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Everything posted by 1722

  1. Fair enough. I did wonder as Distillery Yard is the same plan, just using a point facing an alternate way.
  2. Are you still planning on following the Juniper Hill track plan, Luke?
  3. The part demolished building is a stunning piece of modelling. I'd love to see a few more pictures of that please.
  4. And fantastic it looks for it (and it looked pretty damned decent before)! Excellent work, Tom. Inspirational.
  5. All very nice so far. I like the pub, can almost smell the ale emanating from the door as I type...
  6. Unsure as yet whether this will continue. Time is very much an issue and I'm also pondering a different idea. Time will tell.
  7. What a stunning little layout, very much along the lines of what I was after a while back. Super work. Lovely stock too.
  8. You should fit the plan in to 2 feet, as the third foot of Juniper is just the fiddle yard. You would have to use a fiddle stick as an add on.
  9. Luke, thanks for the kind Mention of somewhere in Shropshire. Juniper Hill is an Exceptional layout and one I keep looking back too. Great choice and looking forward To seeing development.
  10. Great to see City Goods again. I do enjoy all your layouts but think this is my favourite. Regarding the code 75, is there a difference in gaps between sleepers?
  11. I hate ballasting. I absolutely hate it. Luckily, with the cake box being just 8 inches, it didn't take long. It's a quick, and cruel, close up but it'll depict a not too well cared for line. A few weeds, a dash of weathering and it should do just fine. The track is Peco code 100, but I've very roughly respaced the sleepers. I'm no finescale modeller but I do prefer sleepers at the more correct spacing.
  12. Looks a good little start. I particularly like the idea of a demolished platform. You mention a pug, is there any more stock plans?
  13. Thanks Al. I'm unsure how many trees I'll go for yet but I like the idea of the train emerging from an avenue of them on the right.
  14. Great job. Sorry for causing you more work. To me it looks well worth it, hope it does to you.
  15. Tom, I find this thread and your modelling very inspirational. The research and attention to detail is quite something. I have been a serial layout-starter recently, not seeing anything through, probably because I rush. Your measured, accurate approach is something I am aiming to emulate. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing Cwm Prysor and the other stations on the Bala branch appear.
  16. Good to see you back Jerry. I've built several boxfiles in the past and they are great fun to build. Looking forward to seeing this progress.
  17. Interesting to read. I've been tempted by one of these as I'm pretty sure it's become 'Wimblebury' on the Foxfield Railway. If it's not a great runner I might rethink. Think the layout is a great start. The height of the buildings is, as previously mentioned, a great way of setting the locos in the scene. Looking forward to seeing this develop. Perhaps a little late to suggest but would it be possible to move the loader along the back scene? You'd be able to propel a two wagon train under it then, rather than just one wagon at a time?
  18. Apologies Danny, post edited to put it right.
  19. Thanks, Danny. Based on how highly you speak of them, I've decided to use a few Scale Model Scenery products for the fences and gates. Also looking forward to giving static grass a proper go. More work done today: painted the fields and added the underlay for where the track is going.
  20. Photo © Foxfield Railway 2019 When browsing the all-new Foxfield Railway website (well worth a look, as is the actual railway) I found this picture. I thought pretty much instantly that the addition of a vehicle of some sort waiting on the country lane would be another take on ‘waiting for a train,’ in this case 'to pass so it can continue it's journey along the road.' I’m not planning an exact copy, working more 'along the lines of.' I have, however, made a start by making the baseboard up of 3 laminations of foam board. I’ve also started the landscape, adding in the fields in each corner and have covered it in paper mache. It is now sat, drying, in the airing cupboard.
  21. Huge fan of the Peckett, Luke. I've got the Port of London one on preorder so I can change it into Rocket, my profile picture. Distillery Yard is coming on brilliantly, and enjoy painting the barrels... Do they come with any ale inside?
  22. Will there be a new area to post progress pics etc or do we post on the same cake box forum?
  23. Looks great James. However, I'm looking forward to seeing those locos you mentioned (and give a tantalising glimpse of on the top pic).
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