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Captain Kernow

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Captain Kernow last won the day on April 25 2022

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  1. And here's another thing. You remember all those idiots who panic-bought toilet rolls at the beginning of Covid? Latest thing is panic buying of wood chip cat litter! Unbelievable!


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    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      However there do seem to have been 'supply difficulties' lately for cat litter with the local Tesco not having any of the size of pack we buy for a couple of months - but Waitrose did have it in stock.  I note more recently that the cheaper varieties of cat food seem to disappear off supermarket shelves far more rapidly than used to be the case.


      Much more amusing is the case of a patent medicine I buy, Dioralyte.  we couldn't find this anywhere in the supermarkets we normally frequent including one in Tilehurst (on the western end of Reading).  So herself bought some via the organisation run by large ladies.  it duly arrived by post the next day - from a wholesale company in Reading.

    3. Philou


      No ..... just don't. I had the misfortune of burning some during the winter (well, waste not, want not) and it was truly awful. The strong smell of burning cat-pee did not go down too well with Mrs Philou!! :(

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Philou, I never would have thought of that, if you hadn't mentioned it. Now I think I need a strong drink to get the mental image out of my mind!


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