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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Jamie

    Arise, Sir Bill!

    Beautiful work Tim.
  2. A-wooga A-wooga A-wooga... ...it can only be The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show on 6music. B) Perfect soundtrack for some coach building.
  3. You do not have an Uncle called Bob yet then Russ. Bide your time for one of the next variants, the W&M version didn't come North (the only version that didn't IIRC).
  4. 'Chard: This'll be one of your Haymarket 37s, just freshly North by the look of the date: I think you've posted re the david.l.quayle collection on flickr before, but it's always worth a look. This late, plain green 20 has me all a quiver again: Must shut up about it and actually model it, eh?
  5. Jamie

    Heljan class 17

    I note Modelfair have a new batch of Claytons in their "what's new" listing. Including, like the BTHs, a gloss-finish one. I'm tempted to see what can be done using the gloss finish as a basis.
  6. Jamie

    Lady in Red

    Oh my, a maroon Duchess. Shan't/Can't comment on the colour, but I do like the Ivatt mods. Something different.
  7. All entirely off-topic: Yes that one's visible from the roadside. I struggle to get my head round what was BR there and what was likely to be NCB/predecessors. But by location - as I understand it - Cronberry Jct was where the Muirkirk line split to go on past Logan and continue to the A&C, or along past Commondyke to Auchinleck. That 'box' is the wrong side of the Bellow Water, more like where the mineral line split from the Auchinleck line and headed up the NW side of the river. But that said, I'm not very knowledgeable about that wee corner of the world. Aaand back on topic: The NBL couldn't be heading for use as a contractor's loco ripping up some Borders backwater? Things I don't want to receive at Xmas # 503...
  8. Looks even more impressive in colour than the b&w version on the How Realistic... thread. Superb shot.
  9. A quick catch-up session on Railbrit's "new images" found me these diesel shots on the Wavey route: http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=31014 http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=31037 http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=31046
  10. Jamie

    Finished (almost)

    Sweet, and doesn't look at all GWR-bashed
  11. Aye, you've proved me wrong there 'Chard, very impressive, far more natural and native looking.
  12. I reckon the windows make it look a bit modern or continental at the front, I'm afraid :S They're too big/long/square IMO. But that's only my taste as a pedant, you're welcome to disregard. The roof doesn't bother me at all, looks perfectly fine.
  13. Jamie

    1st item of stock

    Careworn's what you want I guess. Aged, but not knackered.
  14. Scots pubs have such dull names (at least the ones I can remember being in...), don't recall anything approaching - for instance - Slaithwaite's the Silent Woman or Leg of Mutton both IIRC.
  15. Jamie

    1st item of stock

    Looks very much the part there fella. Scab red - that'll be sort of maroon then? It'll be an elegant looking coach.
  16. Wind the clock back to the mid 90s, and from what I recall, a typical coach was about a third the price of a typical steam loco. That's my impression anyway, I'd have to dig out some old magazine adverts to verify the £18 and £60 figures I have in mind. Back to today, and with a steam loco often in the £85-100 mark, £30 for a coach actually seems quite proportionate. Larry's point about the DIY alternative is of course completely valid. Can't agree more. In general appearance I'm happy with them (colour excepted), but I'd have liked to have seen a more useful range of Staniers - a BG, BSK and SK aren't enough, and the First is of no use to me whatsoever. However, it means more gold for the cottage industries, more brass for my cupboard. Can't be that bad. Hope to pick up a Hawksworth BG at the weekend, to be lost under a mountain of parcels stock filth...
  17. Need an ScR prototype shot Dave? Believe this was the 6.40am ex Inchkennet: http://georgestrainpics.fotopic.net/p64127410.html
  18. Hi Jam, those look really smart, I have to say. What are you using to produce them, software-wise. I'm guessing if not some Desktop Publishing programme, then perhaps Powerpoint or similar? I'm a bit pedantic about clear and yet stylish presentation of text*, and what you've got there looks very professional. (* I'm currently trying to decide between fonts for a layout nameplate, Optima and Gill Sans. Why do I care so much about trivia like that??)
  19. Clips: two each side, inboard of the axles and behind the wheels from what I can recall. Not the easiest to unclip, mind you.
  20. Throwing a pair into the mix, more LMS 4-6-0s: http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=30557 http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete.php?id=30672
  21. Entertaining read as ever 'Chard, gives a foretaste of what you're working to achieve in miniature.
  22. Cpt K, you have exactly the same issue as me, in running green diesels on a line which closed just prior to the otherwise inevitable influx of the oil burners. I do restrict myself to types which were otherwise prevalent in the local area, and would doubtless have taken over from steam, had a more optimistic outlook been in force. These liberties from the truth bother me from time to time, but I'm afraid I've too much of a soft spot for green BRCWs with white window surrounds, bodyside stripes and yellow panels to get rid of them completely.
  23. I fear the Port Road was not soiled by such impure traction... (just like it never saw a Met Camm, BRCW, EE Type 4, but IMTS)
  24. Quality, so when I'm finished burning out the last of my enthusiasm getting Cully out to it's show I'll be able to sit back and read/view progress on the midlands-based bit of southern Scotland? Magic.
  25. Jamie

    EBay madness

    It was always a sought-after model, that one, often selling at prices in triple figures. I always wanted one due to local connections, but not after the Bachmann version came out.
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