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Coombe Barton

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Everything posted by Coombe Barton

  1. has spent ages looking for the gauges. Maybe better if I'd looked in the drawer marks 'gauges and measures' first.

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Nah, that would be silly...

    2. halfwit
    3. skipepsi


      if you had they wouldn't have been there

  2. Replacement dishwasher installed and working (they delivered early this morning) and replacement lights fitted on car. So what's next ......

  3. has returned from looking at caravans. Will seem odd to change from a tent (not the same one) after 45 years.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pannier Tank

      Pannier Tank

      I hope it's a static van and not another one for the road!!

    3. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Teddy Boston had a 009 layout on his canal boat.


    4. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Touring van - we do fieldwork in various parts of the country

  4. Did you realise that ten months today is Christmas Day?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ian


      All together now: "Jingle bells, batman smells, Robin's laid an egg....

    3. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr bar humbug

    4. wiggoforgold


      Not long to wait for the Hornby 2012 list then

  5. Off railway topic but into the philosophy. When I was researching broinze and iron age boats the people who were the experts were the model makers. They had already done the research and knew the sources. They had solved the constructional problems in small scale. When I look at layourts I compare with the prototype - and can ask the questions. It may be that the prototype detail does not exist in the phtographs or physically - but sharing the knowledge gives an insight into what should be modelled. So the prototype, if it is there for promary research, is fine. It's the interpretation that can provide the inspiration.
  6. Back from lunch out - glad to be back - say no more

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Still got the indigestion and deafness

    3. Garry D100

      Garry D100

      not supposed to put food in your ears !

    4. Horsetan


      Were the outlaws involved?

  7. Except that much of what is modelled does not now exist.
  8. Maybe rather "I want to get mine to look as good as that".
  9. P4 layouts all Heckmondwyke-- showing what could be achieved in P4. Only saw this in the flesh once. The long sweep, the attention to detail, the effect. Clinkerford - John Darch's (Killybegs) n branch that sets the railway in the landscape. The consistency and the understated detail is great. And you don't need a load of stock to have an interesting layout. Wheal Elizabeth - (Ullypug) you can have fun on a P4 plank. It works at all levels. How I made my choice? It's thinking that when I'm considering what to do I think of these most often as exemplars.
  10. Am trusted to be home alone for the weekend with SWMBO's instruction to get some modelling done.

    1. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      How did you manage that?

    2. DonB


      in the current argot....Respect!

  11. is losing voice. Not helpful when you're lecturing.

  12. feels that the most productive thing I managed to do at work today was going to the loo before coming home.

  13. ATTENTION ADULTERERS: Morrison's doing buy 1 get 1 free on Valentine's cards, I kid you not.(via Twitter

    1. RedgateModels


      ooh, that's good - I always send SWMBO two cards anyway :)

    2. 0O00


      Perfect - My wife has a split personality.

  14. The Stafford show was inspiring. But I;ve been stuck with my nose in spreadsheets all day!

  15. In MRJ no. 9 Mike Jolly and Mike Clarke carried out modifications to the Airfix model using a previous incarnation of the Dart Castings kit. (It's improved now). Article comes with complete drawings for both Diags A28 and A30.
  16. That would be me in trouble, then - http://bbc.in/fls4FR

    1. KevinWalsh


      stay away from the beans and ruby murray's then LOL

    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      And horsetan would also be affected :)

  17. You know it's been a bad day when you can say the friendliest voice you've heard is that from your SatNav

    1. halfwit


      And thats only talking to you because it has to...

  18. SWMBO rehearsing for summer - watching the Aussie Open

    1. DonB


      over 25 minutes for first 4 games! could go on for ever! Swtched off!

  19. is on here for a break!

    1. halfwit


      Unlike halfwit who's just broken...

    2. skipepsi


      Or mick who is just broke

  20. Life is dominated by Excel analysis - no modelling done for ages. :(

  21. Thanks for the compliment - but they're only normal sized trees. Modelling them to 'real' hright is both a challenge in modelling and believability (and it may just hide the models you're trying to show off) However I believe that trees of this size can and should be modelled to scale - It'll just take time and careful positioning so that they fit. and yes, they will dwarf the trains. But other prople build big warehouses, so why not? [Edit] Trees are the biggest living thing on this planet.
  22. Talkling of the height of trees, this is of Ashburton Engine Shed on 13 August 2010. To 4mm scale these'll be about 1ft 4 in high. The engine shed comes in at just over 4 inches.
  23. Having just found out what it's called from here just looked for a website for detail - and found the scouts website for knots - http://www.pioneeringmadeeasy.co.uk/knotsandlash/harvesthitch.html - thanks
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