kits and a lot of details like vehicles etc. We also have some American O scale loco's and rolling stock, British OO kits and ready to run items and finally some British O scale buildings and scenery details parts."
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