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Everything posted by darrel

  1. The trams are excellent the three British ones are ex corgi diecast models the foreign ones are all plastic very nice detail and decoration. I will post photos if anyone is interested. I'm still hoping they will do some Glasgow trams there have been 16 trams in the series so far.
  2. Bachmann did a 0 gauge model of locomotion. While it would be nice to have its not the most useful thing. A M7 would be useful as it could be converted to a Caledonian railway tank engine. As SACMartin has said the T9 can be converted to a number of Scottish locos.as well.
  3. Here we go finished battle of Britain spitfire
  4. I wish I was selective ha ha. I have been buying at least 3 of each model, in some cases more, I know from your previous posts you have been buying multiple copies. While a lot of the subscriptions may be to the target audience it's impossible to know who is buying them in the shops. I've now got the transfers done on one side of the BoB waiting on the varnish drying then will get the other side done will post photos later today or tomorrow
  5. If they know that most of their sales are to modellers buying multiple copies then hopefully they will realise that rocket and locomotion will be small sellers. Most of us will only buy one copy. Other models will have more potential than them. The western has several colour schemes we can paint them in the same would go for a class 37 or 47
  6. Would weatherman be able to use his contacts to put forward suggestions for future models?
  7. Smokebox door looks not too bad once it's been painted. Just need to wait for all the paint to dry then I can get on with the transfers
  8. Now you tell me The rear pony truck on his page looks good few other bits could come in useful thanks for the heads up
  9. Perfectionists look away now actually go hide behind the settee. Ok now they are hiding I decided to paint one of my battle of Britain locos in BR green but that requires the removal of the southern ring thing on the smokebox door. It is a pain in the backside to remove as you can't get at it properly with a knife or a file. The roof is in the way the smoke deflectors are in the way the buffer beam is in the way arrrggghhh! Anyway having done my best to carve it away neatly I realised it was not going to look very good. Time for plan B, I cut away as much of the smokebox door as I could, I then took the smokebox door from the Dapol kit and cut away the surrounding plastic and glued it in place. It's a bit crude but it will do.
  10. Good to see someone else taking the plunge. I had not had the courage to use my airbrush until I had a go with the 9F and I have been using it on just about every model since. Last week I respayed and weathered my first proper loco a model rail sentinal. It turned out really well not sure I would have had the courage to do it if I had not been able to practice on these locos. I've always been more interested in diesels and electrics and would not normally have bought models of most of these locos but at this price I can't resist. They have given me a better appreciation and knowledge of steam locos. I don't call them kettles as often as I did. Nice work on your Deltic and class 08 please show more photos of what you do with the rest of the locos in the series. Keep up the good work.
  11. Just tried lifting it It breaks up I'm wondering if it's a waterside transfer with gloss varnish over the top. This one is going BR green anyway
  12. Here is the photographic evidence
  13. The numbers on one of mine are self adhesive. There is a gloss background to them. I have just noticed in the list of models on page 2 of the magazine it now includes a GWR king and an intercity 125 power car. Don't remember them on earlier lists
  14. I got two battle of Britain's today decoration on both is very good. That said I did leave two behind in Asda that had numbers that were not straight. I was planning to repaint one in BR green at least the lining should be easier all straight lines no curves or corners. However I was hoping the southern railway round thing on the smokebox door would be detachable, it's not its moulded on. Removing it is going to be a bit of a job, not sure whether to try to fit the smokebox door from the Dapol kit instead. But then with all the dimensional errors on this loco I'm not sure whether I would be better just building the Dapol kit. It's a pity they didn't copy the latest Hornby model surely it would cost the same to copy. It goes to show how much ready to run models have improved in recent years. 20 years ago we would have been perfectly happy with this locomotive. Thank you weatheringman for another excellent review nice to have you back.
  15. I posted photos of the one I did in BR colours but that's it for now I have a spare one which may become either a k4 or a complete mess that looks nothing like a k4 depending on how good / bad a job I do of it.
  16. It's ok only two sleeps till we start frothing or nit picking again. If anyone is looking for something different to do to the jinty there is an interesting photo in this month's railway magazine of one that was used in France during world war two
  17. I hope we get the binders soon I have all these magazines and need a binder to keep them safe
  18. Another one for repainting BR black. Unlined of course looking forward to the jinty not sure what to do with the light Pacific I toyed with the idea of BR green but it would need lining. Maybe leave one till I have forgotten how much of a pain the lining is
  19. Welcome back mate we have missed you and your excellent reviews. If you have already written them please post them in case we overlooked anything. But much more importantly get well soon. And yes we would love to see your photos of your layouts
  20. Remind me not to do locos with lining again Here is the finished loco Remind me not to do locos with lining again Here is the finished loco
  21. Having never applied lining transfers I now know I hate applying lining transfers! Still it will be worth it in the end and I can hide any errors with weathering.
  22. I don't think they are too bad apart from the wheels. I'm hoping some weathering might make them look better. I will need to finish putting the transfers on first. Boiler bands done and one cabside number so far. I still have the other candidate and the rest of the lining to do. That's going to be the hard bit. I have to say the vacuum pipes look much better than previous models.
  23. Got two today I was hoping weathering man would've posted one of his excellent reviews but in the mean time here is my small review of the model. I have to say I am not familiar with the K3 so there may be issues I'm not aware of. Starting with the wheels the good news is they are not silver but they are not the best looking. They would be better if the spokes were see through. At first glance I thought they were plastic, I thought it would be possible to drill and file them open. On closer inspection I discovered they are actually metal, which would make it a harder job, I think I will leave it as is. The connecting rods and motion are silver and will benefit from painting and weathering. The chassis running plate on one had an upwards bend towards the front of the loco as others have mentioned. The rear of the boiler does not match up with the front of the cab leaving a gap. A bit of glue and using elastic bands to clamp the two together while the glue set did the trick. There is a seam along the top of the boiler which is easy to file off. Decoration on the locomotive and tender is very good, I am going to change one of mine to lined BR black. The bar connecting the loco with the tender is far too long. I cut it off shortened it and superglued it back on. The coal in the tender is a bit flat, replacement coal would improve the look. Other than that it looks like another great model especially at this price. Wish me luck applying the transfers for the lining
  24. What work would be required to convert one to a K4? Is it a simple change the boiler and tender? Or a lot more complicated.
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