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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Will, for photos of odd subjects such as this, have you tried http://www.geograph.org.uk ? I've had a quick search based on "norwood road bridge" but by knowing the precise location you'll possibly have more luck.
  2. Last shot looks wonderful. Very Haymarket-esque with the EE pair.
  3. Chard - I found this thread from 2007 while digging around the old forum for other purposes. You may find some interest in it: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2355 J.
  4. http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete.php?id=30263 - Hawick and a D49. I wonder what the square projections from the window area of the signal box are. While I'm here: http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=30227 - a D34 nearby, alongside what appears to be a corrugated-sided coach and an impressive array of oil drums.
  5. So there is basis for the modeller's love of the sky blue Humbrol
  6. Superb thread. I've similarly got a growing backlog of Black Fives which have been "roughed in" for the moment, but are crying out for this level of upgrade over the winter. I particularly like how you've arranged the Comet bogie mounting, ingenious. I must bookmark this thread for later reference.
  7. Thanks Bob, I wondered what the history was up there.
  8. Bob, semi- off topic but where/what was the distinction between St Rollox and Cowlairs. I think one was NB and the other Caley, but by the BR period what was the set-up? Thanks for the lifting traverser explanation... I'd guessed wrongly that it involved an overhead crane. J.
  9. Jamie

    EBay madness

    Say what you will, but that looks pretty smart to my mind.
  10. Temptation on a plinth there - very nice , took me a lot of willpower to resist the similarly themed Rails L/Es.
  11. Oh that's come up very well indeed... In a suitably grim way of course, and very much "of it's time".
  12. I don't want to sound like some sort of stalker of Andrew, but I'll add another attempt to persuade him to post some of those fantastic scenes I've seen elsewhere on the net.
  13. I'd duplicate them if I were you. Putting them here as a blog will make a convenient library to keep them together, but they'll get better immediate visibility duplicated in the forum section. Thanks, by the way, for putting them online. I've no knowledge whatsoever of the continental railway scene, but have been enjoying reading your review articles.
  14. That's made a huge improvement to the side profile, by closing the bogie-frames gap. It was the one thing I remarked to myself on when reading your last entry. Set of new Gibson bogie wheels would just be the cherry on top. The B12 is such an elegant prototype.
  15. :lol: Beyond words mate, beyond words B) Beautiful machine, to this shallow appreciator of the aesthetic, no other i/c engined loco comes close. (the buildup had me thinking it was a Stanier Duchess or something similarly serious) (also I am heartened to see that even the Queen Mum doesn't get the headcodes properly wound.)
  16. That site's fantastic 'Chard. You'll have clocked the St Boswell's one: http://ssa.nls.uk/film.cfm?fid=5522 no doubt, but so many of interest. Loving the 2Ps giving it legs at a wet St Enoch as well.
  17. The Torwoodlee shot is excellent and one that I'd missed before - sparkly BRCW and such a modellable train. - Hornby Stanier BG, Bachy Mk1s and vans. Reminds me, I need to acquire and build more vanfits to bolster the tail traffic pool.
  18. Another few from my regular Railbrit trawl http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=29882 http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=29841 Not really on topic, but still from the sa'at an' sauce side of the country - Corstorphine might make a nice wee model: http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=29869 Quick, the antidote please: ... ahh, much more like it
  19. Good to see you back Ravenser, and that things are settling out ok. Pete Harvey's your man for 150 seat 'outlines' http://www.phd-design.co.uk/Products/Class150seats/Class150seats.htm J.
  20. Can't agree more with Charles' post. Wonderful East coast atmosphere, and beautiful stock. I'm sure other NBR fanciers on the forum will be inspired by what you've achieved here.
  21. First shot looks excellent Will, the flowing curves are very pleasing to the eye.
  22. A leftovers special Andy Looks the part, and the thin corrugated edge is a lot finer than the Wills sheet plastic.
  23. Nemone on the recently reprieved BBC 6music
  24. That looks better than the Bachmann ones I have in my drawer here by virtue of your door fixtures and the thin bodysides. B)
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