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Captain Kernow

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Captain Kernow last won the day on April 25 2022

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  1. I do feel for those who are unhappy at the result of the football last night, but one of the benefits of being utterly indifferent to all sporting events is that one just doesn't mind.


    The last time I got upset about a sporting result was in 1981, when an insolent, impertinent young upstart had the cheek to upset the established order and defeated the Master of the game.

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    2. woodenhead


      I spent the evening, as I have for a few days now enjoying a witty drama on Netflix called Atypical.


      Before that On Becoming a God in Central Florida, another simple ditty to while away an evening.


      It was so quiet outside last night, at times it felt like the first night of the first lockdown - I cannot believe I am harking back to the peacefulness of the first lockdown and missing it.

    3. Ian Hargrave

      Ian Hargrave

      I spent the evening away from the hysteria. The absence of vehicle horns and fireworks told its own story. I have imposed on myself a 48 hour embargo on all forms of news media. Thank goodness that’s out of the way.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I didn't realise at the time that the age difference between Borg and McEnroe was (is!) only 3 years. Borg's maturity and coolness set against McEnroe's childish petulance seemed to widen the gulf.


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