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Captain Kernow

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Captain Kernow last won the day on April 25 2022

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  1. Could someone kindly tell me what a 'vegan friendly' mattress is?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. woodenhead


      If we didn't use animal based products then the world would be without sheep, pigs and cattle.  I cannot imagine a situation of 're-wilding' the countryside with sheep and then letting their fleece grow wild so that the poor sheep actually cannot walk which is what would happen.


      I like my duvet and pillow full of feathers, my mattress has wool in it (I hope).


      And while we are at it, plants are also living organisms.....


      Rant over, I wanted to make a joke about it only eating carnivores but it seems someone got there earlier so now I am pi$$ed 🤣

    3. SHMD


      A “vegan friendly” mattress is one of two known kinds of naturally occurring matrressii, (from the genus Zem on the planet Sqornshellous Zeta), and is generally regarded as the “better one to know”.


    4. Hroth


      But they do tend to flollop about a bit...


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