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Captain Kernow

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Everything posted by Captain Kernow

  1. I was rather amused by this sign in the contractors' lavatories at the Whiteball Tunnel work site today:
  2. Yes, there was, in old photos this would seem to have been connected with the passenger halt that existed there on the London-side, but which closed (in 1964, I think), when the Chalford Auto finished.
  3. Well, it would have been rude not to, wouldn't it... (but 10000 will have to wait!)

  4. Well Robin, I like that very much, just the ticket! First time I've managed to see the thread, as I was escorting a group from the Railway Correspondence & Travel Society around the northern part of the S&D yesterday...
  5. I'm getting rather partial to 10000 and 10001. Do you think I could get away with running one of them over the Somerset & Dorset...?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Banked by a J15?

    3. hornbyandbf3fan


      ^yes to the comment above

    4. Jim49


      Why only one of them? Get the pair, it will save you agonising over which one to buy. to

  6. For me, one of the main reasons I like to support local model shops is that you can test a loco before taking it home. Locally, both The Model Shop in Exeter and Expressway Models at the South Devon Railway, Buckfastleigh, have testing facilities and are happy to do so.
  7. Oh, what larks! One must have a good appreciation of what the goggle box has to offer day-by-day, so as not to miss any essential historical documentaries covering the trialling of the Blue Pullman over the South Devon banks....
  8. In a secluded corner of The Gricers Arms, in Combe Hay, a couple of well-to-do gents are sitting conspiratorially over their respective halves of bitter. 'I say, Ivo, I never thought that thing would fit through Combe Down Tunnel, what with those outside rods flailing around like that'.. 'Hush, Norman, we've got to keep this to ourselves for now, don't want that Riley fellow muscling in on the act!' 'But what if he passes by and sees the Bentley parked up outside?' bleated Norman 'Don't worry, he's not about today, I sent him an anonymous postcard from Welshpool last week, which had a photograph of a Beyer Garratt on the front, he'll be chasing that thing around the Cambrian all week, if I'm not mistaken!' 'But the Garratt is being trialled over the Dorset on Friday!' exclaimed Norman 'Yes, rather a jolly wheeze, don't you think!' replied Ivo, 'Anyway, where would you like to get your next shot of that Dukedog? There's a good view from the fields opposite Midford Castle'. 'No, that's no good', replied Norman, ' that diagram works back to Bristol TM via Camerton. Let's try that road bridge near Engine Wood'. 'Fair enough then. And what about next weekend? Do you fancy a trip to Devon to see how the Blue Pullman gets on over the Devon Banks? My second cousin Martha Finching-Harbottle has offered to put us up in Glazebrook Manor'...
  9. Patience, patience! I suspect that the Finching sisters will yet have the opportunity to get better acquainted with a gentleman from the Royal Navy...
  10. Er, some of the rest of us hoi-polloi did notice that too, but were too gentlemanly to mention it...!! (Honest, Guv!)
  11. In a similar vein, it reminds me of the atmosphere on Brian Harrap's 'Quai 87' - a cold winter Sunday morning waiting for the ferry at Zebrugge, nothing to do, nowhere open, and another two hours to go...
  12. I did like that clip, it just the right feel of waiting by the lineside on a cold Sunday morning for the only train for a while to pass through....
  13. Hear that lonesome whistle blow!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      You in Georgia doin' time?

  14. Bah! Rain ain't shown up yet! All I can offer 'ee is some light mist and a bit of belated mellow fruitfulness...! (but 'ees comin', I tell ye!)

  15. Enjoy the sunshine while you can, lubbers! Captain Kernow is sending more rain your way!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 69843


      Yeesh! I thought the 35C in Lithgow today was bad!

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Your generosity will be your undoing!

    4. yorkie_pudd


      if CK is sending more rain down south, it will save me doing the snow dance for the south then.

  16. Tim - 'Callow Lane' will need it's own bespoke backscene, which will be semi-permanently attached to the layout, and part of the protective packing for the scenic board when they are packed away. It will also feature a lot of part-relief buildings, as you probably know. As far as 'Engine Wood' is concerned, I think that some kind of a roll-up backscene is indeed the way forward, probably something photographically printed a la Nevard. However, the operating team are pressing me to extend the middle board, so as to fit a longer radius set of points, which would extend the scenic section by at least another two feet. I think that that would be the time to consider a backscene. In the meantime, I'll keep my eye out for suitable landscapes that could serve (the real Cam Valley in the Engine Wood area doesn't really lend itself to this, I did visit it several years ago and took photos...)
  17. Wot, you mean you don't like the scenic views of my conservatory! ;-) Thought about a backscene for EW for quite some time, the layout will be 20 years old this year, it would be quite an undertaking to produce something for the whole 14' of the scenic section, but which wouldn't be permanently fixed to the layout, due to the way it packs away. I did start something a few years ago, but it proved too unwieldy. Happy to consider suggestions!
  18. Hauled away by a kettle! Perhaps waiting to be joined by his brother, Hal? ;-)
  19. Peter, great work, as ever. I like the way that you weather your buildings, particularly the cream-painted wooden structures, are there any techniques and tips you could share in that respect, please? Thanks.
  20. I put 'Engine Wood' up for testing this morning (it is normally packed away at home), to ensure that all was well for a forthcoming session. The testing regime normally consists of running a loco up and down all roads, in all configurations, ensuring that the signals work etc. This time, apart from my usual pannier test loco, I deployed 82044 on the layout for the first time. This loco, which is a combination of Bachmann body and modified Comet chassis, featured in some of my earlier blogs a couple of years ago or so, but apart from running it up and down on my test track, it had never been run on either of my OO layouts. Fortunately, it seems to have acquitted itself OK today, and thus earns itself a place in the roster... 82044 arriving with a train from Bristol TM to Templecombe: Waiting for the road: Pannier and local NCB loco stabled in the yard: 82044 gets the road and re-starts the train: About to pass over the footpath crossing to the west of the station: Passing over the river bridge: View over the hedgerow:
  21. I am very much enjoying seeing this project unfold...!
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