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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Very nice, and a model that's proving hard to find at the moment. They tidy up well with a touch of paint.
  2. Nice shot, though I believe an addition to the RMWeb livery notation is required: I propose GSqYP. I would be tempted to choose one of those for my 40 when time comes, sadly the conversions were too late for my chosen period so I'll have to be boring and do a conventional machine. Nice shots on that site (new site to me, thx), there's an absolute belter of a Peak heading over Chirmorie.
  3. 101 Damnations, I'm calling the current WB episode here on the Culreoch works. Best not to ask. My 101 notes here cribbed from railcar.co.uk show the your first set as being 1958 deliveries, with the last three sets going to Hamilton* first off. The second batch I've only noted as being late '59 deliveries, no note made of where they went. The Real Deltic - none of your mass-market production series! - well, what do you know! *Hamilton - the forgotten shed of the West of Scotland?
  4. Love the way there's so much more to the layout than just what's on-scene and modelled. The history and sense of location is so much fuller developed, even while the layout's in it's genesis (small 'g' of course).
  5. Thanks Chard, I feel much better about my list now But where's the units? No Met Camms, 12A Lightweights both early or late... or... whisper it... Gloucesters!
  6. Clocked this on second read. Mate, "finest" is clearly a matter of taste - I prefer a couple more horsepower in my few ScR BRCWs But it is interesting all the same, and one wonders what it got up to. That said, Haymarket did send 26s on cement as far as Irvine in the mid 70s, so precedence is more or less there already.
  7. Hiya, I presume you found it on Barkingbill's site? On Flickr you can access different resolutions of the same image, picking the biggest: Makes it legible (or near enough) I'm sure Bill won't mind too much, but an image credit is worthwhile. His truly excellent images cover the 60s to the present day, and can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/barkingbill/
  8. Interesting. Early EE type 3 deployment in Scotland is something I've yet to get a handle on. In the mid-bottom left hand side of Scotland where I focus my attention, I seem to associate them mainly with oil traffic, locos which I presumed were off Grangemouth shed. Careful now, keep the tartan and shortbread twinges to 2mm/N
  9. Also worth noting the Haymarket version of GSYP as applied to their ex-disc, now blind-fitted 40s, with a squarish yellow panel IIRC.
  10. Perfect sense John, sounds a good way to get the windows close enough to flush also. Very enjoyable blog to follow, watching what you can do with plasticard - it's not a material I get on with much, though a lot of folk do.
  11. Search isn't brilliant, not something easily fixed or I'm sure it'd have been done. Searching RMweb using Google is much better. Here's your thread: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/topic/10116-table-a-la-carte/ J.
  12. Cool, very Rushby-esque plans.
  13. John it's an amazing scratchbuild - I saw the pic of the chassis on your earlier posting, and thought it was a layout baseboard! Seriously! If I can risk being a wee bitty cruel (though I certainly don't mean it in such a way), is there anything you can do to radius the window corners - maybe a wee bit of filler in there? Just to take the sharp edge off? I'll wheesht now before Mikkel tells you I'm the pointing man
  14. No pussy-footing around, straight in at the deep end goes our Pugsley. Should be good, Andrew's 4mm one certainly seems to work. You could probably assess what it's looking like by wetting the sides, to get a temporary gloss.
  15. Be sure to take a nice square-on shot of the Western insignia on the black & white SCSxxxM Y type for me Edit: have some parcels http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=29497
  16. I'll save comment on the early Y-type model until you set up this proper blog then 'Chard. I did a fair bit of digging for my "model" of Western's XCS924. I'm sure when I go through the points I left incorrect it will prompt me to want to redo it. Of course, you may be happy just to repaint them and not be bothered too much.
  17. http://www.scot-rail.co.uk/page/Class+150 suggests the 150s got sent South in 2005. Whether that's good news or not depends if viewed from your or your wallet's point of view Usual compliments on both photography and modelling Dave: always a thread to watch for inspiration.
  18. That's very nice work James. One to be proud of.
  19. Cool, you had me worried I'm not up on my vital statistics. Be kind to the old girl though, she's got a few more years under her belt than the latest Jubilee/Clan/what have you. Perhaps Hornby will have a wee tweak sometime, tidying up the front bogie, bufferbeam and tender would pretty much do it. (IMO)
  20. Trix wheel cleaners. Wire brushes set in a plastic case. Sit it on rails, sit loco on it, hold gently, apply track power. Sorted. http://www.amazon.com/Trix-Locomotive-Wheel-Cleaning-Brush/dp/B0000WRG64 (only works for driven wheels, mind)
  21. What's up with the length of the new-generation 5MT? The ones in MRJ and dotted about RMWeb suggest it polishes up into a top-notch model with little work.
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