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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Very challenging indeed in that pic, one set of points and a signal to guess from What else? Well, it's exLNER stock, clearly. The engine is either Stanier - Black 5, Jubilee maybe, or perhaps a Standard 5. Don't know how common these were, B1s, V2s and occasional Standard Pacifics being more my stereotypical Waverley steam perception. As an outsider of course. But it ain't any of them. Not up on my LNER/NBR signals, can't reach Robotham's tome from where I'm sat. But might reach over later, for a look. Mainline to the left, or straight (taller signal, distant) branch/secondary route to right. Distant hasn't been cleared. Must be a clue in that distant, I'm sure.
  2. Jamie


    Very nice stock there Stewart. The GNoSR area is a nicely off-beat subject so good luck and have fun with the project.
  3. I keep looking for R&M on R2 on a Thurs night. I'll get used to the new schedule sometime
  4. Actually, I think I'm losing the plot. All I can find tonight is a clip of the winding engine at Lady Vic. Just ignore me, and watch the Barclays feeding blue 20s and GFYE 27s, and generally zipping around. Fantastic. Does StuartP read this thread? Edit: put up some notes on the NCB(ScR) industrial videos on my blog.
  5. Cured my immense irritation with 'popular' radio breakfast shows* in the car today by rediscovering Radio 4. *Where do they get those people (R1, R2, Clyde, etc) and why inflict them on me first thing in the morning when I'm at my least tolerant?
  6. Have lost a post advising 'Chard that by following his youtube link he'll be able to find related videos (by the same youtube user) of Lady Victoria colliery, Newtongrange as discussed earlier on this thread.
  7. Jamie

    Heljan class 17

    well there was someone on the old RMWeb modelling Ardrossan shed, though possibly sans Claytons B)
  8. I do like your Sealink coaches, every garish bit of them Perfect behind a 27 on a Glasgow George Sq - Stranraer run. Seriously though, if you're contemplating the roof ribs, 10min each with a curved scalpel blade, no need to be over-careful, just scrape 'em away. Takes longer in fact to brush-repaint the roof. I couldn't bear the thought of doing it myself, but once I gave it a go it turned out to be a piece of cake.
  9. http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=28384 Hawick, 72002.
  10. Buena Vista Social Club Presents: Omara Portuondo. Think of it as escape from a dreich Glasgow Easter Monday to sun-soaked Cuba. B)
  11. Drawing dated 1899, though I see no reference or allusion to a pre-existing building on the drawing, even on the indicative site plan. That could of course be covered on other drawings.
  12. Again, not Waverley per se, but Borders is Borders, isn't it? Amongst others, there's been drawings of Rothbury station put on Railbrit of late - not perfect but enough to tempt - or work from. http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=28201
  13. Now there's some proper civil/structural engineering going on in miniature. :icon_thumbsup2: :icon_thumbsup2:
  14. St Kilda?? Oh- not quite that remote. Best of luck with the move Russ.
  15. Could the approach be, to contact the membership/general secretary of these organisations, and ask for relevant membership data - the aim being to assess market size which appears to be the biggest query of Mr Lovett. Sort of describing the purpose of the letter and asking broad questions about membership numbers, degree of railway modelling interest, possibly more. Precise detail is perhaps not that important, but some scale of the market is. And remember, this is still only reaching and assessing a subset of the broader market. I'd considered alternative approaches of perhaps assembling and presenting a 'package' of preliminary research work, drawing sources, photographic references, possibly also measurements and drawings made of any preserved examples, but consider that without the market assessment it would be largely pointless. Perhaps Hornby will be better placed to gauge the Scottish 4mm market, using the sales figures of the recent Polmadie-special Black 5 45458 (IIRC).
  16. No, Larry, if you are referring to my response, you weren't. I merely asked for your reasoning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generally, I think discussion of why the general modelling public won't build kits (do I need to dig out that misshapen lump of whitemetal to upload a pic?) is largely irrelevant, as they neither read RMWeb nor will be swayed by those claiming a modelling high-ground. There was a perfectly valid, fairly modern kit for the S&D(JR) 2-8-0... Similarly, discussion of coaches - nothing but muddying the water. We don't have a basic set of Staniers RtR, with the missing CK at a very minimum, so no-one will buy a LMS liveried Duchess? Aye right enough. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, let's not fall into ever decreasing circles on this thread just as things were beginning to move forward, let's maybe go back to Bob's post of last night. I'll be willing to do donkey work, but don't know my elbow from Montparnasse when it comes to locomotives. How did we ScR/NER types get a Clayton, after all?
  17. Thanks for the considered response LNWRmodeller. I guess in that context, this present thread appears to be aiming to be ahead of the competition lobbying the manufacturers. FWIW my own needs are not served out the box either, nor are they likely to regardless of whether this effort bears any fruit.
  18. Possibly. It might come across that one thread on one internet site should be enough to convince the manufacturers, the big two, to do us a model. However, I think there's a clear sense of realism, not least from Caledonian who's leading this effort admirably. I'll personally be happy if we see some consideration given, if we can present a strong enough case for a manufacturer to take any notice, even if the answer is - "well played, but no". That much looks promising already, top marks to the man from Barwell for the considered response. You also mention kits, this does worry me. AFAIA the Scottish loco scene is under-served even in kit form, scraping the barrel of Ebay for 1970s vintage whitemetal kits (with worthy exceptions, e.g. Caley Coaches kits, some Highland stuff too) is not really much indication of a strong market. 26power's post, typed in authentic BR maroon above, is worthy of further consideration as to the way forward. J.
  19. Thanks for response Dave, I kind of fudged both of my points, will try again with sharper mind. Larry seemed quite dismissive of the entire case, and I wondered why.
  20. Why's that? Because it would strengthen the English loco's case? Or because say the GER or whatever has a bigger following than the CR/NBR? It is certainly ambitious while the market for any pregroup locomotive is still somewhat unproven. However, no harm in trying. A J38? As we say in this neck of the woods, haud me back. Useful, perhaps, cheap mod to the J39, perhaps, but would the casual observer spot (and care about) the difference enough to buy one? I don't think it'd sell anything like as well as the more distinctive types proposed earlier. (repeated edits, almost as bad as that Teviotbank chappie)
  21. Interesting, that looks much 'redder' than my BG went on T-cutting, I thought I might have to respray the passenger ones (not wishing to bury them under so much filth as the full brake) - hence I didn't buy any.
  22. a) Brake second from Stanier Porthole stock by the look of it. Don't half look odd in blue/grey though. e) Exactly.
  23. I'd think it will go down a treat at the exhibition, it looks excellent in the images you've been posting. B)
  24. That's certainly a nice finish Andy. I tried something similar once (on the bodywork anyway) by building up the bauxite colour in a mix of thin washes and drybrushing from a grey primer basis.
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