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Everything posted by Enterprisingwestern

  1. Don't you just hate it when old women photobomb your detail shot? Mike.
  2. Seems like Sainsburys in Matlock has taken a hammering in the construction of the layout Al?!! Mike.
  3. Easy, make another model without the roof! Mike.Hat, coat, gone.
  4. My word, that's a big one. Looks impressive, worth the price of admission alone! Mike.
  5. Being currently unable to break free from house renovation, these are the best I can manage I'm afraid. Luceros, the Alicante terminus of the Benidorm line, Mike.
  6. Not casting aspersions on you by the way, but, I think this comes under the heading "blindingly obvious things that we all know so we don't bother telling any body", the problem being how does anybody know what everyone else knows? Mike.
  7. Having unknowingly driven at 135mph on a british motorway in a Mercedes Benz, albeit some 30 years ago, I can echo those comments. Mike.
  8. I can honestly say I am not a cheque book modeller. Now PayPal, Debit card, cash, well, that's another thing altogether! Mike.
  9. Some of that is mine, I sent him a million dollars last year. Mike.
  10. Yes, that's the one I thought I linked to. Probably PICNIC again! Mike.
  11. A great idea, but look what happened to Photopic, I think it's a bit of an all eggs in one basket approach. My photo's have gone to a publisher, safe as anywhere, and they will reappear from time to time in books for all to see. Mike.
  12. In a similar vein, I see someone is asking for details of a locomotive today, and seem to be expecting to be presented with all they ask for on a silver plate. It took me some 18 months on and off to gather enough information on these engines, and about £35 in photographic costs, am I going to give him all my research, hell no. A small manufacturer already makes a conversion kit for this loco, will he give all his information up to a competitor, hell no. Is it all something to do with the instant fix society, combined with thoughtlessness and lack of manners?, probably too heavy a subject for discussion here. Mike.
  13. Where would the hobby be without such experts? Mike.
  14. Always an awkward one this, we could all sit back and let someone else do the work and then sponge of them, but, as you say, telling people to politely sod off might come across in the wrong way! I personally don't think research time is any different to model construction time, if you made a model you could then sell it as an asset, why not think of intellectual rights in the same way, after all, if you had all the information dropped into your lap at the beginning you would be a lot closer to finishing the layout. Also, to me, research is another facet to the hobby, useful for understanding what you are modelling and why. Mike.
  15. IMHO, you can't beat these for bug units; http://www.highlevelkits.co.uk/ Mike.
  16. Some of us speculate with Portescaps, some of us speculate with Craftsman kits, mine have suddenly increased in value! Mike.
  17. How prevelant were the blue carflats in the late 60's?, I only ask, as, from the pics and info I have, there didn't seem to be many repaints until a few years later, trains in the period seemed to primarily consist of bauxite carflats with motorail boards, as the car industry had spare capacity in the summer months and loaned out the wagons. Primarily the reason I haven't pre-ordered any Bachmann or Oxford blue varieties. Mike.
  18. Yes, the Hornby 08, pick-ups as strong as gossamer wings, you must have had a good one, none of mine have survived my brutal attack when re-wheeling them, but I suppose that answers the question, you being a more gentle type of chap! Get it signed by somebody famous, DOMH maybe?!!! Mike.
  19. Perdantically, wasn't it called the Swansea and Mumbles Railway, so it wasn't a tram? Mike.
  20. I too found it too much like hard work converting the shunter, so, despite the oft repeated fiscal and calenderical!! issues with Ultrascale, I got a stock in a couple of years back. With a modified baseplate having better pick up capability, it's a straightforward job which results in a transformed loco. Now I just need to try and get a signed copy of Model Rail transported over here! Keep up the good work. Mike.
  21. Have you considered using these instead of aluminium oxide?, less corrosive for your nozzle! http://www.walnutshellpowder.com/walnut_shell/product_Walnut_Shell_Blasting.html Mike.
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