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Everything posted by keefr2

  1. Thanks, that's why I appreciate posts & threads like this, never having had such a chance, it's really helpful in getting things 'right'. K
  2. I read the Stationmaster's post as saying the 'higher up' chalked on 'destinations' were written on by goods loading people who would be standing on something, while the shunters marks weren't destinations (other than a particular siding) at all, but instructions as to where the wagon was going to be shunted and would be low down as they were writing at ground level? The distinction being in the role of the railwayman doing the writing? I have no real idea, just trying to understand whether I read it right? Keith PS, lovely wagons Chris.
  3. Very impressive. The stylised yellow warning panels are neat too...
  4. They got as far west as Swansea on a daily basis...
  5. Morning PGH, I've just finished spending a happy few days going through your entire thread, & would just like to add my thanks to you for taking the time to post your superb photos for us to enjoy! Absolutely wonderful stuff! Keith PS - what a fantastic selection of liveries there are in your latest batch - almost makes me want to change from my favourite green diesel era..!!
  6. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Well Chaz, If you can justify a 9F....!!
  7. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Ingenious indignity though....!!
  8. keefr2

    Dock Green

    That sounds a tale worth telling!!
  9. Those both look excellent Chaz, but for what it's worth I prefer the brown sample too - that looks very realistic. I'm taking copious notes...! Keith
  10. keefr2

    Dock Green

    I would be hoping to wander down just as the daily trip arrived...!! And I agree, realism can't be everything when it comes to exhibition layout operating - but I can happily spend a fair bit of time looking at layouts of the quality of Dock Green when things aren't running, just to appreciate the modelling & detailing that's gone into them.... K
  11. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Very nice Chaz, I really like that shot! How good would it be to wander down to a local overbridge & watch those two - or two like them - doing an hour or so's shunting...?! (at least you have the chance in miniature, I really must crack on & build something!) keith
  12. keefr2

    Dock Green

    OK Chaz, I'm going to ask the question that probably every other RM web member knows - why Bristol Docks? (something to do with the other wagon types you mentioned not being able to work there?) Keith
  13. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Superb modelmaking Chaz! Like your dad I'm used to plastic kits & while I can confidently work my way around some appaling fit problems with those, I wouldn't have a clue how to go about putting that thing together! But what a lovely locomotive has emerged from your workbench - great paint & weathering too! Keith
  14. If you mean varnish then paint on top of that, I'm not sure as I've never tried it. Acrylic varnish on top of acrylic paint? Yes, it will (although to qualify that, it may be that it just bled through the paint, but as the varnish was clear, then you could obviously see it. So it may not have actually bled through the varnish) I rarely use enamels these days, so don't know how badly they would be affected, but marker pens do bleed through Halfords primer & top coats, as we found out when working on the inside of our Mini! That signal box looks brilliant....!! Keith
  15. Just a small caution with that Chris - don't paint over it, especially with acrylic paint, as it will bleed through. Sometimes months after the model is finished. I won't say how i know.... Keith
  16. I think the slight green tinge actually works quite well in the sidings Chris - with the amount of rain we get in South Wales, most things that aren't regularly used or cleaned have a green film of moss or algae on them... Keith
  17. Very nice! Really lucky 'co-incidence' that one...!!
  18. Yes, sorry Chaz that was exactly what I was trying to say! Paint it whatever colour you like as you can then amend the geology to suit, so no dilemma necessary...! k
  19. All the superlatives seem to have been (rightly!) used up Jason, so I'd just like to say that you have built (or are building) an absolutely superb layout & I am really envious of your quality of workmanship and ability to get everything to such coherent high standard. Not to mention the speed with which you achieve it! Andy's stunning photo's serve to show just how good it is! Excellent work all round, thank you for sharing it with us! Keith
  20. Two in the front, two in the back....sorry, wrong elephant joke! The texturing you've put on that stonework looks incredibly realistic Chaz, really very nice indeed! As to the colour wouldn't it depend on the geology in your bit of Pennsylvania? Keith
  21. What a tremendous photograph - just superb! Any chance you could show it in B&W as well Andy?
  22. I really like your building mock ups Chris - I'd be happy to use those on my layout! Fact is they look better than my attempts at modelling buildings anyway...!! Great thread, really enjoying following developments! Keith
  23. Barmstaple? Where's that then, never been there....??!!
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