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Captain Kernow

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Captain Kernow last won the day on April 25 2022

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  1. I was minding my own business earlier today, sat in my own railway room, contemplating an aesthetically pleasing pannier tank, when I heard an advertisement on the wireless for the LNER! Yes, the LNER! The effrontery, bringing the name of that railway uninvited, into my own private sanctum!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. woodenhead


      Or perhaps the remains of the real Flying Scotsman is buried nearby and the montrosity that keeps failing on the mainline is just a facsimile.

    3. DonB


      Jet Packs???  but the border is not anywhere near "Close" and I don't suppose the engine referred to was ever close by the housing development. 

      Perhaps the name refers to a particularly rapid bricklayer?

    4. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      If one were to see a Scotsman utilising a jet pack, pray to god you would have time  to discourage the Memsahib from looking up. 


      In relation to the cul de sac so named, I believe it is recognition of the origins of the metail used to produce the man hole covers and drains. 



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