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Everything posted by Legend

  1. The times they are a changing. Bob Dylan Fools to the left of me Jokers to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you. Stealers Wheel I think some sort of contraction inevitable , as the midwife said. I think semi volume production for trainset market, in so far as that still exists, with low cost( I mean to make) models . Clearly the prices need to be competitive in this market. I've said it before but a Railroad budget priced range of trains people actually see on the railway. HST, 66 and 156 , already in their range but marketed wrongly, I think is way to go. Then high spec enthusiast market , maybe with lower production runs than have hitherto been the case. I think there is a need still to be as competitive as possible, but clearly the enthusiast market is not as price sensitive as the train set one , and you can probably get away with a larger margin per unit. I think that's what Bachmann have been doing, but at the extreme end . Hornby look to be a bit more realistic. In either case the model here is sell less but at higher margin, hopefully as I said with realistic margin aspirations, or you'll just hack off the punters and make the market even smaller , as folk look to value for money and find they can easily get more enjoyment elsewhere Tricky times
  2. Yep , even to me, one of the most vociferous against price increases, this is an acceptable reason. It's simples ! If you pay for goods and services in USD it now costs a lot more . If we are talking price increases around 15% Mark then I think Hornby are passing on a fair amount. I do contrast this with Bachmann whose 20% pa over the last three years based on supposed labour cost increases (it's true there are increases but not to account for 20% on final selling price)is just outrageous and has no such firm foundation
  3. You've got to wonder who thought this would be a good idea? I thought I'd been magically transported to April 1st. It's up to them of course, but what a waste of resources. Never seen this mentioned in any poll. On the other hand a working turntable.......
  4. And can we just point out Bachmanns price increases were pre Brexit in fact about 20% pa for three years. Awaiting next years announcements with interest. Also as Wicor says Hornby still in general below Bachmanns prices
  5. I appreciate that crowd funding means you have the right to get a locomotive, but what happens beyond that really isn't of concern to you. As had been stated the contract you had has been fulfilled on delivery of your model. Actually to stop someone from making later releases (at a higher price , so therefore not at crowd founders advantageous terms) is more selfish as you are depriving other modellers of the model. Suppose you have no need for a 92 now , but in three years time you do.Have you got to wait for another crowd funding initiative? I look at crowd funding as simply being a way of funding new models, not restricting models to those who initially funded it.
  6. Quite. If someone is showing plans at a show I think you can regard it as announced. Seems to contradict with the not announcing it until ready for market. Unless it's imminent, of course
  7. Oh dear, what a shame. I do feel for both manufacturers who will have invested a lot of time in this bringing what they thought would be an unlikely to be duplicated model to market. But surely under crowd funding if sufficient numbers are reached then the model should go ahead . Presumably it's wise to build in a provision for people who may default after paying the initial deposit. It might be wise to increase that provision here. But if, taking this into account, sufficient numbers are reached then why would you not go ahead in either gauge. Something I find puzzling. If the alternate supplier has not announced his 92 in "n" or "OO" yet then how do people know to cancel their existing orders with DJM? I'm not sure why but if there's been an orchestrated effort to let some people know there is an alternative on the go , but not inform others then I find that a bit distasteful. Surely the other party should have made an announcement when Dave launched the crowd funding initiative. I appreciate they only want to announce when they've got something ready for market, but clearly there had been an important development here. If I read these threads correctly then DJM is the only one to have secured Caledonian Sleeper rights , so would that not make this the most popular model and therefore the one most likely to go ahead? I think Dave is right, however, once approached a we will do an "n" gauge one and you do an "OO" one would be construed as anti competitive carving up the market. Now standing back from this you might say this is only model railways and therefore not as important as something more mainstream,but it is the principle that counts and where does trivial end and important begin . Overall I do feel for both parties. I sense the frustration with Dave which maybe led to him unwisely revealing the other manufacturers plans, but then faced with cancelled orders I think I'd be quite annoyed too. Can I suggest to avoid this in the future, manufacturers look at producing something Scottish. There seems very little chance of any duplication there! I'll get my Caley 812 0-6-0 yet!
  8. Where's that moggy when you need it! Agree exceptional value. Well done Oxford
  9. Is this the actual price(I hope it is) or just Hattons estimate? Hattons have form on this. Is it confirmed elsewhere?
  10. It's not a Pendolino. This issue is class 220/221/222 Voyagers and Meridians
  11. Hoping for a Scotrail version in due course. Depends on price though, but Oxford have proven to be somewhat more realistic than others in price and margin expectations . High hopes
  12. Not that simple though. My Gaugemaster units have inertia or simulated acceleration built in. So does this mean I can use coreless motors or not. What happens if I do ? Does the motor burn out or is it erratic running. I do think it's time someone gave definitive information . It does seem to be primarily DJM that's using these, although I note Bachmann have it in their latest Ivatt 2MT (but not V2?). Shouldn't they be obliged to give guidance other than the usual bland "not suitable for use........." I think Gaugemaster may also provide some guidance on this. After all it's in their interests to sell more controllers.
  13. That's it official then , an H class. Good for Hornby , the announcement refers to the events of the last year which they say will defer the 2017 range into the second half of the year. Quite understandable. Happy for all those folks wanting an H and it's good to see Hornby coming back on line. Probably a good subject too with all the Southern modellers saying they want one. Just hope Hornby remember there are some of us North of the Thames and even some of us in the barren wastelands north of Hadrians Wall . They are promising future announcements........
  14. Agree with yourself and Wombatofludham, a range of L&NWR items would be good. The only issues I see are they are mainly black (although an LMS Crimson Claughton would be lovely), not many of them made it to BR days. I don't necessarily agree , but most mainstream manufacturers believe this will restrict sales. Have a look at the latest Bachmann mag on why they don't make a Highland Railway Clan as an example of this . The main advantage of a Caley 812 is its colourful and there is a preserved example still existant. Coupled to them running well into late BR steam era then it seems to be a more attractive proposition to manufacturers . At least I hope so.
  15. Caley 812 class 0-6-0 Loco. They could do it Caley Blue, LMS Black , early and late BR . There's a preserved one on Strathspeys line. It's a gorgeous colour scheme, something different . Could follow on from their Deans Goods. Failing that NBR J36. Could tie in with their NBR wagons But if they want to go big in model railways it has to be something more mainstream . In modern image that's Class 66, a sprinter dmu (156perhaps) and an HST power car to go with their mk3s On steam , well theres not a lot of low hanging fruit , so their going to have to go in and pick off old or un available models from the big 2 . 43xx and Manor are obvious choices. Bring it in at a good standard and lower price than Bachmann (shouldn't be hard) then they will be succesfull.
  16. Good morning from Bangor, Northern Ireland. Nice morning. Staying in a beautiful coaching inn. A good set up for another day of product costing
  17. Absolutely agree it would be good for Hornby to bring out Bullieds to the standards of their latest Colletts and L&SWR stock. But I fear this is a misunderstanding somewhere along the run. I do think it would be a good choice for them despite the existence of the Bachmann range. They could be volume sellers if brought in at reasonable price ie their existing pricing structure. Weren't the Bachmann Bullieds originally designed by Airfix ? I do remember tantalising glimpses of These coaches appearing in Airfix Catalogues. As coach ranges to model run out, I think it is time for a revamp.
  18. I agree . It's coming home on a winters night to a nice warm house with a cosy glow and the smell of baking. It's traditional, looks old fashioned but actually isn't with it's "talking points" leading the way with comment on the hobby. There's a lot more reading in it than other magazines.
  19. I remember it from Model and Miniature Railways a New Egland part work from about 74. His layout was heavily featured in there. A great layout. . Only ever saw pictures never a layout diagram
  20. Great video as always Doug. Thoroughly enjoy them. That dmu has got a bit of a growl about it
  21. Everyone knows it's a class 126 Swindon Ayrshire Unit. Very widespread, well anywhere between Glasgow and Stranraer , to me it's an obvious choice, what's all the fuss?
  22. Always inspirational Dave and great to see layout overall. I hadn't realised you had been unwell , so best wishes for continued recovery. As you say we should appreciate our health more considering what some people have to put up with. Best wishes and looking forward to more pics from you "bake off" sessions. I knew that program would be good for something!
  23. One of the things about RMweb is you occasionally stumble across a gem of a layout by accident. For me this is one of these cases . What a superb layout just oozing West Highland atmosphere. Really astonished that the scenic section is only 8' as from the shots it appears much bigger. Love the track layout and the station with it's overhead trestles. Just superb. Captures the era I was growing up , I'd probably be 8 so it just seems much more evocative than many other layouts. I also know the area slightly having passed it on way to Campbeltown . The HB Viva just takes me right back to holidays and days out with my Mum and Dad. Just superb! As others have said, more pics please when you have the time I can also add as a Glaswegian it would be lovely to see this layout at Model Rail Scotland. Organisers, you are out there, what you waiting for. If not Glasgow, maybe Perth .
  24. Regrettably I only get to see the offices or plants in these places, but thanks for advice on Antwerp .
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