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Captain Kernow

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Captain Kernow last won the day on April 25 2022

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  1. How f***ing horrible the modern world is - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50246335


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mallard60022


      When I get really f####g angry I go and insult a few Nazis on FB and then retreat to the loft and fondle my rolling stock; very soothing. 

    3. woodenhead


      There probably is some common sense in the change for Asda, it is operating in an increasingly difficult market.


      But how you adopt the change is key to the success, incentives for staff to opt for the new T&C is always going to be a less troublesome method of achieving your objective than threats and terror which unfortunately Asda appear to have taken.


      Taking the example of the 76 year old woman, why should she need to change contract and what real financial benefit would Asda get from having her lugging boxes around the shopfloor at 6am in the morning.  Again companies are very good at the PR lines about staff wellbeing and then go and do something like this which evidences they do nothing other than pay lip service, have businesses not really moved on from Victorian practices.

    4. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      It appears that wellbeing of staff is very much the in thing at the moment but perhaps only when it suits the business concerned.........dreadful business........literally.

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