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Everything posted by keefr2

  1. A Vauxhall grille on a Clubby really doesn't work....!! PS, the like was for the second pic....!!!
  2. I don't know to be honest Barnaby, as I'm mainly a 1/72nd modeller I don't have the 48th set. All subjective I know, but looking at the photo of the 1/48th set & my actual 72nd scale set, I would say they would be much the same in appearance (to each scale, if you get what I'm trying to say?!) keith
  3. Not wishing to put a spoke in the thread (sorry...), there are now some very fine photo etched bicycles, complete with spokes, available to us aircraft modellers for use as airfield accessories. I know the scale is slightly out, but these are in 1/48; http://www.hannants.co.uk/product/FHP4801B And to show just how fine p.e. spokes can look, these are in 1/72 scale (I have a set, but not yet the courage to make them!); http://www.hannants.co.uk/product/BRL72004 If it were me, I know that the lack of spokes on the bikes would eventually become somewhat of an irritant. Judging from the detail you show in your photo's Chris you are a much better modeller than I, so may well end up feeling the same eventually? Keith (edit as I managed to spell my name incorrectly. Oh dear...!!)
  4. Wish our Mini had paint like that!!
  5. That Sprite is lovely! (as of course, is the rest of the layout!!) keith
  6. Be really annoying when one of those annoyed puts a brick through the windscreen....!!
  7. We're just keeping the last one issued on the Mini, but I do like the idea of one of the month they were registered!
  8. But you don't get a tax disc anymore.... What with your beautiful car & now that lovely blue one, why am I getting the urge to flog the modern SUV & get a classic Jag? Wonder what 'er indoors (Arfur D had a Jag too, didn't he?!) would say to that idea? On second thoughts, I can guess....!! keith
  9. And if I remember correctly (going back 50 years or so, it's a fair bet I don't!), Bus Stop signs around here were a black bordered white regtangular shape, with BUS STOP in black capitals & on two lines.
  10. Is it actually available though? Says this on their website; "This product is in development. Buy in Beta to support this designer and share feedback." Sounds like a type of those crowd funding things...
  11. That they had one hell of a time demolishing! It was rather better built than they expected due to the early use of reinforced concrete construction. Had our council been more farsighted (laugh!) it would have made an excellent arts center (as in the Baltic in Newcastle) or somesuch, & would have saved them a deal of trouble knocking down!
  12. Similarly, I have a Heljan Class 14 & Hornby J94 lanquishing in boxes - a small micro based on that photo may well be a good idea to keep me going until the Peckett arrives on the market!
  13. Oh dear! Shall have a look out for that thanks. I think the cover photo is the same location as the photo in the Middleton Press book, taken from a different angle. Keith Edit: Book found on Amazon. Bought...!!
  14. No, it's neither of those, but they're really useful, many thanks for the links! The one in the book is a 3/4 front view of the loco running past a row of terrace houses - it may be perspective, but it only looks like a pavement & a couple of feet of 'tarmac' between the houses & the loco - with the houses' front doors opening directly onto the pavement - unlike the 'posher' ones with their front gardens & fences in the second pic you linked! Thanks again for the links! Keith
  15. There's a photo I've always wanted to model of a 'Peckett 0-4-0ST' (as per caption) in the Middleton Press book 'Swansea to Carmarthen'. It is 'street running' down Railway Terrace in Llanelli in 1961, the line being what looks like 10 feet or so from the houses' front doors! Not having space for an O gauge layout, a working shelf diorama with one of these running up & down is suddenly becoming very appealling! I have no idea if its the same type of Peckett as this new model, but it certainly looks close enough for government work! Roll on Christmas...!! Keith
  16. Chaz, when aircraft & armour modellers are being lazy & only have a small number of transfers to apply, we sometimes just apply patches of gloss varnish, apply decals & then matt coat. However, I find that when I do this I can still tend to see a difference in the final sheen of the 'patched' area. I now give the whole surface a gloss coat before decalling, even if there's only one transfer to go on. You might find it better to give the whole tender side a quick T-cutting to get the same sheen all over. On the other hand, you may notice no difference & it's just me...!! keith
  17. keefr2

    Dock Green

    And with good reason Chaz - it's superb! Keith
  18. Health factors unfortunately do for me - they've led to me having all the time in the world, but not the energy to use it!
  19. Thanks for the replies Phill & CME. Being inherently lazy I think I'll try the re-inforced single layer approach first! The layout is basically a 'test piece' anyway, so it's not intended to be too permanent in any case. ATB Keith
  20. Lovely collection of classics in the car park! Can I ask Phill, is your building just a single layer of plasticard? I'm just thinking of starting building one for my slowly (very!) growing 4mm effort, & a couple of friends who've done quite a few plasticard buildings tell me they have to be laminated to prevent warping? If I could get away with just a single piece I'd be very happy...!! Keith
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